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What are VLAN, NAT and private IP’s in computer networks?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 07:05:29

1K+ Views

Let us begin by learning about Virtual LAN (VLAN).Virtual LAN (VLAN)VLANs are logical grouping of devices which are in the same broadcast domain. Computers, servers, network devices are connected logically and their physical location don't matter. We use VLANs to manage traffic, to make the security improved.A VLAN is used when multiple LAN devices are connected to each other, where each can sneak into the data transmitted by two devices, can be seen by a third device and security can be breached.A VLAN will make sure that the data is kept only between two devices. It can be used to ... Read More

What is big data?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 07:04:26

5K+ Views

In simple language, big data is a collection of data that is larger, more complex than traditional data, and yet growing exponentially with time. It is so huge that no traditional data management software or tool can manage, store, or can process it efficiently. So, it needs to be processed step by step via different methodologies.The Applications of Big Data areBanking and SecuritiesCommunications, Media and EntertainmentHealthcare ProvidersEducationManufacturing and Natural ResourcesGovernmentInsuranceRetail and Wholesale tradeTransportationEnergy and UtilitiesThe Uses of Big Data areLocation TrackingPrecision MedicineFraud Detection & HandlingAdvertisingEntertainment & MediaReal World Big Data ExamplesDiscovering consumer shopping habits.Personalized marketing.Fuel optimization tools for the transportation ... Read More

What are the functions of network address translation?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 07:03:25

1K+ Views

Network Address Translation (NAT) is a mechanism, through which one or more local IP addresses are translated into one or more global IP addresses. To access the local host also, the global IP addresses are converted to the local IP address.Network Address Translation (NAT) TypesThere are three ways to construct NAT. These are as follows −Static NATDynamic NATPort Address Translation (PAT)Functions of NATThe functions of NAT are explained below −Address translation for data transferThe border router is configured for NAT. The border router has two partsLocal interfaceGlobal interface.When the packets are transmitted from local host to another host in another ... Read More

What are the general techniques to improve the quality of service?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 07:01:31

10K+ Views

Quality of service (QoS) in the case of networking implies the ability of a network to provide reliable service to the traffic over various technologies including Ethernet, wireless, IP, Asynchronous Mode etc.QOS in case of network congestion must keep in record various elements causing this congestion. It may be due to the reason of low bandwidth or high traffic on a single route. So, routing protocol being used heavily impacts the Quality of service of networking. It depends on how efficient a routing algorithm is to detect the traffic on a particular route and to choose a route accordingly to ... Read More

What are security threats? Differentiate between wired and wireless threats

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 06:57:08


In computer system and internet technology management, the following may be the security threatsHardware may cause minor threats in most of the situations. It is unable to control the Leaked information.The software threat harms critical data of an organization.Hacking is one of the biggest threats now-a-days. Through malicious programs hackers steal critical information from others.The unauthorized use of personal data is one of the threats.Phishing attacks by malware email to multi-internet users for mid guiding them.Spoofing is also a bigger threat of technology.Methods to secure a networkGiven below are the methods to secure a network −A network can be secured ... Read More

What is QOS and mobile and network QOS?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 06:56:10


Let us understand the concept of Quality of Service (QoS) in networking.QOS in terms of networkingQuality of service (QoS) in the case of networking implies the ability of a network to provide reliable service to the traffic over various technologies including Ethernet, wireless, IP, Asynchronous Mode etc.QOS in case of network congestion has to keep in record various elements causing this congestion. It may be due to the reason of low bandwidth or high traffic on a single route.So, routing protocol being used heavily impacts the Quality of service of networking.It depends on how efficient a routing algorithm is to ... Read More

What is BGP and why do we need it?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 06:54:35

2K+ Views

BGP stands for Border Gateway Protocol. It can be defined as a standardized exterior gateway protocol which is developed to interchange routing information and reachability information between various autonomous systems (AS) on the Internet. It is classified as a path vector protocol as well as a distance-vector routing protocol.Types of BGPThere are two types of BGP and they are as follows −Internal BGP − Internal BGP (IBGP) is a BGP connection between BGP speakers in the same AS.External BGP − External BGP (EBGP) is a BGP connection between BGP speakers in different AS’s.Message TypesThere are four message types of BGP ... Read More

What is CIDR and how it works?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 06:53:34

11K+ Views

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) is a group of IP addresses that are allocated to the customer when they demand a fixed number of IP addresses.In CIDR there is no wastage of IP addresses as compared to classful addressing because only the numbers of IP addresses that are demanded by the customer are allocated to the customer.The group of IP addresses is called Block in Classless Inter - Domain (CIDR).CIDR follows CIDR notation or Slash notation. The representation of CIDR notation is x.y.z.w /n the x.y.z.w is IP address and n is called mask or number of bits that are used ... Read More

What is DSL technology and differentiate between DSL modem and DSLAM?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 06:51:53

2K+ Views

The DSL technology is defined as the digital subscriber lines. Here, the data is transmitted to the users over the telephone signal lines.Voice communication over the telephone is the best example of the digital subscriber lines. Also, there are DSL services that are provided by DSL technology.Here there is asymmetric and symmetric digital subscriber line both are supported by the DSL network.The services provided by the companies that provide the DSL are −The broadband internet connectionVoice communicationVideo streaming at low speed is offered by the companies using the DSL network.Purpose of DSLThe purposes of DSL are explained below −DSL is ... Read More

What are the different types of ISDN?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 06:49:49

3K+ Views

ISDN stands for integrated service digital network. It is a telephone switched network which integrates voice and data over a digital line simultaneously. It also provides packet switched networks.ISDN supports a variety of services which are as follows −Voice callsVideo textsElectronic mailDatabase accessFacsimileTeletextData transmission and voiceConnection to internetElectronic Fund transferImage and graphics exchangeDocument storage and transferAudio and Video ConferencingThe figure given below depicts ISDN −Channels of ISDNISDN has mainly three channels, which are as follows −B-channel − It offers a speed of around 64kbps, which can be used for home purpose.D-channel − It offers speeds ranging from 16 to 64 ... Read More
