Found 1112 Articles for Internet

Types and Uses of Backbone Networks

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:10:31

4K+ Views

What is a Backbone Network?A backbone is a component of the computer network infrastructure that connects multiple networks and provides a conduit for data to flow between them. A backbone may connect different local area networks in workplaces, campuses, or buildings. When numerous local area networks (LANs) are linked across a large region, the result is a wide area network (WAN) or metropolitan area network (MAN) if it serves the entire city.A backbone is a series of passageways that other significant networks connect to for long-distance communication on a massive scale. Various networking technologies collaborate as connecting points or nodes. ... Read More

What is Tunnelling in Computer Networks?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:09:16

15K+ Views

Tunnelling is a protocol for transferring data securely from one network to another. Using a method known as encapsulation, Tunnelling allows private network communications to be sent across a public network, such as the Internet. Encapsulation enables data packets to appear general to a public network when they are private data packets, allowing them to pass unnoticed.Note − Port forwarding is another name for Tunnelling.When data is tunnelled, it is split into smaller parts called packets, as it travels through the tunnel. The packets are encrypted via the tunnel, and another process known as encapsulation takes place. For transmission, private ... Read More

What is Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:08:02


Cross-Site Request ForgeryCross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an Internet exploit that involves a trusted website user issuing unauthorized commands. In contrast to cross-site scripting, which exploits the user's trust for a website, CSRF leverages a website's trust for a specific user's browser. Session riding or a one-click attack are other terms for the same thing.The "GET" command of a browser is commonly used as the exploit point in a CSRF. To inject commands into a specific website, CSRF employs HTML tags like "IMG." A particular user of the website is then engaged as both a host and an unintentional accomplice. ... Read More

Types of Email Attacks

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:06:21

2K+ Views

Electronic mail (email) is a digital messaging system that allows users to send and receive messages via the Internet. Email communications are sent and received by email servers, available from all Internet Service Providers (ISP).Emails are sent between two separate server folders: the senders and the recipients. A sender saves, transmits, or forwards email messages, whereas a recipient accesses an email server to view or download emails.Types of Email AttacksIn this article, we will take a look at some methods in which cybercriminals use emails to attack vulnerable users.PhishingPhishing is a type of deception. Cybercriminals utilize email, instant messaging, and ... Read More

Python program to remove row with custom list element

Updated on 16-Sep-2021 08:27:57


When it is required to remove row with custom list element, a list comprehension and the ‘any’ operator are used.ExampleBelow is a demonstration of the samemy_list = [[14, 3, 11], [66, 27, 8], [31, 12, 21], [11, 16, 26]] print("The list is :") print(my_list) check_list = [3, 10, 19, 29, 20, 15] print("The check list is :") print(check_list) my_result = [row for row in my_list if not any(element in row for element in check_list)] print("The result is :") print(my_result)OutputThe list is : [[14, 3, 11], [66, 27, 8], [31, 12, 21], [11, 16, 26]] The check ... Read More

What are ultra-dense networks and new services and applications in 5G networks?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 07:13:57


Let us understand what an ultra-dense network is.Ultra-Dense NetworkThe dense networks deliver the best of the user experience to the users. This type of network allows the users to get the best result by the use of the densification. The density here can be the absolute or relative density in the networks.The user density networks increase the density too potentially beyond its range to fulfill the customer demand. In the user defined network, the capacity grows as the capacity of the base station also increases. This type of network provides users with the best of experience with the densification approach.In ... Read More

Differentiate between Arp and BGP

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 07:11:33

1K+ Views

BGP stands for Border gateway protocol. It is used to exchange the routing information between the networks. It makes the internet work. It always selects the local path preference. Because of the below reasons it is choosing the path than the best path.- Firstly RIP (Routing Information Protocol) selects the path with lowest hop count.- OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) selects the path with the lowest cost. This is more important.- The best path in internet depends on how we are forwarding the traffic and to which autonomous system instead of the shortest path.- Higher local preference path is preferred.-Shortest ... Read More

What are the basic building blocks of IPSec VPN tunnelling?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 07:09:53


The basic building blocks of the IPsec vpn tunnelling are as follows −Authentication header − it is used to verify the identity of the sender of the data and to check whether it is altered or not. It ties data in every data packet to a verifiable signature. It is used for the purpose of authentication.Encapsulating security payload − the data in the data packet is scrambled by using the encryption technique to prevent the sniffing attacks. It ensures the confidentiality of the data as the data is encrypted and not being able to be understood by anyone except the ... Read More

What are network troubleshooting tools?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 07:08:55

3K+ Views

The network troubleshooting tools are classified into two types −Hardware toolsThe hardware tools included in the network troubleshooting are explained below −Cable testerIt is also known as a media tester. It is used to test whether the cable works properly or not. The cable testers will confirm whether a cable works correctly and if there is a problem with the cable. Tools which are used for testing of the cable can be classified as a cable tester.Protocol analyserThis tool is used to analyse the network protocols like UDP, TCP, and FTP etc. This acts as a software as well as ... Read More

What are security features of the 4G cellular network?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 16-Sep-2021 07:06:37


4G cellular network is actually the fourth generation of cellular communications.Features of 4GIt comes up with many features which are given below −10x high speed as compared to 3GThe cost is also less for each bit used.It is highly secured too.It comes up with LTE i.e. Long term evaluation which refers to high-speed data connection for mobile devices.Now let us talk about the security features of 4G.Security features of the 4G cellular networkSecurity features are the different types of security measures a 4G network possesses such as the following −Configuration of security − It is the most beautiful feature of ... Read More
