Found 1112 Articles for Internet

Bridge(Local Internetworking Devices)

Updated on 04-May-2023 18:17:25


Nowadays network is very important for communication between computers. There are many types when the computer is connected to the network which means that it can share the resources in the network, and within the network, there are many computers attached utilizing any topology. Communication can be happened within the network by mail or messaging between ends and within the network sharing of devices and files etc. Several devices are used within the network to accomplish the tasks easily which bridge is the one device it will act as the bridge for two networks. Or we can also say ... Read More

Difference between Bridge and Repeater

Updated on 03-May-2023 13:48:11

1K+ Views

Repeaters and bridges are both networking devices, both used to extend the range of a network, more specifically bridge provides the facility to combine various LANs (Local Area Networks) to develop a larger LAN. While repeaters are mainly used to amplify signal strength when the signal comes to the repeater it regenerates, which would be an amplified signal of the same and retransmits. Repeaters are commonly used in LANs to extend the range of a network more than the 100-meter limit of Ethernet. Bridge works at the Data Link Layer (DLL) of the model named OSI and they use MAC ... Read More

Risk Associated with public Wi-Fi

Updated on 03-May-2023 11:55:31


Pubic Wi-Fi is more dangerous in the early times and now it has included solutions to the risks of Wi-Fi. In the modern world, Wi-Fi is installed in every place to make people have easier access to the internet. Even though it provides the usage of the internet without any password, it is also possible that the devices that are connected to public Wi-Fi will face cyber attacks. Some examples of public Wi-Fi are set up in airports, Railway stations, Restaurants, and public libraries. Public Wi-Fi The websites have a separate encryption technique to prevent cyber attacks and so it ... Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

Updated on 02-Sep-2023 10:57:33

103K+ Views

When many computers are connected, connecting means that they can share data such as text, information, photos, audio, videos and many other services together making a "Network". When this network happens worldwide, that becomes the Internet. Take a real-life simple example, when you are seeing photos on Instagram, tweets on Twitter, or talk through Facebook, that is when you are connected to the internet. Things are happening worldwide. The Internet is used on a vast level, and it is impossible to imagine our world without the Internet. Not only for personal use, organizations and government sectors are also connected to ... Read More

Difference between PPPoE and PPPoA

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-May-2023 11:32:30

2K+ Views

PPPoE and PPPoA are two protocols for connecting to the internet through DSL technology. Both protocols allow you to authenticate and connect to your internet service provider (ISP) over a phone line. PPPoE is a protocol that encapsulates PPP frames in Ethernet frames so that they can be carried over Ethernet networks. PPPoA encapsulates PPP frames in ATM cells and allows them to be sent over ATM-based networks. Read this article to find out more about PPPoE and PPPoA and how they are different from each other. What is PPPoE? PPPoE is a protocol that encapsulates PPP frames in Ethernet ... Read More

10 Best Free and Low-Cost SSL Certificate Authorities

Satish Kumar
Updated on 02-May-2023 12:58:26


SSL certificates are essential for ensuring the security and privacy of websites. They encrypt the data transmitted between the server and the client, thereby preventing unauthorized access and data theft. While premium SSL certificates are available from well-known Certificate Authorities (CAs), there are also many free and low-cost SSL certificate options that can help secure your website without breaking the bank. In this article, we'll discuss the best free and low-cost SSL certificate authorities that offer affordable SSL certificates. We'll look at the pros and cons of each CA, the types of SSL certificates they offer, and how to install ... Read More

Difference between ISP and IP

Md. Sajid
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:09:38

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ISP and IP are two separate concepts associated with the way the internet works. An ISP is a company that provides internet access to end customers, whereas an IP is a technology that allows data transmission over the internet and assigns unique IDs to devices that connect to it. Read this article to find out more about ISP and IP and how they are different from each other. What is ISP? ISPs provide a range of services, including − Internet connectivity − ISPs provide internet connectivity through wired or wireless networks. Customers are connected to the internet through technologies ... Read More

Difference Between ADSL and SDSL

Md. Sajid
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:56:28

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ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) and SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line) are two digital subscriber line technologies that are used to deliver high-speed Internet access. The main difference between ADSL and SDSL is the way bandwidth is allocated for upstream and downstream data transfers. ADSL is asymmetric, which means that it has different bandwidths for upstream and downstream data transmission. SDSL is an abbreviation for Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line, a form of digital subscriber line technology that is used to deliver high-speed internet access over standard copper telephone lines. Read this article to find out more about ADSL and SDSL ... Read More

Difference between ARP and RARP

Updated on 18-Apr-2023 17:25:33

5K+ Views

ARP and RARP are the LAN (Local Area Network) protocols. A LAN is a fast, fault-tolerant data network that only covers a limited area of land. There are three types of LAN data transmissions unicast, multicast, and broadcast. A single packet is transferred from the source to a destination on the network during a unicast transmission. A single data packet is copied and delivered to a certain group of network nodes as part of a multicast transmission. A single data packet is copied and delivered to every network node as part of a broadcast transmission. Both ARP and RARP use ... Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hub

Updated on 18-Apr-2023 17:22:02

4K+ Views

A hub is a networking device that is used to connect multiple devices in a network. Its main function is to receive data from one device and then broadcasted it to all its ports. It works at the physical layer of the ISO/OSI model. This is also called a multiport repeater because it does broadcast to every port in which some devices are connected. and to do this it uses fiber optics cable or twisted pair cable. It works in half duplex mode. It has many advantages and disadvantages; in this article, we will be exploring some of those which ... Read More
