Found 1112 Articles for Internet

Cisco Router Modes

Satish Kumar
Updated on 27-Jan-2023 18:31:07

5K+ Views

Cisco routers are a vital component of modern networks, and they come with a variety of different modes that allow users to configure and manage them. Understanding these modes and how to use them effectively can help network administrators to optimize their network performance and troubleshoot issues more efficiently. In this article, we will discuss the different Cisco router modes, including their purpose and how to access them. We will also provide examples of common tasks that can be performed in each mode and provide tips for using them effectively. User EXEC Mode The User EXEC mode, also known as ... Read More

Cisco Router basic commands

Satish Kumar
Updated on 27-Jan-2023 18:29:34

7K+ Views

Cisco routers are a popular choice for network administrators due to their robustness and reliability. They are used in a wide range of environments, from small home networks to large enterprise networks. To effectively manage a Cisco router, it is essential to have a good understanding of the basic commands that are used to configure and troubleshoot the device. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most commonly used Cisco router basic commands, with examples and explanations to help you understand how they work. Accessing the Cisco Router The first step in configuring a Cisco ... Read More

Cisco ASA Redistribution example

Satish Kumar
Updated on 27-Jan-2023 18:26:29


Redistribution is a process of sharing routing information between different routing protocols. In Cisco ASA, redistribution is used to share information between different routing protocols or between different routing domains. This allows for the integration of various networks and improves overall network efficiency. In this article, we will provide a beginner's guide to redistribution on Cisco ASA, including examples of how to configure redistribution on the device. Before diving into the configuration process, it's important to understand the different routing protocols that can be used on Cisco ASA. The most common routing protocols used on Cisco ASA are Interior Gateway ... Read More

Characteristics of Virtualization

Satish Kumar
Updated on 27-Jan-2023 18:20:01

5K+ Views

Virtualization is a technology that allows multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical machine. It is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way we use computers and has become an essential component of modern IT infrastructure. The concept of virtualization has been around for decades, but it has only recently become mainstream as technology has advanced and costs have dropped. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of virtualization and how it is being used today. Abstracting Physical Resources One of the most significant characteristics of virtualization is the ability to abstract physical resources. This means ... Read More

Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)

Satish Kumar
Updated on 27-Jan-2023 18:11:57

1K+ Views

Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is a widely used authentication method that provides an added layer of security to network connections. This protocol is commonly used in Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections, such as those used for dial-up internet access or virtual private network (VPN) connections. The basic principle of CHAP is that it challenges the connecting client to prove their identity by providing a specific response to a unique challenge. This challenge-response mechanism is designed to prevent unauthorized access and protect against replay attacks. How CHAP Works CHAP uses a three-step process to authenticate a client. The first step is ... Read More

Cellular Networks

Satish Kumar
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 14:29:17


Cellular networks are the backbone of modern communication, connecting people and devices across the globe. These networks are the foundation of the mobile phone industry, enabling users to make calls, send text messages, and access the internet. Cellular networks have evolved significantly over the years, becoming faster, more reliable, and more accessible than ever before. What are Cellular Networks? Cellular networks are a type of wireless communication system that uses a network of cells to connect devices. Each cell is a geographic area that is covered by a base station, which is a transmitter and receiver that connects to a ... Read More

CATA protocol in Computer Network

Satish Kumar
Updated on 27-Jan-2023 18:06:37


Computer networks are becoming more and more complex as technology advances. One of the key protocols that helps manage this complexity is the Common Address Redundancy Algorithm (CATA) protocol. This protocol is designed to help manage the process of assigning and managing IP addresses in a network. In this article, we will discuss the CATA protocol in depth, including its key features, how it works, and some examples of how it is used in real-world networks. What is the CATA Protocol? The CATA protocol is a protocol that is used to manage IP addresses in a network. It is designed ... Read More

Difference between Megabyte and Gigabyte

Md. Sajid
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 12:36:46

2K+ Views

You've probably heard the terms megabyte and gigabyte thrown around a lot, but what do they actually mean? And more significantly, how do the two differ from one another? In comparison to one gigabyte (GB), one megabyte (MB) is equivalent to 1, 000 kilobytes. Therefore, when comparing sizes, a GB is significantly bigger than an MB. Gigabytes are larger, while megabytes are smaller. While the majority of users don't require more than one gigabyte of storage on their computer, if you're a power user or frequently work with huge files, you could. Don't worry, we're here to help. Below, we'll ... Read More

Difference between Intranet and VPN

Md. Sajid
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 14:29:05

1K+ Views

Intranets and VPNs are two devices that are widely used in business. It is crucial to clarify that an intranet is merely a term that refers to an internal network that simulates the Internet. Still, VPN, which means Virtual Private Network, is one method used to remotely connect to a system as if you were linked locally. Using applied research makes it easy for administrators to provide different levels of accessibility in a manner that most people are already familiar with. On the other hand, VPN was created to address the need for low-cost, secure connections between distant workplaces. Before ... Read More

Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 10:51:04

5K+ Views

What is ISAKMP? Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) is a framework for establishing security associations (SAs) and performing key exchange in a secure manner. SAS are agreements between two devices that define how they will communicate securely. Key exchange refers to the process of exchanging keys or other cryptographic material that is used to secure communication. ISAKMP is a protocol that defines the structure and format of messages used to establish and maintain SAs. It does not specify the actual cryptographic algorithms or keys that are used. Instead, it provides a framework for negotiating these details and ... Read More
