Found 21 Articles for Interpersonal Relationship

Why college reunions are an important ritual?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


College reunions are the times which brings back the old memories, pleasant or unpleasant. Many people look forward to such reunions to prove to the world what they have achieved and many will be reluctant to go to such reunions because of their scarred memories.But college reunions are some of the important rituals in one's life. Individuals will be compared to their adolescent self and how far they have come in life when compared to their classmates. They are a kind of eye-opening sessions. Individuals develop maturity with age. Recalling our old memories will help us to gain better insight ... Read More

Does being youngest of siblings affect us?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Without a sibling, the childhood of a person has no taste. He does not know how to adjust and adapt and this affects his personality later on in life. Our siblings are our most constant companions throughout life.Relationships Between SiblingsOur relationships with our parents and children are very precious and our siblings are our shadows. They have a significant impact on our development as individuals in a life full of obstacles and unhappy times. Not only we share our sorrows with them, but also our joys.Research Conducted In this FieldAn IZA Discussion Paper by Sandra E. Black ( the University ... Read More

What respect you have for your parents?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


My parents are my world. I owe myself to them completely. With each passing year, their bodies are becoming weaker and they are losing their physical strength. They have the privilege of having a caretaker 24/7 while I am not at home. So, I try to do my maximum work from home as I know that family members can provide both personal care and professional assistance.Personalized care not only helps in the process of healing from illness but also helps in healing the emotional as well as mental scars. Getting a little bit chit-chat could relax their body, mind, and ... Read More

How can we follow "Don't think about work at home"?

Rani RPS
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Some people are workaholics and are addicted to work. Their obsession makes them carry their work home either physically or mentally. They cannot switch off from work –mode and enter their home and family zones, with a strained mind and heavy hearts. As a result, they are drained both physically and mentally.People need to relax and recharge themselves at home in order to perform better at work. Here are simple tips to enable us to avoid thinking of work at home:Keep a decent distance: Creating less distance in terms of travel time can be used effectively to relax, listening to ... Read More

What are the basic responsibilities you have for your neighbours?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

3K+ Views

Maintaining good social relationship with the families in your vicinity, helps you live peacefully and safely. It ensures a better social life. You always have some responsibilities towards your neighbors.Maintain NeatnessKeep the surroundings of your house neat and clean. Dump your waste in the garbage can and train your pet not to make the surroundings messy. Cut the extra branches of your trees in the backyard and present yourself in a tidy way.ConversationsWhenever you get a new neighbor, have a pleasant conversation introducing yourself and your family members. Offer them any help needed and be welcoming. Try to compare the ... Read More

What is the concept of half human and half beast in Hindu mythology?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

1K+ Views

Hindu Mythology is a deep subject where we come across many fascinating things. The concept of half-human and half-beast was discussed in many writings. According to Vedas and Puranas, Sri Maha Vishnu who is the preserver of Earth has taken up several incarnations to protect Earth from its destroyers.Various IncarnationsAmong the famous Dasavataras, the first one was Matsya avatar, which was half human and half fish and Vishnu took this form to protect the holy four Vedas called as Chaturvedi, from demons trying to destroy them. The second was Kurma avatar which was a huge tortoise, in order to support ... Read More

Being a man, how to make balance between my wife and mother?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It is very important for a man to strike balance between the two important ladies in his life. This is because a man’s life will not be complete without a Mother’s care and affection or a Wife’s love and support.The relation between the Saas-Bahu will always be a power struggle when it comes to the man. Each of them tries to win the upper hand in his life. A man can consider himself the luckiest if both of them realize that, each one is equally important in his life and their role is irreplaceable, hence there is no need to ... Read More

How can a working mother stay stressfree?

Knowledge base
Updated on 21-Apr-2022 07:33:16


Be it your daily emails or professional tours, the meetings with clients or the promotions you have to deal with, there are many doors for stress to get into. And it is like an egg-shell walk to balance the professional challenges with your emotional thrust. Being a mother, it is, even more, tougher to handle this daily-stress !!!Of course, there are many mothers who are working and managing their stress levels in a good way. Being a working mother, I understood that some simple tips can make one stress-free.Categorize your prioritiesAlways know what you have to do when. If you ... Read More

My wife is struggling to fulfill her dreams post marriage, how can I support her?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 09-May-2022 10:47:20


Marriage is a solemn affair and it is the cooperation of both husband and wife which makes the journey of life go smooth. There are times when your wife may struggle to fulfil her dreams, but her efforts will be futile if you would not be able to support her effectively. The suggestions below might help you in sorting out the issues she is facing.CommunicationTalk about what are her interests apart from doing the household chores. Is she happy in her current state or she aspires to become like someone? No matter how old your relationship gets, it is very ... Read More

How can I support and take care of my husband when he is not doing good in his career?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 20-May-2022 06:52:12


Moral support, emotional support, and cooperation are integral in a relationship between a husband and a wife. These are like wheels of a cart, both move accordingly in order to balance the relationship and let the journey of life move smoothly.In the light of this statement, it is certain that one of the two counterparts may dwindle at some point in life, but appropriate steps taken then-and-there can make the situation run out of the hands.Remind About Good TimesIf your husband is not doing good in his career, you can boost his confidence by reminding him of the times in ... Read More
