Found 1112 Articles for Internet

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Satish Kumar
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 15:10:19

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What is W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)? The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international organization that develops standards for the World Wide Web (WWW or Web). It was founded in 1994 by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, with the goal of ensuring that the Web remains a free and open platform for communication and innovation. The W3C works to develop and promote standards that ensure the long-term growth of the Web. It is made up of member organizations, including governments, companies, and research institutions, that contribute their expertise and resources to the development of Web standards. ... Read More

What is Webmail?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 14:50:55

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What is Webmail? Webmail is a type of email service that allows users to access and manage their email messages through a web browser. Instead of using a dedicated email client like Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail, users can log in to their email account using a web-based interface and perform tasks like reading and sending email, organizing messages into folders, and managing their contacts. Webmail is convenient because it can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and a web browser, without the need to install any software. This makes it particularly useful for users who need ... Read More

Cyber warfare in 2022 – weaponizing Operational Technology Environment

Jui Mondal
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 11:04:08


Cyberwarfare isn't a threat of the future; it is a visible and present menace. Although the cyberwarfare theme may sound like some CGI-integrated modern game or a sci-fi film, the reality is that our linked world is filled with multiple security gaps, which is very unfortunate. Mobile applications and e-commerce have greatly facilitated consumer convenience due to the digital revolution. Furthermore, expanding the cloud and transitioning to remote work settings benefit productivity and performance. Nevertheless, the contemporary internet gives criminals and political activists a chance to further their goals, whether monetary gain, political influence, or societal unrest. There have been ... Read More

How does the Cloud fit into the Internet of Things (IoT)?

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 14:45:44


The term “The cloud” is at the top list of trendy technologies in the ’20s. When something is in the Cloud, it means it's stored on virtual servers rather than in your computer's hard drive. Hence, it works out great for businesses operating in multiple countries. Since the Cloud operates virtually, it doesn't matter if multiple users request access to the same file simultaneously. This technology allows everyone to view any file at any time. Additionally, the Cloud offers constant data backup and is accessible from any device. This is why your old phone is broken, and when you log in ... Read More

The Role of Edge Computing in the Internet of Things (IoT)

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 14:43:11


Wonderful progressions in implanted frameworks on a chip have expanded the number of business gadgets with adequate assets to run undeniable working frameworks. This change has broadened the capability of the IoT. Numerous early IoT gadgets could gather and send information for the investigation. Notwithstanding, the rising processing limit of the present gadgets permits them to perform complex calculations on location, bringing about edge figuring. Edge computing broadens cloud computing capacities by bringing administrations near the edge of an organization and, in this way, upholds another range of administrations and apps. IoT and Edge Computing The Internet of Things (IoT) ... Read More

Future of GPS with IoT (Internet of Things)

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 04-Jan-2023 13:28:32

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GPS uses satellites to monitor the movement of anything equipped with such a GPS tracking device, including automobiles, humans, and even pets. It operates in any weather condition and offers precise location updates in real-time. As one of the earliest ways to track and disseminate digital information from the real environment, GPS has significantly impacted IoT technology. The Internet of Things (IoT) may gather and measure enormous amounts of data on anything from individual health to public transportation; GPS tracking is required to provide location information for such objects. A more reliable and easily accessible data set can be built ... Read More

Computer Network - Definition, Components, Objectives

Shubham Vora
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 15:11:53

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PCs are incredible things; however, they genuinely sparkle when they are important for an organization. When a gadget is associated with an organization, it can achieve a lot more, including web surfing, conveying and working with partners, looking into data, putting away information, and managing a monetary exchange, in addition to other things. A PC network is a ton of gadgets related through joins. A middle point can be a PC, printer, or other gadget arranged to send or get the information. The affiliations imparting the middle focuses are known as correspondence channels. PC Affiliation incorporates conveyed managing in ... Read More

Difference between Batch Processing and Stream Processing

Manisha Shejwal
Updated on 03-Aug-2022 11:57:43


Computer systems have been handling data since decades, but the volume and speed of handling has become phenomenal in the last few years. Data processing means "the collection and manipulation of items of data to produce meaningful information", has been evolving in terms of speed, efficiency, and leveraging the computing resources, till date. In this article, we will see two important techniques of data processing in the field of computation − Batch processing and Stream processing. We will elaborate them in detail and see how they are different. What is Batch Processing? Batch processing is technique of processing large amount ... Read More

Difference between Baseband and Broadband Transmission

Manisha Shejwal
Updated on 03-Aug-2022 11:45:05

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Data transmission has been crucial in the age of digital communication. Either digital or analogue data can be transmitted over a communication medium to one or more devices, depending on the interfaces in use. There are two important types of data transmission − Baseband and Broadband. Read through this article to understand each type of transmission and the differences between them. What is Baseband Transmission? It is a transmission technology where a single signal is either sent or received through a communication channel such as a cable, in the form of discrete pulses of the single frequency. The frequency of ... Read More

Difference between WiFi and Hotspot

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 29-Jul-2022 09:08:33

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Today, gaining access to the Internet does not need signing up for the data subscription plan offered by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). There are other available choices. The Internet can be accessed and shared in a variety of other ways, thanks to our smartphones.WiFi and hotspot are two terms that are sometimes used interchangeably to refer to connection to the Internet; however, there is a significant difference between the two. Hotspots are physical locations that are typically public places that are served by an access point that is used to connect devices to one another using WiFi. WiFi is ... Read More
