Found 11 Articles for Inventions

What is the standard body for conventions of research writing?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


MLA (Modern Language Association) is a body that assigns rules and regulations for research paper writing. MLA is popular worldwide and assigns various rules on Selecting a topic, compiling a working bibliography, outlining and writing drafts (to name a few).Selecting A TopicIn order to select a topic, different instructors and different courses offer widely varying degrees of freedom to students selecting topics for research papers. The instructor of a course in a specific discipline may supply a list of topics from which to choose or any, more generally, require that the paper relates to an important aspect of the course. MLA ... Read More

What is the purpose of any research?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


When a new product developed, the Research and Development department initiate and perform an intensive study and get the details to support the project. Research and Development departments help corporations stay ahead of the competition, utilize new technology, and produce goods more efficiently. This is just the purpose of any research.Research PhaseThe research phase includes determining product specifications, production costs, and a production timeline.It contributes to the development, as a scientist or inventor in the field of Science and Technology. The research plan is a map for one’s career as a research science professional.In the medical field, research enables us ... Read More

What were the inventions and discoveries during the Indus Valley Civilization?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

2K+ Views

The Indus valley people were probably the first-ever skilled craftsmen, who made wonders with minimum resources they have. They have achieved many notable advancements during the 3300 to 1300 BC when their civilization flourished.City-PlanningThey made their living area and housing in a well-structured manner. They used baked bricks and lime for construction, where the bricks used were in uniform size and moisture-resistant. They used to apply gypsum and natural tar to make them waterproof. The structure of the city was greatly planned with the residential area on the higher land and water storages on the lower part.They displayed excellent architecture ... Read More

In the future, will it be possible for robots to develop feelings?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Robotics is the fast emerging technology today. Robots are being designed to be used for various activities from daily domestic chores to military operations. These Robots are designed based on the idea of Artificial Intelligence.What is Artificial Intelligence?A machine is initially developed to take instructions from the user and process it according to a pre-designed program and give the output. Whereas if this machine can do something more extraordinary, other than simply taking the instructions and matching with previously fed data, that would be great. Such a thought is the basis for Artificial Intelligence. This can be understood as the ... Read More

How does an FM radio set work?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The FM receiver is the whole unit which takes the modulated signal as input and outputs the original audio signal. Radio amateurs are the initial radio receivers. They had got drawbacks such as poor sensitivity and selectivity.Selectivity is the selection of a particular signal while rejecting the others. Sensitivity is the capacity of detecting RF signal and demodulating it, while at the lowest power level. Both Selectivity and Sensitivity should be high for an FM receiver. To overcome these drawbacks of the ordinary receiver, the superheterodyne receiver was invented. This FM receiver consists of 5 main stages.RF Tuner SectionThe modulated ... Read More

What are Protein mats? How are they helpful to the environment?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Scientists have figured out a way that enables the protein to stay active outside its cell. They progressed in combining proteins with synthetic components like fiber that ensures the protein activity. This opens a giant door to develop protein mats that can soak up and trap chemical pollution. This is a great boon to the natural environment which lessens the effects of pollution.The scientists are developing fiber mats that contain random heteropolymers that stabilize organophosphorus hydrolase, an enzyme that breaks down a well-known insecticide. The researchers used the RPH/OPH combination to make fiber mats and submersed these mats in that ... Read More

How can I get my invention patented?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 13:53:59


The first thing to know before you set out to patent your invention or innovation is where to go for the purpose. The process comes later. First, you need to go to the right place and that is Intellectual Property India, the official patent office of the Government of India, under the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry. Under this department, we have the CGPDTM (Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks) office located in Mumbai while the patent head office is in Kolkata with branch offices in Chennai, New Delhi, and Mumbai.Various BranchesThe ... Read More

Why are there bumps on the F and J keys on a Keyboard?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 05-May-2022 10:42:54

3K+ Views

Did you notice small bumps on the F and J keys on a computer keyboard?? Wonder why they are a part of keyboard design.Actually, the small bumps or ridges found on the F and J keys on a computer keyboard are to help the users to correctly position their left and right hands without having to look at the keyboard. The middle row is called the home row key position. Once you place your left and right index fingers on the F and J keys, accessing the remaining keyboard becomes easy.

Why is Steve Jobs considered as a role model for leaders?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 05-May-2022 07:37:42

2K+ Views

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." is one of the Steve Jobs famous Quotes. Steve Jobs is a great role model for many budding entrepreneurs, business people, and great leaders all over the world.Steve has many innovations in his name. He is the co-founder of the Apple company and created one of the most popular, high tech phones in the world. He has started his own company at a very young age.Steve Jobs has shown to the world how to dream and how to achieve your dreams even if there are many obstacles. Students should look up to ... Read More

When was the Motorcycle invented and by whom?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 06-May-2022 06:43:51


Motorcycles date back to 1800s. After many experiments on the basic dynamics of a Motorcycle with steam power and electricity for nearly 70 years, the first Motorcycle has come out in Germany. The German Inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in Bad Cannstatt, Germany in 1885 have invented the first internal combustion and petroleum-fueled Motorcycle and named it Daimler Reitwagen. The inventors called their invention the Reitwagen ("the riding car").Daimler is often called "the father of the motorcycle" for this invention.
