Found 286 Articles for IoT

Bluetooth vs Bluetooth Low Energy

Updated on 05-May-2023 10:55:07


Introduction Modern electronic devices now almost always have wireless communication advancements. These two innovations, Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) are widely used in a variety of electrical devices. Despite sharing the same central idea, they have some significant differences in terms of usability, run, and control utilization. Although both innovations are founded on the same underlying principles, there are some significant differences between them. We'll look at the differences between Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy in this article, as well as several useful examples. What is Bluetooth? Bluetooth may be a remote communication convention that empowers gadgets to communicate ... Read More

KaiOS Operating System

Diksha Patro
Updated on 03-May-2023 15:05:56

1K+ Views

KaiOS is a mobile operating system that is designed to run on low-powered phones and IoT devices. It offers a middle ground between traditional flip phones and full-fledged smartphones, supporting features like 4G LTE, GPS, and Wi-Fi. Originally based on Firefox OS, KaiOS is now web-based and offers users a few extra apps beyond calling and texting, making it a good option for those who want more than a basic phone but don't need all the features of a smartphone. Developing for KaiOS To develop an app for KaiOS, you will need to use web technologies such as HTML, ... Read More

Components of Information System

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:33:31

2K+ Views

The information system is the process of correct management and flow of data in a system such that the information reaches its correct receiver. It also collects data, analyzes them, and communicates the appropriate information to users of the information system. It is mostly used in organizations for data collection and distribution. It is also used to establish a communication system with customers to manage various operations. It is a collection of hardware, software, and other elements which work together in correct sync to establish its fundamental requirement. This system accepts various formats of data and performs different types ... Read More

IoT in the Music Industry

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 16:31:40


The Internet of Things (IoT) rapidly transforms various industries, including music. IoT technology enables objects to communicate and exchange data through the Internet, enhancing Internet efficiency and accuracy of processes in various industries. The music industry is no exception to this technological revolution, as IoT is used to enhance how music is created, produced, distributed, and experienced. In this article, we will talk about the role of IoT in the music industry and how it is changing how we create and consume music. From smart instruments to enhanced music production and live performances, we will delve into how IoT transforms ... Read More

Session Initiation Protocol

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:47:48


Session Initiation Protocol Session Initiation Protocol was introduced in the year 1999 and implemented in the Application layer of the OSI model to perform communication on Internet telephone networks. This telephony protocol is used for creating, maintaining, and concluding communication sessions such as audio, video, and other text messaging applications. It is applied in VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and VoLTE (Voice Over Long Term Evolution) in wireless mobile devices. This protocol uses a text-based approach, which works similarly to HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) elements. SIP protocol can be used with TCP (Transmission ... Read More

IoT And Sustainable Development

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 10:56:04


In the future, IoT will play a major role in sustainable development and environmental protection. Degradation of the environment is the most common problem occurring nowadays. This also involves deforestation, water, food scarcity, and desertification. Environmental degradation amplifies the impact. Brilliant and manageable metropolitan improvement is the objective of regions. In this way, they are utilizing IoT to guarantee personal satisfaction. The innovation has addressed the difficulties connected with squandering preservation, traffic the executives, power frameworks, air contamination, etc. The IoT aims to make urban communities more astute and maintainable, where the social, natural, social, and monetary necessities are satisfied. ... Read More

Energy Management Using IoT And Cloud Solutions

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 10:49:47


Energy management has become a top priority for both people and corporations today. There is a growing need for effective and intelligent energy management systems due to rising energy consumption and sustainability requirements. The Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud solutions have emerged as game-changers in energy management, providing various benefits, from cost savings to reducing carbon emissions. This article will explore the potential of IoT and cloud solutions in energy management and their benefits for businesses and individuals. IoT: What Is It? IoT is a system of networked devices that uses the internet to gather and exchange data. These ... Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mesh Topology

Updated on 18-Apr-2023 17:23:46

7K+ Views

Mesh topology is a type of network topology in which every node is connected to every other node in the network. This topology provides a high level of redundancy and error tolerance, making it a popular choice for large-scale networks. However, the major disadvantage is it is costly because it consumes a lot of wires to connect it’s like connecting n-size mesh requires $\mathrm{n_{c_{2}}}$. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Mesh topology. Advantages High Reliability − Mesh topology offers a high level of reliability, which is one of its biggest advantages. There is no ... Read More

The ESP32 and its Pin Description

Saba Hilal
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 13:56:15

9K+ Views

For IoT projects, we need to use a microcontroller. ESP32 is one such microcontroller that can be used to start learning IOT and making IOT circuits. It is therefore important to learn about its pins layout and also what is the purpose of each pin and how it can be used. In this article, first, the layout of pins available in ESP32 Wroom 30-pin microcontroller is specified. Then the different types of pins that are available in ESP32 are described. ESP32 is used for a variety of applications including the use of wifi, transmitters, and receiver devices, Serial Peripheral Interfaces, ... Read More

Using the WiFi Mode with ESP32

Saba Hilal
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 13:55:11

2K+ Views

ESP32 microcontroller can connect to the internet and use the wifi. It can be used to see the network details of the available networks. It can also be used for advanced functions such as changing the MAC address of ESP32. In this article, using three different examples, the programs using the wifi with ESP32 are given. In example 1, a C program is used to scan the wifi networks available and the details are displayed. In example 2, the wifi connection is established by giving the SSID details, and in example 3, the current Mac address of ESP32 is seen ... Read More
