Found 1112 Articles for Internet

Fibre Channel Protocol

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 11:58:47


Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) is a communication protocol designed to provide fast and dependable data transfers between servers and storage devices in storage area networks (SANs). History of FCP FCP was first introduced in the early 1990s as a outcome of a deal between the tech giants among IBM, HP, and Sun Microsystems. The protocol was designed to improve upon the limitations of previous communication protocols used in SANs, such as SCSI, and to enable higher-speed data transfers. How FCP Works As mentioned, FCP is a layered protocol that operates at the transport and session layers of the OSI model. ... Read More

Network Hubs

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 11:57:35


A network hub is a common networking device that allows multiple devices to communicate with each other. Hubs are used in local area networks (LANs) to connect devices together, such as computers, printers, and servers. This article will explore the basics of network hubs, including how they work, the different types of hubs available, their advantages and disadvantages, their challenges and advancements. What is a Network Hub? A network hub is a central connection point for multiple devices in a LAN. It operates at the physical layer of the OSI model, which is responsible for transmitting data across a network. ... Read More

IBOC Technology

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 16:31:33


IBOC technology, or In-Band On-Channel technology, is a digital broadcasting technology that allows radio stations to transmit both analog and digital signals simultaneously. Many people see this technology as the future of radio broadcasting, as it provides numerous advantages over conventional analog radio. One of the key advantages of IBOC technology is its ability to offer high-quality audio. Digital signals are less susceptible to interference and signal degradation than analog signals, which means that IBOC broadcasts can offer crystal-clear sound with none of the static or hiss that is often associated with analog radio. In addition, IBOC technology can transmit ... Read More

Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB)

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 11:53:53

5K+ Views

Radio broadcasting has come a long way since its inception over a century ago. From analog to digital, radio broadcasting has evolved to provide listeners with high-quality audio that can be received on a variety of devices. One of the latest advances in radio broadcasting is Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), a technology that is changing the way we listen to radio. What is DAB? DAB is a digital radio broadcasting system that uses digital audio compression to transmit audio signals over the airwaves. Unlike traditional analog radio, DAB offers higher quality audio and a wider range of features, such as ... Read More

Spread Spectrum Communications - Definition & Techniques

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 11:52:09


Spread Spectrum Communication, a technique used to enhance the reliability and security of wireless transmissions. Spread spectrum communication involves spreading a signal over a wide range of frequencies, which makes it difficult for unauthorized users to intercept or jam the signal. This technique employs different methods to spread the signal, including direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) and frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS). DSSS multiplies the original signal with a random sequence of bits, known as a spreading code, to spread the signal over a wide range of frequencies. On the other hand, FHSS hops the signal between different frequencies over ... Read More

Bearer Types Used for WAP in GSM

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 16:27:05


You may be interested in learning more about Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) in Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). One of the crucial elements in understanding WAP in GSM is knowing the bearer types used in this context. A bearer type is a means of carrying data between two points. In the case of WAP in GSM, there are two bearer types used, circuit-switched (CS) and packet-switched (PS). CS bearer types are established when a phone call is initiated, and data is transferred through the same channel as the voice call. This method is relatively slower, but it is more ... Read More

2-tier and 3-tier Architecture in Networking

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 11:43:42

3K+ Views

Architecture in networking refers to the way a network is designed and organized, serving as the blueprint for the interaction and cooperation between different components and systems. Effective network architecture is crucial for a successful network setup and requires careful planning and design. When it comes to classifying network architecture, a common division is single-tier, two-tier, or three-tier. In a two-tier architecture, the network is separated into a client tier where the end-user interacts with the system, and a server tier where applications, data, and processing power reside. This clear separation of responsibilities makes the network easier to manage, secure, ... Read More

Schiper Eggli Sandoz Protocol

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 16:21:37


The Schiper Eggli Sandoz (SES) protocol, a storied and valiant champion of networking, has a mission to find the best path for data packets to traverse through the network. With a heart of a poet, it distributes the routing information to all routers in the network, rather than entrusting the task to a single central routing table. Such a noble and democratic approach results in more dynamic and efficient routing, as well as rapid recovery from network failures. The SES protocol, armed with the power of the Bellman-Ford algorithm and the cunning of split horizon, determines the shortest path for ... Read More

Poison Reverse vs Split Horizon

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 16:17:26

2K+ Views

Routing protocols are used to determine the best path for data to travel through a network. They are responsible for maintaining and updating routing tables, which are used by routers to determine the best path for data to travel through a network. There are several different types of routing protocols, each with their own unique characteristics and uses. One of the most commonly used routing protocols is Poison Reverse. Poison Reverse is a technique used to prevent routing loops by marking a route as invalid if it is learned from a neighbor that is not the next hop. This technique ... Read More

How to hide an IP address

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 11:32:07


An IP address is like a digital fingerprint, revealing your location and identity online. But just like how you can put on a disguise to hide your physical identity, you can also conceal your IP address to protect your privacy and security. Here are a few methods to do so − I. Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) Think of a VPN as a cloak of invisibility for your internet browsing. It creates a secure tunnel for all your online activity, and assigns you a new IP address from a different location, making it appear as though you are somewhere ... Read More
