Found 2616 Articles for Java

How to calculate elapsed/execution time in Java?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 06-Feb-2021 04:13:27

6K+ Views

In general, the elapsed time or, execution is the time from the starting point to ending point of an event. Following are various ways to find elapsed time in Java −The currentTimeMillis() method returns the current time in milliseconds. To find the elapsed time for a method you can get the difference between time values before and after the execution of the desired method.The nanoTime() method returns the current time in nano seconds. To find the elapsed time for a method you can get the difference between time values before and after the execution of the desired method.The now() method ... Read More

How to measure execution time for a Java method?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 02-Sep-2023 15:19:24

53K+ Views

In general, the elapsed time is the time from the starting point to ending point of an event. Following are various ways to find elapsed time in Java −The currentTimeMillis() method returns the current time in milliseconds. To find the elapsed time for a method you can get the difference between time values before and after the execution of the desired method.The nanoTime() method returns the current time in nano seconds. To find the elapsed time for a method you can get the difference between time values before and after the execution of the desired method.The now() method of the ... Read More

How to measure elapsed time in Java?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 06-Feb-2021 04:09:38

4K+ Views

In general, the elapsed time is the time from the starting point to ending point of an event. Following are various ways to find elapsed time in Java −Using the currentTimeMillis() methodThe currentTimeMillis() method returns the current time in milliseconds. To find the elapsed time for a method you can get the difference between time values before and after the execution of the desired method.ExampleLive Demopublic class Example {    public void test(){ int num = 0;       for(int i=0; i

How to use formatting with printf() correctly in Java?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 06-Feb-2021 04:07:25


The printf() method is used to print a formatted string, it accepts a string representing a format string and an array of objects representing the elements that are to be in the resultant string, if the number of arguments are more than the number of characters in the format string the excess objects are ignored.Following table lists the various format characters to format time by the Java printf() method along with their description −Format CharactersDescription'H'The corresponding argument is formatted as Hour of the day (00-24).'I'The corresponding argument is formatted as hour of the day (01 -12).'k'The corresponding argument is formatted ... Read More

How to format time using printf() method in Java?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 06-Feb-2021 04:06:28


The printf() method is used to print a formatted string, it accepts a string representing a format string and an array of objects representing the elements that are to be in the resultant string, if the number of arguments are more than the number of characters in the format string the excess objects are ignored.Following table lists the various format characters to print date printf() method along with their description −Format CharactersDescription'B'The corresponding argument is formatted as full month name.'b'The corresponding argument is formatted as abbreviated month name.'h'The corresponding argument is formatted as abbreviated month name.'A'The corresponding argument is formatted as ... Read More

How to print date using GregorianCalendar class in Java?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 06-Feb-2021 04:00:20


The GregorianCalendar class supports standard calendars it supports Julian and Gregorian calendars you can create an object of GregorianCalendar using one of its constructors. Following are various examples demonstrating how to print date using this class −ExampleFollowing example creates GregorianCalander by passing year, month and date values as parameters to its constructor and prints the date −Live Demoimport java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class Test {    public static void main(String args[]){       //Instantiating the GregorianCalendar       GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(2018, 6, 27);       System.out.println(cal);       System.out.println("Date: "+cal.get(Calendar.DATE));       System.out.println("Month: ... Read More

How to parse date sting to date in Java?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 06-Feb-2021 03:59:55

1K+ Views

You can parse a string containing a data to date value using the following ways −The constructor SimpleDateFormat class accepts a String value representing the desired date format and creates this object. You can parse the date string using the parse() method of this class.The parse() method of the LocalDate class accepts a String value representing a date and returns a LocalDate object.The DateUtils provides utility to format date you can find it in apache.commons package. The parseDate() method of the DateUtils class accepts a format string and a date string as parameters and returns a Date object.The parse() method of ... Read More

How to use String.format() in Java?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 06-Feb-2021 03:59:38


The format() method of the java.lang.String class accepts a format string and an array of arguments and the string in specified format.ExampleFollowing example formats a date using the format() method −Live Demoimport java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class Test {    public static void main(String args[]){           //Instantiating the GregorianCalendar         Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();       System.out.println("Date: "+cal.get(Calendar.DATE));       System.out.println("Month: "+cal.get(Calendar.MONTH));       System.out.println("Year: "+cal.get(Calendar.YEAR));           Object arr[] = { "Date", cal };       System.out.println("Desired Format: ");       System.out.println(String.format("%1$s = %2$tY ... Read More

What are SimpleDateFormat Format Codes in Java?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 06-Feb-2021 03:55:45


The java.text.SimpleDateFormat class is used to format and parse a string to date and date to string.Parsing a date stringOne of the constructors of this class accepts a String value representing the desired date format and creates SimpleDateFormat object. To parse/convert a string as a Date objectInstantiate this class by passing desired format string.Parse the date string using the parse() method.Following is the list of letters for formatting with their descriptions and examples −LetterComponentExampleGEra designatorAD, BCyYear2005, 96YWeek year2005, 96MMonth in yearSeptember, Sep, 09LMonth in yearSeptember, Sep, 09wWeek in year23WWeek in month3DDay in year129dDay in month27FDay of week in month5EDay in a ... Read More

How to format year using SimpleDateFormat in Java?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 06-Feb-2021 03:55:23


The java.text.SimpleDateFormat class is used to format and parse a string to date and date to string. To parse a date string −Instantiate this class by passing desired format string.Parse the date string using the parse() method.ExampleLive Demoimport java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; public class Sample {    public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException {         SimpleDateFormat formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");             Date time1 = formatter1.parse("07:25:30");       System.out.println("Date value: "+time1);       SimpleDateFormat formatter3 = new SimpleDateFormat("hh 'o''clock' a");             Date time3 = formatter3.parse("09 ... Read More
