Found 1112 Articles for Internet

ARP and its types

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 09:17:57


ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is a communication protocol used to map a network address, such as an IP address, to a physical address, such as a MAC address. It is an essential component of the TCP/IP protocol suite, and it allows devices on a local area network (LAN) to communicate with each other. In this article, we will explore the different types of ARP, their uses, and examples of how they are implemented in a network. Introduction to ARP ARP is a simple protocol that operates at the Data Link Layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model. It is responsible ... Read More

Are Gmail Addresses Case Sensitive

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 09:15:17


Gmail addresses, like many other email addresses, are often a source of confusion for users. One common question that arises is whether Gmail addresses are case sensitive or not. In this article, we will explore this question in depth, providing examples and explanations to help clear up any confusion. What is a case sensitive email address? Before diving into whether Gmail addresses are case sensitive, it's important to understand what a case sensitive email address is. A case sensitive email address is one in which the letters in the address are distinguished by their capitalization or lowercase letters. This means ... Read More

Alternate method to find DBA from given IP address

Satish Kumar
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 10:42:47


Introduction A database administrator (DBA) is responsible for maintaining, securing and managing a database. In today's digital world, databases play a crucial role in storing and retrieving important data. Therefore, it is important to know how to find the DBA of a given IP address. In this article, we will discuss an alternate method to find the DBA of a given IP address. Method 1: Using WHOIS WHOIS is a protocol that is used to retrieve information about a domain name or IP address. This method can be used to find the DBA of a given IP address. To use ... Read More

All you need to know about Network Neutrality

Satish Kumar
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 10:40:32


Network Neutrality, also known as "net neutrality, " is the principle that all internet traffic should be treated equally, without discrimination or preference given to any particular type of data or service. This principle is based on the idea that the internet should be a level playing field, where all users have equal access to the same information and opportunities. There are several key concepts associated with network neutrality, including No blocking − This means that internet service providers (ISPs) should not be able to block access to any legal websites or services. No throttling − ISPs should not ... Read More

Algorithm for Dynamic Time out timer Calculation

Satish Kumar
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 10:38:49


Introduction In today's world, time is a crucial factor in many applications, and it is essential to have a mechanism in place that can accurately measure and manage time. One such mechanism is a dynamic timeout timer, which is used to control the duration of time that a process or operation is allowed to run before it is considered to have failed or timed out. In this article, we will discuss the algorithm for dynamic timeout timer calculation, with examples and sub-headings. What is a Dynamic Timeout Timer? A dynamic timeout timer is a timer that can adjust its timeout ... Read More

AIMD Algorithm

Satish Kumar
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 10:36:24


In today's fast-paced digital world, the need for efficient and reliable network communication has never been greater. The AIMD (Adaptive Inter-packet Media Detection) algorithm is one such solution that aims to optimize network communication by dynamically adjusting the sending rate of data packets. In this article, we will discuss the basics of the AIMD algorithm, its implementation, and provide examples of its application in real-world scenarios. What is the AIMD Algorithm? The AIMD algorithm is a congestion control mechanism that is used to prevent network congestion. It is based on the principle of adaptive control, which means that the algorithm ... Read More

Advantages of Virtual Machines over Portable Containers

Satish Kumar
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 10:35:00


Virtual machines (VMs) and portable containers are two popular technologies used for virtualization and deployment of applications. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but in certain cases, VMs may be the better option over portable containers. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of VMs over portable containers, including security, isolation, and compatibility. Security One of the main advantages of VMs over portable containers is security. VMs provide a higher level of security by isolating the operating system and applications from the host system. This means that any vulnerabilities or security breaches within the VM will not affect the ... Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tree Topology

Satish Kumar
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 10:31:19

8K+ Views

Tree topology is a network architecture that is commonly used in large organizations, businesses, and other institutions. It is a hierarchical structure that is designed to provide a logical and efficient way of connecting multiple devices and networks together. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tree topology with examples and sub-heading. Advantages of Tree Topology Scalability One of the main advantages of tree topology is its scalability. This means that it can easily accommodate new devices and networks as the organization grows. For example, if a company expands its operations to a new location, it ... Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teleconferencing

Satish Kumar
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 10:30:44

7K+ Views

Teleconferencing, also known as video conferencing or virtual meetings, is a technology that allows individuals to communicate and collaborate remotely through audio and visual means. It has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially with the rise of remote work and the need for businesses to operate efficiently and effectively in a globalized economy. However, like any technology, teleconferencing has its advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of teleconferencing, providing examples and subheadings for easy reading. Advantages of Teleconferencing Cost-effective One of the biggest advantages of teleconferencing is its cost-effectiveness. Traditional face-to-face meetings ... Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Star Topology

Satish Kumar
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 10:29:25

15K+ Views

Overview Star topology is a network layout in which all devices are connected to a central hub or switch. This central hub acts as a central point of communication and controls the flow of data between devices. This topology is often used in small to medium-sized networks, such as home networks or small office networks. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of star topology and provide examples of its use. Advantages of Star Topology Easy to Install and Configure Star topology is relatively easy to install and configure. The central hub or switch acts as a ... Read More
