Found 1112 Articles for Internet

What is Silly Window Syndrome in TCP?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:11:57

3K+ Views

TCP is a transmission control protocol and a connection-oriented protocol. It provides a flow control and error control facility for information in between the sender and the receiver.A protocol which will be used in the data link layer which will support the reliable and sequential delivery of data frames. This protocol is the sliding window protocol.This sliding window facility is also used with the TCP which helps to transfer multiple frames by a sender at a time before receiving an acknowledgment from the receiver.The TCP will maintain a proper data flow.If the sender data transmitting speed will be high compared ... Read More

What are flooding, static routing and dynamic routing?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:10:56


Let us begin by understanding the concept of flooding.FloodingFlooding does not require any network information like topology, load condition and cost of different paths.Here, every incoming packet to a node is sent out on every outgoing line except the one it arrived on.In this case all possible routes between Source and Destination will be tried. If a path exists a packet will always get through.Since routes are tried, we can see at least one route which is the shortest.All nodes that are indirectly or directly connected are visited.Some limitations include generation of large numbers of duplicate packets. Also, we must ... Read More

What are flood routing and random routing?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:09:57


Let us begin by understanding what flood routing is.Flood RoutingFlood Routing is the study of flood routing that predicts the potential flood of an area. It is used to determine the time and magnitude of flow.Flood routing is done by using the velocity of water, flow rate and local geology of an area.As all routes are examined, there will be at least one route that is the shortest one. All nodes that are combined directly or indirectly are visited.Limitations of floodingThe limitations of flooding are as follows −Flooding generates a huge number of duplicate packets.A suitable damping mechanism must always ... Read More

What are subnets and subnet masks in computer networks?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:08:28

11K+ Views

Subnet Mask is used in networking to create multiple sub networks in a network. It divides the IP address into multiple parts which can be assigned to every computer. Subnet Mask is made by setting the network bits to all "1"s and setting host bits to all "0"s. Within a given network, two host addresses are reserved for a special purpose, and cannot be assigned to hosts.The binary "0" in the subnet mask tell us about the host address. It tells us about the IP of the host which has done subnetting.ExampleSuppose we have a subnet address as In ... Read More

What are the most popular wireless internet access technologies?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:06:47

1K+ Views

The two of the most popular wireless Internet access technologies are Wireless LAN and Wide-area wireless access network. Let us understand both of them in detail.WLAN (wireless local area network)WLAN uses locally placed radio transmitters (base stations) to provide Internet technology. The end devices that are equipped with radio transceivers exchange data with these base stations.The range of WLAN is limited to a few tens of meters.Wired Internet is used to connect these base stations to the internet network and thus the base station allows the users of the WLAN to get connected to the worldwide internet.WLAN is used for ... Read More

How NAT improves the security of Network?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:05:28

1K+ Views

Network Address Translation (NAT) is used to convert a private IP address into a public IP address and also a public IP address into private IP address. We use NAT due to the shortage of IP addresses.IP Version 4 is a 32- bit address and it has almost 4.3 billion IP addresses, but the population of the world is much higher and it is approximately 7.8 billion as of the latest reports of June 2020.Most of them use multiple gadgets and devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets, and many more for accessing the internet for various needs. All these devices need ... Read More

What are the different types of NAT in computer networks?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:03:17

7K+ Views

Network Address Translation (NAT) is used to convert a private IP address into a public IP address and also a public IP address into private IP address. We use NAT due to the shortage of IP addresses.IP Version 4 is a 32- bit address and it has almost 4.3 billion IP addresses, but the population of the world is much higher and it is approximately 7.8 billion as of the latest reports of June 2020.Most of them use multiple gadgets and devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets, and many more for accessing the internet for various needs. All these devices need ... Read More

What is NAT in computer networks?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 08:01:53

6K+ Views

Before starting the explanation of Network Address Translation let’s recall some key points. That will help you to understand the explanation and working of NAT.Key PointsWe generally have two types of IP address, which are as follows −Private IP addressPublic IP addressPrivate IP address normally used in the LAN (Local area network) side of the Network.Public IP address provided by the ISP is configured in the WAN side of the network.Public IP addresses are always paid, while the private IP address is free.Private IP addresses range as follows − - (65, 536 IP addresses) - (1, 048, 576 ... Read More

What is cellular network communication?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 07:59:35

3K+ Views

Cellular network is fundamental technology for mobile phones, personal communication systems, wireless networking etc. The technology is planned to replace high power transmitter/receiver systems for cell radio phones. For data transmission, cellular networks use lower capacity, shorter range, and more transmitters.It is not a complete wireless technology because the cellular network refers to a large area of mobile networks that is used for network access.A mobile device is linked to its base station using an air-based interface and also using a physical and link layer protocol.Every base station is connected to the Mobile Switching Centre to help set up a ... Read More

What are the cellular network bandwidth capabilities and base station?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Sep-2021 07:58:08


Wireless communications are particularly valuable for mobile applications, so wireless systems are frequently intended to cover enormous regions by parting them into numerous littler cells.This cellular methodology presents numerous challenges, for example, how to evade obstruction, or how to hand-over start with one cell then onto the next, while keeping up great help quality. Inclusion, capacity, obstruction, and range reuse are significant worries of cellular systems.Bandwidth capabilitiesIn a cellular system the bandwidth capabilities, each voice channel utilizes a 30 kHz frequency channel, these frequencies might be reused by a reused design, the framework is FDMA.The general capacity basically originates from ... Read More
