Found 766 Articles for JQuery

jQuery delay() with Examples

Updated on 31-Dec-2019 07:17:29


The delay() method in jQuery is used to set a delay to delay the execution of the next item in the queue.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −$(selector).delay(speed, queue)Above, the parameter speed is the speed of delay, whereas the queue is the name of the queue.Let us now see an example to implement the jQuery delay() method −Example Live Demo    $(document).ready(function(){       $("button").click(function(){          $(".demo1").delay("slow").fadeIn();          $(".demo2").delay(500).fadeIn();       });    }); .demo1 {    margin:20px;    width:300px;    height:100px;    display:none;    background-color:red; } .demo2 { ... Read More

jQuery toggle() Method

Updated on 31-Dec-2019 07:13:25


The toggle() method in jQuery is used to toggle between hide() and show() for the selected elements.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −$(selector).toggle(speed, easing, callback)Above, the parameter speed is the speed of the hide/show effect. Here, easing is the speed of the element in different points of the animation, whereas callback is a function to be executed after toggle() completes.ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery toggle() method − Live Demo    $(document).ready(function(){       $("button").click(function(){          $("p").slideToggle();       });    }); Exam Info Examination begins on ... Read More

jQuery change() with Example

Updated on 31-Dec-2019 07:10:50


The change() method in jQuery is used to trigger the change event. It occurs when the value of an element has been changed.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −$(selector).change()ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery change() method − Live Demo    $(document).ready(function() {       $(".demo").change(function() {          $(this).css("background-color", "red");       });    }); Login Enter Username: Enter Password: OutputThis will produce the following output −Write some text in the first input and press enter −

jQuery eq() method

Updated on 31-Dec-2019 07:03:52


The eq() method in jQuery is used to select an element with a specific index number. The index number begins at 0.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −$(":eq(index)")Above, the parameter index is the index of the element.ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery eq() method − Live Demo    $(document).ready(function(){       $("button").click(function(){          $("p:eq(2)").css("color", "orange");       });    }); Student Info This is a demo text. Exam Info This is a demo text. Teacher's Info This is a demo text. Click me OutputThis will produce ... Read More

jQuery element Selector

Updated on 31-Dec-2019 06:55:41


The element selector in jQuery is used to select all elements with the specific element name.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −$("ele")Above, ele is the element to select.ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery element selector − Live Demo    $(document).ready(function(){       $("button").click(function(){          $("h2").css("color", "orange");       });    }); Student Info This is a demo text. Exam Info This is a demo text. Teacher's Info This is a demo text. Click me OutputThis will produce the following output −Above, click the button “Click me” to update heading color −

jQuery parent descendant Selector

Updated on 31-Dec-2019 06:52:50


The parent descendant selector in jQuery is used to select all elements that are descendants of a specified element.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −("parent descendant")ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery parent descendent selector − Live Demo    $(document).ready(function(){       $("div span").css("color", "red");    }); div {    border:1px solid black;    padding:10px; } Demo Heading span outside p element This is demo text This is demo text This is demo text. span inside p element. This is demo text. OutputThis will produce the following output −

jQuery queue() with Examples

Updated on 31-Dec-2019 06:49:55


The queue() method in jQuery is used to display the queue of functions to be executed on the selected elements.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −$(selector).queue(queue)Above, the parameter queue is the name of the queue.ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery queue() method − Live Demo    $(document).ready(function(){       $("button").click(function(){          var div = $("div");          div.animate({height: 250}, "slow");          div.animate({left: "+=200", top: "+=100" }, "slow");          $("span").text(div.queue().length);       });    }); div {    width:100px;    height:100px; ... Read More

jQuery slideUp() with Examples

Updated on 31-Dec-2019 06:46:20


The slideUp() method in jQuery is used to slide up the selected element i.e. to hide them.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −$(selector).slideUp(speed, easing, callback)Above, the parameter speed is the speed of the slide effect. Here, easing is the speed of the element in different points of the animation, whereas callback is a function to be executed after slideUp() completes.ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery slideUp() method − Live Demo    $(document).ready(function(){       $(".button1").click(function(){          $("p").slideUp();       });       $(".button2").click(function(){          $("p").slideDown();   ... Read More

jQuery parent > child Selector

Updated on 31-Dec-2019 06:42:36


The parent > child selector in jQuery is used to select all elements that are a direct child of the specified element.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −("parent > child")ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery parent > child selector − Live Demo    $(document).ready(function(){       $("div > span").css("color", "red");    }); div {    border:1px solid black;    padding:10px; } Demo Heading This is demo text. span outside p element This is demo text. This is demo text. This is demo text. span inside p element. This is demo text. OutputThis will produce the following output −

jQuery siblings() with Examples

Updated on 31-Dec-2019 06:38:51


The siblings() method in jQuery is used to return all sibling elements of the selected element.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −$(selector).siblings(filter)Above, the filter specifies a selector expression to narrow down the search for sibling elements.Let us now see an example to implement the jQuery siblings() method −Example Live Demo div {    width:600px; } .demo * {    display: block;    background-color;    border: 2px solid yellow;    color: blue;    padding: 10px;    margin: 10px; }    $(document).ready(function(){       $("li.test").siblings().css({"background-color": "orange", "color": "white", "border": "3px dashed blue"});    }); Demo ... Read More
