Found 2617 Articles for Java

Search a string in Matrix Using Split function in Java

Updated on 13-Jul-2020 12:08:20


To search a string in Matrix using split function, the code is as follows −Example Live Demoimport java.util.*; public class Demo {    public static int search_string(String[] my_matrix, String search_string){       for (String input : my_matrix){          String[] my_value = input.split(search_string);          if (my_value.length >= 2 || my_value.length == 0){             return 1;          }          else if (my_value.length == 1 && input.length() != my_value[0].length()){             return 1;          }       } ... Read More

Perl vs Java

Updated on 13-Jul-2020 12:04:56


JavaJava is an object oriented programming language as well as a computing platform.It is safe, quick and reliable.The code in Java is first converted into bytecode and then executed using a JVM (Java Virtual Machine).The java program that is converted into bytecode is stored with the help of the extension ‘.class’.Java doesn’t give any specific way in which associative arrays could be stored, instead there are implementations of various hash functions.Java programs that need to be run are stored with the extension ‘.java’.Java is a statically typed language, i.e type checking is performed during compile-time (not run-time).Single line comments in ... Read More

Package Imports in JShell of Java 9

Updated on 13-Jul-2020 12:03:22


In general, 10 packages are imported using the JShell.The following command shows the packages that were imported by default.jshell> /importOutputimport* import java.math.* import* import java.nio.file* import java.sql.* import java.util.* import java.util.regex* import java.util.function* import java.util.prefs* import*Importing a specific package using JShelljshell> import java.util.*;

Method Overloading and Ambiguity in Varargs in Java

Updated on 13-Jul-2020 12:02:11

1K+ Views

There are ambiguities while using variable arguments in Java. This happens because two methods can definitely be valid enough to be called by data values. Due to this, the compiler doesn’t have the knowledge as to which method to call.Example Live Demopublic class Demo {    static void my_fun(double ... my_Val){       System.out.print("fun(double ...): " + "Number of args: " + my_Val.length );       for(double x : my_Val)       System.out.print(x + " ");       System.out.println();    }    static void my_fun(boolean ... my_Val){       System.out.print("fun(boolean ...) " + "The number of ... Read More

How to input multiple values from user in one line in Java?

Updated on 13-Jul-2020 12:00:31

12K+ Views

To input multiple values from user in one line, the code is as follows −Example Live Demoimport java.util.Scanner; public class Demo {    public static void main(String[] args) {       System.out.print("Enter two floating point values : ");       Scanner my_scan = new Scanner(;       double double_val = my_scan.nextFloat();       int int_val = my_scan.nextInt();       System.out.println("The floating point value is : " + double_val + " and the integer value is : "       + int_val);    } }Input56.789 99OutputEnter two floating point values : The floating point value is ... Read More

How a thread can interrupt another thread in Java?

Updated on 13-Jul-2020 11:57:50


The ‘interrupt’ function can be used in Java to interrupt the execution of a thread with the help of the exception InterruptedException.The below example shows how the currently executing thread stops execution (because of a new exception raised in the catch block) once it is interrupted −Example Live Demopublic class Demo extends Thread {    public void run()    {       try       {          Thread.sleep(150);          System.out.println("In the 'run' function inside try block");       }       catch (InterruptedException e)       {       ... Read More

Why Kotlin will replace Java for Android App Development

Updated on 13-Jul-2020 11:54:59


While working with Kotlin, Java libraries and frameworks can be used. This can be done with the help of advanced frameworks, without having to change the whole project. Java and Kotlin co-exist and can be present in the same project.Kotlin code can be placed inside Android Studio, without making the whole project in Kotlin.It is an open source platform that also helps in quick development of projects. It is easy, and readable, and considerably requires lesser coding in comparison to Java.Kotlin was developed by JetBrains, and IntelliJ is the IDE which Android Studio also uses.Kotlin plugin can be installed and ... Read More

Sum of list with stream filter in Java

Updated on 13-Jul-2020 11:53:38


To get sum of list with stream filter in Java, the code is as follows −Example Live Demoimport java.util.*; public class Demo {    public static void main(String[] args)    {       List my_list = new ArrayList();       my_list.add(11);       my_list.add(35);       my_list.add(56);       my_list.add(78);       my_list.add(91);       System.out.println(sum(my_list));    }    public static int sum(List my_list)    {       System.out.println("In the main function, the sum of list with filter is ");       return -> i > 5).mapToInt(i -> i).sum();    } ... Read More

Structure and Members of the Java Program

Updated on 13-Jul-2020 11:52:46


While writing any piece of code in Java, there is a certain set of rules and regulations that need to be followed, that is considered as a standard. For example − A class contains variables, and functions. The functions can be used to work with the variables. Classes can be extended, and improvised too.Basic structureList of packages that are imported; public class {    Constructor (can be user defined or implicitly created)    {       Operations that the constructor should perform;    }    Data elements/class data members;    User-defined functions/methods;    public static void main (String ... Read More

Ways to read input from console in Java

Updated on 09-Jul-2020 06:50:11

4K+ Views

Let us see some ways to read input from console in Java −Exampleimport java.util.Scanner; public class Demo{    public static void main(String args[]){       Scanner my_scan = new Scanner(;       String my_str = my_scan.nextLine();       System.out.println("The string is "+my_str);       int my_val = my_scan.nextInt();       System.out.println("The integer is "+my_val);       float my_float = my_scan.nextFloat();       System.out.println("The float value is "+my_float);    } }OutputThe string is Joe The integer is 56 The float value is 78.99A class named Demo contains the main function. An instance of the ... Read More
