Found 1112 Articles for Internet

Why do we get a mail first on our smartphone and then on a desktop?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 29-Apr-2022 12:27:06


There could be quite a few reasons for that and before looking at other reasons, it makes sense if we consider the fact that smartphones have been designed to work smartly, which also means their functionality has been optimized for computing on the go. Going a little deeper, the reason a mail comes faster on smartphones than on desktops could be because the smartphone has its map settings and location on while the received time is prolonged on a desktop because the email server might have been set in a manner that it checks mail every 10, 15, 20 minutes ... Read More

What are the uses of Google Home Mini and Google Home Max?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 08:30:30


Google home is a multipurpose Wi-Fi speaker which can be used as a home control center for the entire family. Google Home is a smart speaker. In September 2017 Google has launched two new Home devices - the affordable Home Mini and high-end Home Max.The Google Home speakers are Voice-controlled, that controls smart home gadgets, answers trivia questions, plays music on command, creates calendar appointments, or play video on a Chromecast-enabled screen.It can be used for playing music throughout the house, it can also be used as a search engine as it is the best “best-in-class voice recognition” according to ... Read More

Facebook is not safe anymore!! Biggest data Scandal on Facebook.

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 04-May-2022 09:07:28


The day starts with checking facebook notifications. You cannot imagine any person from teenage to retirement age not using facebook nowadays. There are over 2 billion users all over the world!!The breakout of sensational news about the major misuse of Facebook data search tools has taken the world by storm. Facebook announced on Wednesday, 4th April, that the Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy hired by the then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and other Republicans had improperly gathered detailed Facebook information on 87 million people, of whom 71 million were Americans.Facebook confirmed that "malicious actors" hacked the personal details of most of ... Read More

What happens if Amazon bought Flipkart?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The biggest E-commerce tycoon in the world, Amazon is in talks to buy the booming Indian online seller Flipkart. Earlier there were some confirmations that Walmart inc. is ready to buy 40% of Flipkart.Flipkart, the "desi" company which has established itself in the global electronic commerce sector, was founded in October 2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, with Bengaluru as headquarters in India.It is not a big deal for Amazon to buy Flipkart based on the volume of Amazon's operations and profits. It is also beneficial for Bansals as they get multiple times of profits for what they have ... Read More

3d web pages products showcase (future tech)

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


This is how 3d web page will showcase the products -- #futuretechnology

Why Qries is a better platform compared to Quora?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 12:14:47


Qries is a knowledge sharing platform where you can put forth queries and voice your opinions and interact with people from all corners of the world sharing their inputs. On comparing Qries to Quora, one will find that Qries comes across as a much simpler and more clutter-free site, making it possible for users to easily breeze through the site.Qries is also equipped with a Hindi version which can have a larger appeal in rural areas as it helps them participate in discussions in a language they are comfortable in.According to a survey conducted by the KPMG-Google study, local languages ... Read More

If Google and Yahoo merged, what do you think will be the name of the new company?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 09:51:42


If Google and Yahoo merged, the name of the company can be "Goohoo" or "Yagle" or "Yaagoo" or entirely different name as "Qries".

How did Google get its name?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 06-May-2022 06:52:40


The Google story began in 1995 when their founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were in Stanford University. They were always interested to build a search engine “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”In their own words how Google got its name ...Working from their dorm rooms, they built a search engine that used links to determine the importance of individual pages on the World Wide Web. They called this search engine Backrub. Soon after, Backrub was renamed Google. The name was a play on the mathematical expression for the number 1 followed by 100 ... Read More

What is Alexa?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 09:43:16


Alexa is Amazon’s cloud-based voice service available on tens of millions of devices ranging from Amazon to many third-party device manufacturers. Alexa allows you to build natural voice experiences that offer customers a more intuitive way to interact with the technology they use every day.Alexa is Amazon’s artificial intelligence enabled voice assistant which is spreading like wildfire and seen in robots, vacuum cleaners, and thousands of third-party apps that tap Alexa for voice recognition. Amazon has recently announced the Alexa app for Android phones also.

What are some free domain name suggester tools?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 09:26:43


A domain name should be catchy and memorable and yet meaningful at the same time. It is not an easy task to set a perfect name for your domain. You may feel that you’ve come up with something catchy and worthy of your brand and to your dismay, you may find that the .com domain is already taken.To avoid all this headache and hairpulling let us take the help of some of the free domain suggester tools.Lean Domain SearchBust a NameShopify Business Name GeneratorNameboyNameStallDomain PuzzlerName MeshDomains BotPanabeeName StationImpossibility!Instant Domain SearchI Want My NameDot-o-MatorCool Name IdeasDomainWheel
