Found 1112 Articles for Internet

Difference between Cyber Security and Information Security in Computer Networks?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 05-Nov-2021 09:57:54


What is Cybersecurity?Before we can understand what cybersecurity is and what types of risks and vulnerabilities it contains, we must first comprehend the cyberspace. The term "cyberspace" refers to a collection of communication networks, databases, embedded processors, the internet, and controllers used to exchange electronic documents. Telephone wires, coaxial cables, electromagnetic waves, and fiber-optic connections create a global network environment.Though cyberspace and the Internet are sometimes used interchangeably, the Internet is actually a part of cyberspace. To put it another way, cyberspace is a networked Internet environment.Cyber-security can be defined as the process of defending cyberspace from assault, abuse, harm, ... Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Subnetting

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 05-Nov-2021 09:54:40

5K+ Views

What is Subnetting?Subnetting is a process of separating a single physical network into several logical subnetworks (subnets).A network segment and a host segment make up an IP address subnets formed by extracting bits from an IP address's host component and establishing several smaller sub-networks within a more extensive network.Subnetting enables a business to expand its network without securing a new network number from its Internet Service Provider (ISP). Subnetting reduces network traffic while also hiding network complexity.Subnetting is required when a single network number must be distributed across multiple parts of a local area network.Subnets were created to alleviate the ... Read More

Difference between Classical and Quantum Cryptography

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 05-Nov-2021 09:52:06


Classical CryptographyClassical cryptography employs a number of mathematical approaches to prevent eavesdroppers from learning the contents of encrypted transmissions. The most widely used and widely embraced among them are given below. Throughout the article, the transmitter is referred to as 'Alice, ' the receiver is referred to as 'Bob, ' and an eavesdropper is referred to as 'Eve.'Quantum CryptographyIt is a kind of cryptography that uses "quantum mechanics". The creation of a quantum channel necessitates the use of polarising filters at both the transmitter and receiver ends. As a result, at the transmitter end, we can send pictures with a ... Read More

Classful Vs Classless Addressing

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 31-Oct-2023 21:18:02

45K+ Views

Classful AddressThe first addressing system to be implemented as part of the Internet Protocol was Classful Addressing. In the year 1981, the Classful addressing network architecture was first used on the Internet. The Classful addressing system was superseded by a Classless addressing scheme with the introduction of Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) in 1993.The IP address comprises up of 32 bits and is split into four sections separated by dots: part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4.The IP address is made up of four parts, each of which is eight bits long (1 byte).Further, the 4 parts of the ... Read More

Use of Callbacks in Layered Architecture

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 07:18:51


Layered ArchitectureA layered architecture splits a system into many groups, each of which contains code that addresses a specific issue area, and these groups are referred to as layers.The majority of enterprise-level apps have a three-layer high-level application architecture.The Presentation layerThe Business layerThe Persistence layerWhat is a Callback?A callback, sometimes known as a "call-after" function in computer programming, is any executable code that is supplied as an argument to other code, with the expectation that the other code will call back (execute) the input at a specific time. This execution can take place at once, as in a synchronous callback, ... Read More

Types of Wireless and Mobile Device Attacks

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 07:17:33

2K+ Views

SMiShingWith the widespread usage of cellphones, smishing has grown more prevalent. Short Message Service (SMS) is used by SMiShing to transmit fraudulent text messages or links. By calling, the crooks deceive the user. Victims may provide sensitive information like credit card numbers, account numbers, and so on. When a user visits a website, he or she may unwittingly download malware that infects the device.War DrivingWar driving is a method employed by attackers to locate entrance points wherever they are. They may drive about and acquire a massive quantity of information in a short period of time because of the availability ... Read More

Type of VPN and its protocols

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 07:14:43

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VPN is an abbreviation for Virtual Private Network. It allows a person to safely and discreetly connect to a private network over the Web. VPN establishes a secure channel known as a VPN tunnel, through which all Internet traffic and conversation is routed.Remote Access VPNA Remote Access VPN allows people to connect to a private network and remotely access all of its resources and services. The person's connection to the private network is made over the Internet, and the connectivity is safe and confidential. Remote Access VPN is beneficial to both residential and business users.While away from the office, a ... Read More

TCP Client-Server Program to Check if a Given String is a Palindrome

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 07:10:30

1K+ Views

A Palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward, e.g., "madam" or "nurses run".TCP Client-Server ProgramClient and server configuration in which a client connects transmits a string to the server, and the server displays the original string and sends a confirmation to the client through socket connection whether the string is a palindrome or not.Input − WOWOutput − PalindromeInput − soapOutput − Not PalindromeHow Does It Work?First, establish a client-server connection.After the connection is established, the client utilizes the send system function to deliver the user input string to the server.The server will wait ... Read More

TCP and UDP in Transport Layer

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:52:54

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Layer 3 or the Network layer employs IP, or Internet Protocol, which is a connectionless protocol that processes each packet independently, resulting in a lack of transmission dependability. When data is transmitted from one host to another, each packet, even though it belongs to the same session, may travel a distinct path. This implies that the packets could or might not arrive in the correct order. As a result, IP’s dependability is reliant on higher-layer protocols.Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)TCP is a protocol that allows data to be sent from one computer to another. TCP is a layer 4 protocol that ... Read More

What is Secure Socket Layer (SSL)?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 28-Oct-2021 06:51:45

14K+ Views

Secure Sockets LayerSecure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a standard technique for transmitting documents securely across a network. SSL technology, created by Netscape, establishes a secure connection between a Web server and a browser, ensuring private and secure data transmission. SSL communicates using the Transport Control Protocol (TCP).The term "socket" in SSL refers to the method of sending data via a network between a client and a server.A Web server requires an SSL certificate to establish a secure SSL connection while using SSL for safe Internet transactions. SSL encrypts network connection segments atop the transport layer, a network connection component above ... Read More
