Found 1112 Articles for Internet

What is a Network Socket? (Computer Networks)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 14:00:34

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A network socket is a software component within a computer network node that acts as an endpoint for delivering and receiving data. An application programming interface (API) for the networking architecture defines the structure and properties of a socket. Sockets are only produced over the lifespan of a process in a node-based application.Because the TCP/IP protocols were standardized during the creation of the Internet, the word "network socket" is most often used in the context of the Internet Protocol suite, and it is hence referred to as an "Internet Socket". In this context, a socket's address, which is the triad ... Read More

Types of Web Hosting

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 13:51:49

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Web Hosting is a service that helps web browser clients to easily access electronic information on the Internet by hosting/posting web-server programs (websites or web pages) on a computer system.A web server, often known as a web host, is a computer system that hosts websites. Internet users need to use the website URL or domain name in their browser to access a website. After that, the user's machine will connect to the web server, and the web pages will be provided to them through the browser.The following are the types of Web hosting services −Free HostingVirtual/Shared HostingDedicated HostingCo-location HostingFree HostingThis ... Read More

What is Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 13:48:26

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Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) is a routing protocol developed by Cisco Systems in 1994 that allows a wide range of network-layer protocols to be contained inside virtual point-to-point or point-tomultipoint links over an Internet Protocol network. Protocol encapsulation, not GRE specifically, breaks the layering sequence, according to the OSI principles of protocol layering.GRE can be thought of as a barrier between two protocol stacks, one of which serves as a carrier for the other. IP protocol type 47 is used for GRE packets enclosed within IP. It is a tunnelling protocol and is defined by RFC 2784. GRE provides both ... Read More

Differentiate between IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.5 in Computer Network.

Updated on 05-May-2021 11:02:04

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IEEE 802.3 StandardThe IEEE 802.3 standard is popularly called as Ethernet or CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect). Ethernet is a LAN architecture developed by XEROX and extended by DEC, IC and Xerox. It is specified by IEEE 802.3, and it defines two categories such as Baseband and Broadband.Standard Ethernet network facilitates CSMA/CD. When a station needs to send, it listens to the wire. If the wire is busy, the station waits just before it goes idle, otherwise, it sends directly.If two or more stations together begin sending on an idle cable, they will collide. All colliding stations then remove ... Read More

What is the Windows 2000 Operating System in Computer Network?

Updated on 05-May-2021 11:00:44

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Microsoft released this version in February 2000. It is the desktop operating system for X86 Architecture. Its versions are Windows 2000 server, Windows 2000 Datacenter server.The minimum requirement for installation is a Pentium processor, 32MB main memory, 650 MB of free hard disk storage are needed. Microsoft had planned to develop an operating system version for the Alpha architecture. The plans were stopped after an announcement of Compaq.Windows 2000 units defined roughly the user-friendliness, plug & play and USB device support of Windows 98 and the safety and stability of the Windows NT family.The update to this new operating system ... Read More

Differentiate between GSM and CDMA in Computer Network.

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:59:33


GSMGSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communication. It is a digital mobile communication standard, which is used for transmitting and receiving data and voice signals over a network. It is also known as the second-generation standard for mobile networks or telecommunication, and it operates on a wedge spectrum.GSM needs the Subscribers Identity Module (SIM) card as its main component. This is therefore because each device in the network holds its own specific SIM card. Therefore the multiple subscribers of the GSM technology are prominent by SIM. Still, any time the user can change from one SIM card to another ... Read More

What is the CDMA in the Computer Network?

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:58:18

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CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access. It is a channel access method which is used by several radio communication technologies. It is a digital cellular technology and an example of multiple access. It is generally used for mobile communication.Multiple access means that several transmitters can send information simultaneously over a single communication channel. In this system, different CDMA codes are assigned to different users, and the user can access the whole bandwidth for the entire duration. It optimizes the use of available bandwidth as it transmits over the entire frequency range and does not limit the user's frequency range.Thus, ... Read More

Difference between NAS and SAN in Computer Network

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:57:24


NASNAS stands for Network Attached Storage. It is storage devices that are linked to a network and provide file access services to computer systems. These devices generally include an engine that executes the file services and one or more devices on which data is stored. NAS uses file access protocols, including NFS or CIFS.NAS provides good access controls and security to support collaboration while also enabling someone who is not an IT professional to administer and manage access to the data via an on-board web server.It is created for those network systems, which can be processing thousands of operations per ... Read More

Differentiate between DAS and SAN in Computer Network.

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:56:11


DASDAS stands for Direct-attached storage. It is computer storage that is connected to one computer and not accessible to another. The System of DAS is attached directly to the computer through the HBA (Host Bus Adapter).As compared to NAS devices, its device connects directly to the server without the network. The modern systems of this storage device include the integrated controllers of a disk array with advanced features.The system of DAS is connected directly to the computer by the HBA (Host Bus Adapter. As compared to NAS devices, its device connects directly to the server without the network. The current systems ... Read More

Differentiate between NAS and DAS in Computer Network.

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:54:58


NASNAS stands for Network Attached Storage. It is storage devices that connect to a network and support file access services to computer systems. These devices generally include an engine that executes the file services and one or more devices on which data is stored. NAS uses file access protocols such as NFS or CIFS.NAS storage frequently has a lower startup cost because the current network can be used. This can be very engaging to small-to-medium size businesses. There are multiple protocols that can be used for file sending including NFS for UNIX clients and CIF for Windows clients. Most NAS ... Read More
