Found 1112 Articles for Internet

Multiplexing and Demultiplexing in Transport Layer

Urmila Samariya
Updated on 23-Nov-2021 10:53:46

22K+ Views

MultiplexingMultiplexing is the process of collecting the data from multiple application processes of the sender, enveloping that data with headers and sending them as a whole to the intended receiver.In Multiplexing at the Transport Layer, the data is collected from various application processes. These segments contain the source port number, destination port number, header files, and data.These segments are passed to the Network Layer which adds the source and destination IP address to get the datagram.DemultiplexingDelivering the received segments at the receiver side to the correct app layer processes is called demultiplexing.The destination host receives the IP datagrams; each datagram ... Read More

ARP, Reverse ARP, Inverse ARP, Proxy ARP, and Gratuitous ARP

Urmila Samariya
Updated on 23-Nov-2021 10:41:51

5K+ Views

Address Resolution ProtocolAddress Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a communication protocol that works on the TCP/IP Layer 2.ARP helps to get the MAC address of the connected router or gateway from the IP address.ARP is a request-response protocol in which one device sends a request to another device asking for some information, the other device will respond/reply with the required information.ARP packets are encapsulated by a link-layer and are distributed only in a specific network. ARP is said to be a link-layer protocol.How Does ARP Work?Before sending an IP packet, the sender must know the destination MAC address.If the MAC address ... Read More

What is the working of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol?

Updated on 23-Nov-2021 04:59:45

3K+ Views

DHCP represents Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It is a network management protocol that can dynamically assign an IP address to a denial device, or node, on a network so they can connect using IP (Internet Protocol).DHCP automates and centrally handles these configurations. There is no requirement to manually assign IP addresses to new devices. Thus, there is no need for any user configuration to connect to a DHCP-based network.DHCP decreases the chances of common bugs appearing when IP addresses are created manually. It also ensures no two hosts can have similar IP addresses.DHCP act an essential role in handling small ... Read More

What is the difference between SOAP and HTTP?

Updated on 23-Nov-2021 04:58:56


Let us understand the concept of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).SOAPSOAP represents Simple Object Access Protocol. It is an XML-based protocol for penetrating web services. SOAP is a W3C recommendation for connection between two applications. SOAP is an XML based protocol.It is platform-independent and language-independent. By using SOAP, it will be able to connect with other programming language applications.The SOAP specifications are authorized internet standards, maintained and developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).It is an authorized protocol and it appears with rigid rules and improved security features including built-in ACID compliance and authorization. It needed more bandwidth and ... Read More

What is the difference between SCTP and TCP?

Updated on 23-Nov-2021 04:57:39


Let us begin by learning about Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP).SCTPSCTP represents Stream Control Transmission Protocol. It is a new stable, message-oriented transport layer protocol. It is universally produced for Internet applications that have been introduced. These new applications include IUA (ISDN over IP), M2UA and M3UA (telephony signaling), H.248 (media gateway control), H.323 (IP telephony), and SIP (IP telephony), etc.SCTP connects the characteristics of UDP and TCP. SCTP is a stable message-oriented protocol. It protects the message boundaries, and simultaneously, detects hidden data, duplicate information, and out-of-order data. It also has congestion control and flow control architectures.The unit of ... Read More

What is the difference between Bluetooth and LiFi?

Updated on 23-Nov-2021 04:56:24


To begin with, let us learn about the concept of bluetooth.BluetoothBluetooth is a proprietary open wireless technology which calculates for exchanging data over short locations (using short-wavelength radio channels in the ISM band from 2400-2480 MHz) from durable and mobile devices. It can generate personal area networks (PANs) with large levels of security. It was produced by telecoms vendor Ericsson in 1994, and it was initially accepted as a wireless approach to RS-232 data cables. It can connect multiple devices, overcoming problems of synchronization.Bluetooth is managed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, which has more than 14, 000 member organizations ... Read More

What is a Software defined Networking (SDN) Controller?

Updated on 23-Nov-2021 04:55:12


SDN stands for Software-defined networking. It is a network architectural model that enables programmatic administration, control, and optimization of network resources. The feature of the traditional network architecture model fails to combine the demands of current business IT.Organizations needed network infrastructure that enables the adaptability to scale and provide dynamic computing environments based on promptly growing technology and business landscapes.SDN produces a broad array of business benefits. Separation of the control and transport layers increases adaptability and stimulates time-to-market for new applications.The capacity to acknowledge more swiftly to problems and outages increase network availability and programmability creates it simpler for ... Read More

What is a MAC Address in Computer Networks?

Urmila Samariya
Updated on 23-Nov-2021 05:08:05

5K+ Views

Media Access Control (MAC) address is a physical address that works at the data link layer of the OSI model.A MAC address is a 48 or 64-bit address associated with a network adapter.MAC addresses are linked to the hardware of the network adapters, hence they are also known as the "hardware address" or "physical address."MAC addresses uniquely identify the adapter on the LAN.MAC addresses are expressed in hexadecimal notation. For example, "01-23-45-67-89-AB" in a 48-bit address or "01-23-45-67-89-AB-CD-EF" in a 64-bit address. Sometimes, colons (:) are used instead of dashes (-).MAC addresses are often considered permanent, but in some conditions, ... Read More

What is the difference between Scareware and Adware?

Updated on 23-Nov-2021 04:54:10


Firstly, let us understand what scareware is.ScarewareScareware is a deceptive procedure created to trick Web users into downloading and purchasing malicious software (malware) by creating user interruption, uncertainty, or panic. Scareware formats involve malware, adware, spyware, Trojans, and viruses.Scareware creates pop-ups that look like Microsoft Windows system indications and alerts for anti-virus/anti-spyware applications, registry cleaners, or firewalls. These deceptive pop-ups make a user call to action to buy scareware and repair alleged bugs.Scareware can contain a clickjacking feature to redirect a client to an attacker’s website or initiate a malware download if a client attempts to close the pop-up. Scareware ... Read More

What is the difference between Adware and Ransomware?

Updated on 23-Nov-2021 04:53:09


Let us understand what Adware is.AdwareAdware is a subgroup of spyware that can discover its method onto devices via affected websites through a wrongful installation. It generally includes a code that tracks web surfing habits and several non-public records. Adware passes user data onto a third party without the client consent or authorization.Adware’s motivation is to create income for its designer by serving promotions to web clients while they are surfing the web or during the underlying establishment process.The objectives of Adware is to create revenue by serving ads to web users while they are surfing the web or during ... Read More
