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Differentiate between Synchronous TDM and Asynchronous TDM in Computer Network

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:26:43

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Synchronous TDMSynchronous TDM is primarily known as synchronous because each time slot is preauthorized to a continuing source. Synchronous TDM is a data transfer approach during which there may be a continuous flow of data signals followed by timing signals. It helps to support that the send and therefore the receiver are synchronized with one another.The time slots are broadcasted regardless of whether the sources have any information to transmit or not. Thus, for the benefit of the integrity of execution, the channel space is wasted.Asynchronous TDMAsynchronous TDM is called statistical division multiplexing. It is a method in which time ... Read More

Differentiate between Datagram Approach and Virtual Circuit in Computer Network.

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:24:11

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Datagram ApproachA packet-switching technology in which a packet exists is called a datagram. It is treated as a separate entity. Each packet includes data about the destination, and the switch helps this data forward the packet to the right destination. It is also known as connectionless switching.Virtual CircuitVirtual Circuit is also referred to as connection-oriented switching. A fixed, consistent direction through the transmitter’s network is settled in the virtual circuit method earlier any packets are transmitted. This direction remains constant for the session period.DifferencesThe major differences between the datagram approach and virtual circuit are as follows −Datagram ApproachVirtual CircuitThere is ... Read More

What are the services of Network Security in Computer Network?

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:22:58

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Computer network security consists of measures taken by a business or some organizations to monitor and prevent unauthorised access from the outside attackers.Different approaches to computer network security management have different requirements depending on the size of the computer network.For example, a home office requires basic network security, while large businesses require high maintenance to prevent the network from malicious attacks.Network Security ServicesThere are various services of network security which are as follows −Message ConfidentialityMessage confidentiality or privacy means that the sender and the receiver expect confidentiality. The transmitted message must make sense to only the intended receiver. To all ... Read More

Explain the ISDN services and its structure.

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:07:17


There are two essential Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) services offered in computer network, which are as follows −Basic Rate Interface (BRI)It consists of 2B + D channels which stand for 2 Bearer medium of 64 kbps each for data and one D channel of 16 Kbps for handshaking and control. It can have a separate track for handshaking and control is known as 'out of band' signaling.Primary Rate Interface (PRI)It consists of 23B + D channels that stand for 23 Bearer medium of 64 kbps each for data and one D medium of 64 Kbps for handshaking control. The ... Read More

What is ISDN in the Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:04:04

9K+ Views

ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network. It is used to bridge the Central Office's local loop and the premise connection (home). ISDN uses the existing wiring so that no new cabling is required. It is a digital service that restores the analog plain old telephone set.An Integrated Digital Network (ISDN) is a network in which digital switching connections are used to transmit digital signals. Integrated Services refers to ISDNs ability to deliver two simultaneous connections, in any merging of data, voice, video and fax, over an individual line. Multiple devices can be connected to the line and sent as ... Read More

What is an ARC NET in the Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 15:31:07

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ARC NET stands for Attached Resources Computing Network. It is the central LAN topology in which coaxial cables are used. It is very similar to a thin net (thin Ethernet) in appearance, but the cable used in it is 93 ohm RG-62 A/U cable which is not interchangeable with the thin net cable.ARC NET is a topology that uses a token passing method. It is an old token-based topology that is rarely used nowadays. ARC NET was developed before the token ring networks, and initially, it used the bus topology to connect the workstations.The network operates at 2.5 Mbps and ... Read More

What are the RF (Radio Frequency) Networks?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:00:32

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RF can travel through air or space but require specific transmitting and receiving mechanisms. It has frequencies between 10 kHz to 14 kHz. In VLF (very low frequency), LF (Low Frequency), and MF (Medium Frequency) bands, radio waves follow ground waves.AM radio broadcasting uses the MF band. Radio waves in these bands pass through the building quickly. HF (High Frequency) and VHF (Very High Frequency) tend to be absorbed by the earth, but these waves travel through the Ionosphere. These waves are refracted by it and sent back to earth. The military communicates in HF and VHF bands.AdvantagesIt is easy ... Read More

What is VSAT in the Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:58:07

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VSAT represents a Very Small Aperture Terminal. It is a two-way satellite ground terminal with a dish wire that is lower than 3 meters. It is generally used to transmit narrowband data (point of sale transactions such as credit card, polling) or broadband information (for the provision of satellite internet access to remote areas, VOIP or video). It is also used for mobile communications.Features of VSATBand L has a Bandwidth of 15 MHz where Downlink frequency is 1.5 GHz, and Uplink frequency is 1.6 GHz. For Band S, Bandwidth is 70 MHz where Downlink is 1.9 GHz, and Uplink is ... Read More

Explain the types of ETHERNET Cable.

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:54:49


There are various types of ETHERNET Cables which are as follows −10Base 5The first standard defined in IEEE 802.3 is 10 Base 5. It is a Thick Ethernet or Thicknet. It is a bus topology LAN with baseband signaling. The data speed is 10 Mbps, and the maximum allowed segment length is 500 meters. The bus's total length should not exceed 2500 meters, i.e., with a segment of 500 meters, each resulting in only five segments to be used. Each station should be separated from its neighbours by 2.5 meters, i.e., only 200 stations are permitted in maximum in each ... Read More

What is an ETHERNET in the Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:49:47

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Ethernet is a LAN architecture developed by XEROX and extended by DEC, IC and Xerox. It is specified by IEEE 802.3, and it defines two categories.These categories are as follows−BasebandBroadbandBaseband uses digital signals, while broadband uses analog signals. Baseband is further divided into five standard names as follows −10 Base 510 Base 210 Base T1 Base 5100 Base TThe first numbers used in all standards, i.e., 10, 1, 100, indicate the data rate in Mbps, while the last numbers 2, 5, and letter T indicate the maximum cable length or type of cable. Only one specification is defined for broadband, ... Read More
