Found 286 Articles for IoT

What is the Internet of Things (IoT) Lifecycle?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 10:46:29

5K+ Views

The Internet of Things is a new and advanced way of technology. It is a blessing to the industrial sector, making almost everything smarter day by day. However, the irony is no matter how easier IoT devices make our lives; they are more challenging to build. In other words, developing IoT solutions is not a piece of cake and requires a smart approach. IoT products go through a sophisticated lifecycle to fulfill the needs and demands of the manufacturers of the particular product. Hence, here we have simplified each step of IoT product development so you can know better. What ... Read More

What is the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT)?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 10:45:09


Industry uses computers, such as production and power management. This integrates with embedded devices, gauges, and other equipment in the IIoT. The ability to gather, trade, and analyze data is possible through networking. This may also affect the economy. The IIoT is an improvement on a distributed control system (DCS). It enables more mechanization by streamlining and enhancing process capability by utilizing cloud computing. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)- What Is It? IIoT entails creating and deploying the Internet of things (IoT). It is in engineering settings and domains. The IIoT helps businesses and industries. You can operate more with ... Read More

What is the Future of IoT Supply Chains?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 10:43:35


Much has been written about how the Internet of Things (IoT) affects many fields, such as logistics, retail, healthcare, banking, and auditing. But the global supply chain is one of the most exciting places to have an effect. One area where the IoT can shine is in supply chains. When one link in a company's supply chain breaks, the whole chain doesn't work as planned, and the company pays a lot of money for not getting much in return. IoT is the next step in the industrial revolution, and it will greatly impact the whole supply chain. IoT makes things ... Read More

What is the Future of IoT and AI in India?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 10:42:24


The Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) are two rapidly growing technologies that potentially transform industries and society as we know it. IoT and AI are two technologies changing how we live and work. Both IoT and AI have the potential to revolutionize various industries and sectors in India, and the future looks bright for these technologies in the country. What is IoT? IoT refers to the interconnected network of devices, sensors, and appliances that can collect and share data over the internet. These devices can be as small as a smart thermostat or as large as a ... Read More

What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 10:41:12


The technological revolution that is about to happen. Right? This will change the way we live, operate, and interact with each other. The shift will be unique that humans have ever encountered in size, range, and intricacy. The exact course of its development is yet unknown. One thing that works together is the world's political actors. This is from the public and corporate industries. This is beneficial for developing a complete and integrated solution. Both water and steam energy must use in the First Industrial Revolution. You can use this to automate production. Electricity must use by the Second to ... Read More

What is Predictive Maintenance?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 10:38:49


For a long time, manufacturers' equipment maintenance plans were predicated on time. When determining when to do maintenance, they used to consider the age of the machine. As equipment ages, it demands more maintenance. But, IoT has opened the door to many new possibilities. One of the most innovative ways to use the IoT is predictive maintenance in industrial plants. IoT-based predictive maintenance makes better use of current assets by making it possible to predict when machines will break down and by reducing maintenance worries. It can assist in determining what internal and external reasons are creating delays and what ... Read More

What is Industrial Equipment Monitoring?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 10:36:30


The Internet of Things (IoT) allows for collecting and analyzing data about industrial equipment's monitoring, use, performance, and condition in real-time. This solution can improve how the equipment works and speed up maintenance tasks for various industries. It works with ERP systems, asset management systems, accounting programs, and more, making it easy to sync all of the data in the enterprise. What is an Industrial Monitoring System? In the past, people did this with infrared and radio frequency (RF). But as time went on, they couldn't change enough to keep up with the needs of managing complex industrial processes. They ... Read More

What is Edge Computing in IoT?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 10:34:48


With edge computing, data is handled as close to an IoT device. There could be benefits for business IT in terms of latency, productivity, cost, and security. IoT technology keeps getting better and more valuable, and the number of ways One can use it keeps growing. Edge computing is one of the most talked-about topics in the IT industry right now, and it's getting bigger and bigger all the time. But what is edge computing, and why should businesses care about it in the IoT? In the middle of a concept's meteoric rise to fame, its original meaning could be ... Read More

What is Condition-Based Maintenance?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 10:33:18


Condition-based maintenance (CBM) uses data from the asset to determine when and how much maintenance it needs. Care is required by CBM when there are signs that performance is getting worse or that a breakdown is about to happen. To look for these signs on a machine, you can use non-harmful methods. Then, depending on what is needed, data about the system's state can be collected all the time. Both high-priority and low-priority assets can enjoy condition-based maintenance. In the last ten years, the number of industrial solutions that use the Internet of Things (IoT) has grown by leaps and ... Read More

What is an Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 10:30:49


One of the most sought-after technologies in the present day is the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. It has grown to be a crucial component of firms and digital organizational transformation, enabling them to automate procedures, boost productivity, and comprehend their clients better. IoT Solutions are an extensive collection of tools and technologies that link physical objects to the internet, enabling real-time communication and more effective data management. Businesses will be able to gather, analyze, and manipulate data from various sources using sensors, actuators, and cloud computing, enabling them to make wiser decisions, improve consumer experiences, and save operating costs. ... Read More
