Found 1112 Articles for Internet

Alias/Secondary IP Address

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Sep-2021 11:17:07


What is Alias/Secondary IP Address?IP aliasing is the process of assigning several IP addresses to a network interface. It allows a single node on a network to have many network connections, each having a different purpose.Multiple network addresses can be provided on a single physical interface using IP aliasing. One rationale for doing so could be to make a single computer appear to be several computers.How to configure?In Linux, to use IP aliasing, the Kernel must be compiled with network aliasing and IP options. Then the aliases would attach to the virtual network device or interface with a specific virtual ... Read More

Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Sep-2021 11:15:47


What is RDMA?The access of one computer's memory by another in a network without the involvement of any computer's operating system, processor, or cache is referred to as RDMA. Because many resources are freed up, it aids in improving system throughput and performance.On a remote machine, read and write operations can be performed without being interrupted by the CPU of that machine. The data transfer rate is increased, and networking latency is reduced, thanks to this technology. It uses zero-copy networking for transferring data directly into system buffers by enabling network adapters.RDMA was earlier used only in high-performance computing (HPC) ... Read More

What is Inter-Switch Link (ISL)?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Sep-2021 11:12:44


Inter-Switch LinkISL is a VLAN protocol that stands for Inter-Switch Link. Cisco's ISL is a proprietary protocol that is only utilized between Cisco switches.A point-to-point VLAN context can support up to 1000 VLANs and is only compatible with Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet networks.ISL encapsulates an Ethernet frame with a header that sends VLAN IDs between switches and routers. The tag in IEEE 802.1Q is internal.An Ethernet encapsulated ISL frame will typically start at 94 bytes and grow to 1548 bytes in size. Encapsulation is used to develop the protocol.The frame is given a 26-byte header and a 4-byte CRC ... Read More

Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attack and its Types

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Aug-2021 06:31:23

6K+ Views

What is a Denial-of-Service Attack?A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is an attack on a computer network that limits, restricts, or stops authorized users from accessing system resources.DoS attacks work by flooding the target with traffic or sending it data that causes it to crash. It deprives genuine users of the service or resources they expect to receive.DoS assaults frequently target high-profile corporations such as banks, commerce, media companies, and government and trade organizations' web servers.Even through DoS assaults seldom result in the theft or loss of critical information or other assets, they can take a lot of time and money to ... Read More

TCP/IP in Computer Networking

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Aug-2021 06:29:45

12K+ Views

TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol and IP stands for Internet Protocol. TCP/IP is a suite of protocols used for the communication of devices on a network. The network can be of any type: Internet or personal networks like the intranet, extranet, etc.The modern developments that we use on the Internet are only possible because of the TCP/IP suite. Although the name suggests only two protocols, it contains other protocols in it. Let us look at the functioning of this suite in detail.Working of TCP/IPIn simple terms, TCP takes care of how data is transferred in a network.It breaks down ... Read More

Computer Networks – Ransomware Attack on the US Maritime Sector in 2019

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Aug-2021 06:28:26


The United States military is considered to be one of the most sophisticated forces in the world. However, it was challenged and called into question by a 2019 attack on one of the United States' naval stations.Ryuk RansomwareThe US Coast Guard's Christmas 2019 celebrations were apparently ruined by a Ryuk Ransomware assault, which purportedly interrupted government agencies' activities for more than 33 hours. A risk management program was created in accordance with the security protocol, following the best practices outlined in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) and NIST Special Publication 800-82.This is a form of ransomware assault that may have ... Read More

Design Issues in Data Link Layer

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Aug-2021 06:27:19

8K+ Views

Datalink is a layer in the Open System Interconnections. It is the second layer in between the physical layer and the network layer. It manages the connection between the two nodes. Data links integrate certain methods like error control, flow control, and associated link management functions.Some of the main functions of the data link layer include providing a straightforward service interface to the network layer, framing flow control and error recognition, and frame formatting.Types of Data Link LayersData Link layer is mainly of two types −Logical Link Control Sub-Layer (LLC)Media Access Control Sub-layer (MAC)Logical Link Control Sub-Layer (LLC)It gives logic for ... Read More

Difference between Google Drive and HCL Connections

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Aug-2021 06:24:18


We know that different companies have been trying to help people use cloud computing on the Internet in the past few years. As a newbie, it is not easy to choose from the different types of cloud services out there because most of the services are not free, and it might take a tremendous amount of time to try every service.Let us compare two major services: Google Drive and HCL Connections. Note that HCL Connections is not a cloud service.Google DriveGoogle Drive is a file hosting service provided by Google. It was launched on April 24, 2012. It allows users ... Read More

Difference between Backblaze B2 and Jumpshare

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Aug-2021 06:23:06


Backblaze B2Backblaze is a company that provides cloud storage and data backup services. It was founded in 2007 by Gleb Budman, Billy Ng, Nilay Patel, Brian Wilson, Tim Nufire, Damon Uyeda, and Jones.The firm's two primary products are B2 Cloud Storage and Computer Backup, which are aimed at the commercial and consumer sectors.In addition, Backblaze launched a new project, Backblaze B2 cloud storage, in September 2015. It is focused on software integration for many types of enterprises.Backblaze has four data centers, three situated in the United States and one in the European Union.The files are encrypted on the user's PC, ... Read More

Difference between HCL connections and Dropbox

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Aug-2021 06:21:51


HCL ConnectionsHCL Connections was founded by IBM and later acquired by HCL in 2019.It's an enterprise collaboration tool that makes it easier for teams to work together more effectively. It is used by both individuals and small/big enterprises. It uses the 2.0 development of the web.They support many types of Plug-ins like Microsoft Outlook, HCL Lotus Notes, HCL Sametime, etc.The pricing starts from 6 $/Month. They do not have a free version.HCL Connections offer their users free 5 GB of storage and maximum storage of 1 TB for paid users with a maximum file size of 2 GB.It is supported by almost all ... Read More
