Found 1112 Articles for Internet

What is DHCP snooping?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 21-Mar-2022 11:14:51


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network management protocol which is used to automate the process of configuring devices on IP networks. Therefore it allows them to use network services like DNS, NTP or any other communication protocol based on UDP or TCP.DHCP snoopingDHCP snooping is a series of techniques in computer networking, which are applied for improving the security of a DHCP infrastructure.When DHCP servicers are allocating IP addresses to the client on the LAN, DHCP snooping can be configured on LAN switches in order to prevent malicious or malformed DHCP traffic, or rogue DHCP servers.Apart from that, ... Read More

What is Netcat?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 21-Mar-2022 10:57:07

5K+ Views

Netcat is a networking utility with the help of TCP/IP protocol which reads and writes data across network connections. Netcat is built as a secure back-end tool and can be used to send files from a client to a server and back directly with other programmes and scripts.At the same time, it's a network debugging and exploration platform rich in features that can define network parameters while also creating a tunnel connection to a remote host.Although Netcat can do many things, its primary objective and most desirable features are as follows −To build a connection from the server to the ... Read More

What is the full form of WWW?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 21-Mar-2022 10:54:08


The full form of WWW is World Wide Web which is the internet that we are using nowadays. Tim Berner’s lee, a British scientist in CERN, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989.Originally it was meant to meet the demand for automatic information sharing between scientists of universities and institutions around the world.Later on the commercial potential in web makes the growth of web in an exponential paced manner. It is kind of a store where all the websites and documents are stored and we access those using different websites and their domains. The resources are transferred to us ... Read More

What is the full form of AURP?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 21-Mar-2022 10:51:12


The Full form of AURP is “AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol”. AppleTalk tunnelling permits a corporation chairman to associate a minimum of two local internets through an unfamiliar organization framework to shape a huge wide region organization (WAN).ExampleAn AppleTalk WAN may comprise of a minimum of two local AppleTalk internets associated through a tunnel supporting a TCP/IP web. In such an AppleTalk WAN, local internets use AppleTalk protocols, while the unfamiliar organization framework utilizes an alternate protocol family. A tunnel is often either an unfamiliar organization framework or a highlight point interface.There are two kinds of tunnels, double endpoint tunnels and ... Read More

What is Near-me Area Network (NAN)?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 21-Mar-2022 10:45:51


Near-me Area Network (NAN) may be a sensible communication network centred around communication between remote devices, for instance, Smartphones and private Digital Assistants then on inside a closeness area. This Near-me Area network is worked over existing actual network foundations.In basic during a Local Area Network (LAN) all of the associated devices are within the same network segment yet if there should arise an event of Near-me Area Network the associated devices over NAN could be utilizing diverse network frameworks.For instance, consider two smartphone clients who are geologically close however utilizing network administrations from various mobile transporters.Regardless of whether the ... Read More

What is HTTP?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 21-Mar-2022 10:43:40

1K+ Views

HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. It is an application protocol.Using hyperlinks embedded in hypertext the web developers are able to connect web pages. HTTP is a base of data communication for WWW (World Wide Web). HTTP was invented by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in 1989.HTTP acts as a request-response protocol in the client-server computing model. For instance, let us consider a browser as a client and an application running on a computer hosting a website as a server.The client first initiates a HTTP request message to the server.The server then collects requested resources such as HTML files or any ... Read More

What is High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA)?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 21-Mar-2022 06:47:02


The full form of HSDPA is High-Speed Downlink Packet Access. It is a new protocol used in mobile telephone data transmission. It is called a 3.5G technology.Basically, this standard will provide download speeds on a mobile phone equivalent to an ADSL line in a home, by removing any limitations placed on the use of your phone by a slow connection.More importantly, it is an evolution and improvement on W-CDMA, (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) a 3G based protocol. It helps in improving the data transfer rate by a factor of at least five over W-CDMA. It can also achieve theoretical data ... Read More

What is the full form of ARPANET?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 21-Mar-2022 06:30:22

3K+ Views

The full form of ARPANET is Advanced Research Projects Agency NET was developed under the direction of the US Advanced Research Projects Agency and was based on a concept first published in 1967. With the interconnection of four university computers in 1969, the concept became a modest reality.It was the first network to implement the TCP/IP protocol. It was a very early packet switch network. This network became the foundation for the modern day internet.The protocols used in Arpanet were later developed for joining multiple networks, which gave rise to the modern day internet. It helps in grouping the data ... Read More

What are the differences between MANET and VANET?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 11:33:02

7K+ Views

The full form of VANET is Vehicular Adhoc Network. It is the subclass of network of MANET type whereas the full form of MANET is Mobile Adhoc Network. In this, all nodes can be interfaced dynamically in arbitrary fashion.MANET featuresThe features are as follows −It supports Dynamic topologiesIt supports Energy constraint operationIt has Variable capacity links.Here is an example picture of MANET −VANET featuresThe features are as follows −Cellular and WLAN networkHybridPure Ad hocHere is the example picture of VANET −DifferencesThe differences between the MANETs with VANETs are as follows −ParametersMANETSVANETSDynamic TopologiesThe topologies change is slow.The topology change is very ... Read More

What is ISCII Encoding?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 10:43:45

1K+ Views

The full form of ISCII is Indian Script Code for Information Interchange. It was established as Bureau of Indian Standards in 1991 and it is based on an earlier Indian Standard IS 10401:1982. It is a type of coding scheme for Indian languages.It is an 8-bit standard where lower 128 characters (0-127) conform to ASCII standard and higher 128 characters (128-255) are used to encode characters from an Indian script.ISCII encoding strategy is used in Unicode in their encoding. Generally the characters of the Indian language derive from the ancient Brahmi script. Mostly all the characters resemble closely to each ... Read More
