Found 1112 Articles for Internet

How to Track Lost Smartphone with Google?

Samual Sam
Updated on 14-Jul-2020 13:07:49


We live in an era in which we can do a lot more than just calling with our phones, hence the name ‘smartphones’. Calling, messaging, clock, calculator, these were just the mere facilities of the older generation. Now these gadgets can do so much more! Loads of apps, games, e-books, etc. are available to the customer for entertainment and education.Smartphones being such an important part of our lives now, containing so much of our private information have had a huge impact. But what if your phone is lost, well that’s exactly where this article kicks in!We have two different methods ... Read More

How is IOT (Internet of Things) Changing the Lives of Common People?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 06:31:49


There was a time when we used to depend on books, newspapers and then news channels for information and entertainment. If not that we used to run to our grandpa or mom or that poky neighbor aunty to seek for answers not available in the newspaper. Then again there were always things that remain a mystery, as we could never seek their answers.But with growing advancement and development in technology, we have the internet as an answer to all our questions. So no need to rely on different things, just a simple phone with internet connection and you’re good to ... Read More

12 Really Easy and Smart Ways To Speed Up Your Home Wi-Fi!

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 05:38:06


Wi-Fi is now one of the most useful and basic requirements- right along with Electricity and Running water, and yet it’s also one of the most frustrating features at home. There are few things more dreadful than slowly watching a web page load as you’re working to meet a deadline. Or just chilling at home, watching a movie on Netflix, when the video constantly pauses to buffer. Internet problems constantly plagued by slow speeds, bad reception, and other Wi-Fi issues. But there are some easy ways you can take to ensure better, stronger Wi-Fi throughout your house.Better Router PlacementThis is ... Read More

How To Use Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate To Secure Nginx for free on CentOS 7

Samual Sam
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 08:12:08


In this article, we will learn how to secure Ngnix using a free SSL from Let’s Encrypt, Let’s Encrypt which is a new certifying authority which provides an easy way to obtain and install it for free TSL/SSL certificates. We can enable HTTPS on web servers. Let’s Encrypt has simplified the process by providing a software client which automates most of the steps required for obtaining the SSL from the certifying authority. Currently Let’s Encrypt is still in open beta version. Also note that, the entire process for obtaining and installing the certificate is fully automated.PrerequisitesWe needed a CentOS 7 ... Read More

How to Use Nano Text Editor

Samual Sam
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 08:08:03

3K+ Views

Are you confused by all of the other text editors? then, this article is for you! Linux amateurs are often put off by other advanced text editors such as Vim and Emacs. While they are decent programs, they does require a bit of learning curve. Nano offers a perfect solution if you are looking for a small and friendly text editor. It offers many useful and productive features.What is Nano Text Editor?Nano is a text editor for Unix-like systems or any other environments using a command line interface. It emulates the Pico text editor, a part of the Pine email ... Read More

How to use the Tor to Surf the Web Anonymously

Samual Sam
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 08:04:56


Everyone has secrets, and not all of them are sinister ones. Some secrets are personal, that we share with friends and they swear to protect it all their lives. Then there are really private secrets that we would rather not share and take measures to protect.But every time we think of more security, we look toward the internet to get help in preserving our privacy. There are many companies that provide online data-storage services and promise that our information will remain secure with them.What is Deep Web?Internet is very vast, it’s not restricted just to Google, Facebook, YouTube or other ... Read More

How to Use TRAI’s MySpeed App to Check Internet Speed

Samual Sam
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 08:02:10


“Hello? I can’t hear you. Who is this? Oh, God… this network”.This is something we use and we here almost every day. There is not much we can do about this issue, except for complaining, but now to measure the speed of internet on our device, India’s Telecom Regulatory Authority has launched a new app called , “MySpeed” .This app is very similar to all other applications designed to test the speed of internet connections. However, this is a great move by the Indian government. It can be easily downloaded by the mobile Sewa app store. It helps users to ... Read More

How to Wage War against Viruses

Samual Sam
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 07:56:49


There’s no way around it – World Wide Web is a problem with all imaginable forms or viruses and malware and they aren’t going anywhere. The best we can do is to improve our means of protecting our devices, and thankfully, we’ve got technology on our side as well. Fighting against viruses is an ongoing thing since internet came to be in this world – the good, the bad and the ugly came together and you can’t have one without the other.The first thing to do is ask yourself how much are you really investing into your internet security, and ... Read More

IBM WATSON - The SuperComputer for your Business

Samual Sam
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 07:53:51


Do you wish to initiate a new business, need help with business decisions, analyze immense amount of data, create a chatbot or song, need help with recipes, or have a business that is leaving money on the table? Get all your answers from ‘Watson.’Created by IBM, Watson is a supercomputer that works as a ‘question answering’ machine while combining artificial intelligence (AI) along with predictive analytical software. Named after IBM’s founder Thomas J. Watson, it is a cognitive technology that can understand, reason and think like a human.With Watson, through questions designed in natural language, one can analyze, visualize, and ... Read More

Identify Your Stakeholders: Before the Ship Sinks

Samual Sam
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 07:50:09


Let’s discuss a scenario of a company where no formal project management processes is in place. A company which believes more on manpower rather than processes. For example, it is a construction company and recently won a tender to construct a flyover in a busy road in the city.That’s a great news for the company, the company grabs the work order from the mouths of its competitors and jumped to start making the flyover. They informed the architects, engineers and the workers to start the work. Everyone planned their work as usual. The architects draw their diagrams, and the engineers ... Read More
