Found 1112 Articles for Internet

What are the Gateways in Computer Networks?

Updated on 17-Nov-2021 11:01:10


A device that can bridge multiple network structures is known as a gateway. Therefore gateways can connect two dissimilar LANs. The major difference between gateways and routers is that routers work at the OSI model’s network layer. In contrast, gateways work from the lowest to the topmost layer, i.e., the application layer to the OSI model’s network layer.Gateways and routers are used correspondingly. It can transform data packets from one protocol architecture to another before forwarding them to connect two multiple networks. Therefore it includes protocol conversion services at the application layer. A gateway is a connecting device that can ... Read More

What is the difference between GSM and GPRS?

Updated on 17-Nov-2021 10:56:50

3K+ Views

Let us understand what GSM is.GSMGSM represents Global Systems for Mobile Communications. It is the fundamental standard-bearer of 2G technologies. It is generally used in mobile communication. Short Messaging System (SMS) was introduced into GSM networks along with the capability to download content from multiple service providers. The content can ringtone, logos, and image messages. It can provide Voice telephony and data however the data cost is only 9.6Kb/s that is a very low bit cost for date communication.GPRSGPRS represents General Packet Radio Service. It can be used to provide higher information speed over GSM. It is not the restoration ... Read More

What are the Standard Organizations for Data Communications?

Updated on 17-Nov-2021 10:50:40

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Data Communication is a phase of swapping data or information. This process contains a communication system that is created from hardware and software. The hardware part contains the sender and receiver devices and the intermediate devices through which the data moves. The software element includes specific rules which determine what is to be connected, how it is to be connected, and when. It is also referred to as a Protocol.The primary standards organizations for data communication are as follows −International Standard Organization (ISO)ISO is the international organization for standardization on a broad range of subjects. It includes mainly members from ... Read More

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Antivirus?

Updated on 17-Nov-2021 10:47:37

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Antivirus software is a program that operates against virus protection. It can find or perceive the virus, and afterward, subsequent to discovering the nearness of the virus, it operates on expelling it from the computer system. Antivirus software operates as a prophylactic with the objective that it takes out a virus and keeps any potential virus from infecting your computer in the future.Antivirus software is one of the important levels of our internet security, be it on our PC or mobile devices. It is becoming important to have trustworthy protection on our smartphones, because it can do so much through ... Read More

What is Hacking?

Updated on 17-Nov-2021 10:46:30


Hacking is the art of examining the private things that are being private from general usage and discovering loopholes in the security and facilitating them to benefit others. Hacking is the procedure of discovering vulnerabilities in a system and using these found vulnerabilities to boost unauthorized access into the system to implement malicious activities ranging from eliminating system files to stealing sensitive data.Types of HackingThe types of hacking are as follows −Network Hacking − Network hacking defines gathering data about a network with the determination to harm the network system and hamper its services using multiple tools such as Telnet, ... Read More

What is Network Virtualization?

Updated on 17-Nov-2021 10:45:20

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Network virtualization represents the administration and monitoring of an entire computer network as a single administrative entity from a single software-based administrator’s console.Network virtualization can include storage virtualization, which contains managing all storage as an individual resource. Network virtualization is created to enable network optimization of data transfer rates, flexibility, scalability, reliability, and security. It automates many network management functions, which disguise a network's true complexity. All network servers and services are considered as one pool of resources, which can be used independently of the physical elements.Virtualization can be defined as making a computer that runs within another computer. The ... Read More

What is the Simplified Data Encryption Standard?

Updated on 17-Nov-2021 10:44:10

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Simplified Data Encryption Standard (S-DES) is equivalent to the DES algorithm. The SDES encryption algorithm produces an 8-bit block of plaintext (example: 10111101) and a 10-bit key as input and makes an 8-bit block of ciphertext as output. The S-DES decryption algorithm takes an 8-bit block of ciphertext and the same 10-bit key can develop that ciphertext as input and makes the initial 8-bit block of plaintext.These algorithms generate a key and thus encapsulate the message with this key. There are two types of encryptions: asymmetric and symmetric, which are in vogue.Presentation LayerThe presentation layer in S-DES manages the translation, ... Read More

What is UDP?

Updated on 17-Nov-2021 10:42:50


UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol. It supports a connectionless packet service that provides unreliable 'best effort' delivery. This defines that the packet’s arrival is not protected, nor is the proper sequencing of forwarded packets. An application that does not need an acknowledgment of data receipts, such as audio or video advertising, uses UDP.UDP is also used by applications that frequently transmit a small amount of information at one time. For example, UDP supports a protocol port to differentiate between several programs executing on a single device.Each UDP message includes both a destination port number and a source port number. ... Read More

What is Cyber Security and what are its types?

Updated on 17-Nov-2021 10:37:40

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Cyber Security defines the technologies, procedures, and practices created to protect networks, devices, apps, and data from any type of cyber-attacks. Cyber security can be defined as information technology (IT) security.Cyber Security is all about preserving your devices and network from unauthorized access or alteration. The internet is not only the essential source of data, but it is also a channel through which people do business.The goal of cyber security is to protect computers, networks, and software programs from such cyber attacks. Most of these digital attacks are aimed at assessing, altering, or removing sensitive data; extracting money from victims; ... Read More

What is the difference between SNAT and DNAT?

Updated on 17-Nov-2021 10:35:30

6K+ Views

Let us begin by understanding what SNAT is.SNATSNAT represents Source NAT. Source NAT is used when an internal user starts a connection with an external Host. Therefore, the layer 3 device on which we already configured NAT, interprets the private IP address of the Host to Public IP. It can also interpret the source port in the TCP or UDP protocol headers.It can create an outbound connection, an ephemeral port is used to support the destination with a port on which to communicate and keep a distinct traffic stream. When these ephemeral ports are used for SNAT, they are known ... Read More
