Found 217 Articles for Javascript Library

How to add a line through to a canvas-type text using Fabric.js?

Updated on 06-Feb-2023 11:42:53


To add a line through to a canvas-type text using Fabric.js, you can use the "set('textDecoration', 'line-through')" method on the text object. This method allows you to set the textDecoration property of the text object to "line-through", which will add a line through the text. Finally, you need to call the "renderAll()" method to update the canvas with the new text decoration. Fabric.js is a JavaScript library for working with object-oriented canvas graphics. It provides an easy-to-use API for creating and manipulating canvas elements, such as shapes, text, and images. With Fabric.js, you can create complex canvas graphics and animations ... Read More

How to access a model's data from a view in Backbone.js?

Updated on 06-Feb-2023 11:26:57


In Backbone.js, views are typically associated with a model and have access to the model's data through the view's this.model property. To access the data of the model in a view, you can use the get() method on the model, passing in the name of the attribute you wish to retrieve. Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that helps to structure and organize client-side code.Backbone.js provides a model-view-controller (MVC) framework for building web applications. The model represents the data, the view represents the UI, and the controller manages the interactions between the two. This structure allows for a clear separation ... Read More

How is Ajax different from JavaScript Libraries and Run Time Environments?

Updated on 06-Feb-2023 11:10:40


The focus of this article will be on what AJAX is, how it works in a nutshell, what makes it such a convenient yet powerful tool and how it is different from JavaScript libraries and JavaScript RunTime Environment. AJAX Introduction and History Ajax, short for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a technique for creating dynamic and interactive web applications. It was first introduced in the early 2000s and has since become a staple of modern web development. The key feature of Ajax is its ability to update parts of a web page without requiring a full page reload. This is ... Read More

How does the Fabric architecture work in React Native?

Updated on 06-Feb-2023 11:05:08


React Native's Fabric architecture is a performance-focused update to the traditional React architecture. It uses asynchronous rendering and a new reconciliation algorithm to improve app performance and reduce the time it takes to update the UI. Fabric also allows for more efficient use of memory and better handling of complex animations and interactions. The Problem In the current architecture, all the UI operations are handled by a sequence of cross-bridge steps. There are four core sections in the current architecture − The React code written by the developer (which is very similar to its web counterpart), The JavaScript that ... Read More

Explain various math functions that can be used in CoffeeScript

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 05-Apr-2023 12:03:43


CoffeeScript was introduced in 2009, which compiles JavaScript. The simple difference between CoffeeScript and JavaScript is that of syntax. The syntax of CoffeeScript is very simple. As CoffeeScript compiles JavaScript, we can use every method of JavaScript in CoffeeScript. So, we will explain every math function of a Math object we can use in CoffeeScript. In JavaScript, Math is a static object, so we can use it directly without taking the reference of any element. We can call the methods of the Math object by taking the ‘Math’ keyword as a reference. Math functions in CoffeeScript Math.abs() The abs() method ... Read More

How do I pass an event handler to a component in ReactJS?

Aman Kumar
Updated on 08-Dec-2022 06:15:01

1K+ Views

Reactjs is an open source javascript library, used in web development to build interactive pages in websites. Reactjs provides user friendly, declarative, and precise. Components Components are individualistic and reusable bits of code in react js. It helps to create separate files for our class and function. In general components are two types− class components and function components. Event Handlers Event handlers define what action to be performed when an event is fired or triggered. Events in react preceded with “on” for example onClick, and onFocus. Event handler in react is just like DOM in HTML, react has also same handler ... Read More

What you need to know about React Server Component?

Payal Mittal
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:56:59


Developers frequently have to choose between performance and SEO while creating conventional client-side-only React apps. Server components give developers the ability to utilize the server infrastructure more effectively and, thus, by default, attain excellent performance. By combining the most beneficial aspects of client-side interaction and server-side rendering, React Server Components enable programmers to create apps that are easy to create and maintain, and they can be shared across different projects. In this article, we'll take a look at what React Server Components are and how they can be used to create isomorphic applications. What Are React Server ... Read More

What is REST API in React.js?

Payal Mittal
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:54:54

12K+ Views

React.js is not just about client-side rendering. It also offers REST APIs for server-side rendering and use cases like web crawlers, offline data storage, etc. REST is a type of API that provides a way for web and mobile applications to communicate with each other. It is an out-of-the-box service that can be used in any web application built on React.js. It is also a top choice for developers looking to make their React application scalable as it provides high availability, low latency, and consumes less bandwidth over the network. The goal of this article is to provide a brief ... Read More

What’s new in React Query 3?

Payal Mittal
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:49:31


React Query 3 is a new library by the React team. It's a query language that helps developers to declaratively specify the data requirements of their React application. It’s the third iteration of React Query, which was originally developed by Facebook. It’s now maintained by the community and its contributors. It allows you to query and mutate data in a declarative way. It includes features like automatic caching and stale data handling, which can help take your React apps to the next level. If you're looking for a fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use library, React Query is definitely worth considering. ... Read More

What is Metro in React-Native?

Payal Mittal
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:47:34

2K+ Views

Whenever anyone tries to run the react native platform, an extensive compilation of JavaScript files gets arranged together in a single file. This compilation is done through a bundler called metro. Metro is a well-accepted Java script bundler with many options, including an entry file that provides you with a Java script file along with all the previous files. Let us look at the functionalities of the metro bundler and how it has been supporting the react native framework - How Does Metro Help in React Native Development? One essential feature of the metro is the sub-second reload ... Read More
