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What are Computer Networks and IP addresses?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 09-Sep-2021 07:53:39

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Computer network is a group of computers or nodes that are linked to each other to share information and resources. Whereas, IP addresses are generally represented by a 32-bit unsigned binary value. It is represented in a dotted decimal format.For example, is a valid IP address.The IP address consists of a pair of numbers −IP address = Let see the pictorial representation of two hosts that are communicated with the help of Network and IP address.ExplanationStep 1 − The service that is used to convert the Domain name to IP address is called Domain Name Service.Step 2 − The ... Read More

What are the classifications of classful IP addresses?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 09-Sep-2021 07:38:23

2K+ Views

IP addresses are generally represented by a 32-bit unsigned binary value. It is represented in a dotted decimal format. For example, is a valid IP address.The IP address consists of a pair of numbers −IP address = Class-based IP addressesThe first bits of the IP address specify how the rest of the address should be separated into its network and host part. This IP address consists of network ID and Host ID.Classes of IP addressThere are 5 classes of IP address in computer network, which are as follows −Class AClass BClass CClass DClass EThe numbers of IP addresses possible ... Read More

What is a Mesh Topology in Computer Networks?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 09-Sep-2021 07:27:39

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Topology refers to the arrangement of computer networks. Topology is divided into either physical or logical arrangement. Physical topology refers to the way the computers are connected with each other on a network. Logical topology means the way data is flowing from one computer to another computer.Now, let see the basic definition of computer network topology, it is the schematic description of network arrangements that are connected through various nodes with the help of lines of connection.Types of Network TopologyThe different types of network topology are as follows −Bus topologyRing topologySTAR topologyMESH topologyTREE topologyHybrid TopologyLet us understand the concept of ... Read More

Comparison between Bluejacking and Bluesnarfing

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Sep-2021 11:53:08


Bluetooth is a service that helps in sharing data between multiple devices. We communicate with our computers or any other mobile devices with the help of Bluetooth. Also, it allows us to have a conversation without wires. Nowadays, Bluetooth wireless earphones are there that you can use to listen to music and for discussions. The only problem with these Bluetooth devices is that they have their specific range connected with other devices.BluejackingBluejacking works in a similar way to that of Bluetooth. It is used for sending unlicensed messages to the other Bluetooth device. Bluetooth is the shortrange wireless technology for ... Read More

The Gossip Protocol in Cloud Computing

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Sep-2021 11:52:12


What is Gossip Protocol?Gossip protocol is a computer peer-to-peer communication mechanism or process based on how epidemics spread. To ensure that data is distributed to all group members, several distributed systems use peerto-peer gossip. Since some ad-hoc networks lack a central registry, the only method to disseminate shared data is for each member to pass it on to their neighbors.Because gossip conveys information just like how a virus spreads in a biological community, the phrase "epidemic protocol" is frequently used interchangeably with the gossip protocol.Periodic, paired inter-process interactions are at the heart of the protocol. The amount of data transferred ... Read More

Differences Between Excel and Tableau

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Sep-2021 11:51:14


Excel and Tableau are two convenient tools for the development, storage, and analysis of your data.Microsoft ExcelMicrosoft Excel is a spreadsheet application used for calculations, statistical operations, data analysis, and outlining. Excel spreadsheets are electronics worksheets that show data in tabular forms, with rows and columns. Data is kept in cells. Also, you can create graphs, charts, or presentations to highlight a specific intuition.TableauTableau is a business intelligence tool to get perception from details, find the trends, and make the business choice. Tableau can easily format data in the graphical view to mark the patterns and relations between the informative ... Read More

What is EDGE (Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution)?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Sep-2021 11:49:57

2K+ Views

Wireless data operations are expected to increase at an average of 100-200 percent per year, and the mobile communications industry agrees that it will be the cornerstone of the future business. People enjoy the benefits of non-voice services, as evidenced by the massive success of short messaging in many countries.EDGE (Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution)EDGE allows for a faster transmission rate than standard GSM. It makes use of a backward-compatible GSM digital mobile technology extension. EDGE employs part of the ITU's 3G standard and has a pre-3G radio technology. With the proper modifications, it can work on any GPRS ... Read More

Difference between Google Drive and Jumpshare

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Sep-2021 11:49:07


Google DriveGoogle Drive is a file hosting service provided by Google. It was launched on April 24, 2012. It allows users to store files in the cloud, sync files across devices, and share files.In addition to a web interface, Google Drive has Apps for most devices that can be used offline.Google Drive doesn't only help you save files, it also serves as a central location for all of your Google activities.Google's whole ecosystem of products, including its G Suite of office apps, is compatible with the Drive. So, chances are most people on the Internet already have a Google Drive ... Read More

Difference between MediaFire and Mega

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Sep-2021 11:47:56


MediafireMediaFire is an online backup service that provides users services such as file hosting, file synchronization, and cloud storage. The company is based in Texas, United states.MediaFire was founded by Derek Labian and Tom Langridge in June 2006 and has around 43 million registered users.It is compatible with almost all platforms such as Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android and Web Browser.MediaFire offers users 10 GB of free storage and up to 100 TB of paid storage with a maximum file size limit of 20 GB.MediaFire supports single use links, file sharing both private and public, screen capture, selective syncing, notifications ... Read More

Difference between Router and Gateway

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Aug-2022 09:01:54

6K+ Views

Both Routers and Gateways are network connecting devices. Routers work at the network layer and are responsible to find the shortest path for a packet. Routers connect devices across multiple networks. Gateways, in contrast, function as a node that serves as a gateway to a network's other nodes. Read through this article to find out more about Routers and Gateways and how they are different from each other. What is a Router? A router is basically a network connecting device that determines the quickest path for a packet to go to its destination. The primary objective of using a router ... Read More
