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What are some of the Web Development Companies in India?

Knowledge base
Updated on 21-Apr-2022 07:34:01


In today’s digital world, it is always necessary to maintain a well-built website through which you can introduce your product and services to the world. Development and maintenance of the website are of high priority when it comes to digital marketing.There are many Web development companies in India that provide good end-to-end services in web applications and mobile applications as well.Some of the well-known, award-winning companies are:AcodezHidden Brains InfotechMagneto IT solutions, IndiaNIC Infotech Ltd.PanaceaSunflower LabSumato softWhile the ones like SEO Valley solutions, Hyperlink Infosystem, Fingent, Page traffic, VJG Interactive,, Tvisha, Nexevo, Apptech lab, Magespider etc. are the other top ... Read More

What is the difference between a search engine friendly and search engine optimised website?

Shankar Bhatt
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 11:51:11


This question always muddles the minds of those who want to start a website and get traffic to it as quickly as possible. However, it’s very crucial to know the answer to the question at the early stage, especially during the development because your developer can make your website search engine friendly. However, optimizing a website is a completely different task altogether.Search Engine Friendly Vs Search Engine OptimizedTurning a website search engine friendly is somewhat a one-time process. This process might involve a number of things but once it’s done there is not much required to do unless there is ... Read More

How does the 'off-the-record' chat option of Gmail work? Can these messages be retrieved?

Updated on 25-Jun-2020 11:59:59


One of the features in Google hangouts ensures that no record of your chat history is stored. To enable this, you simply have to go to −Hangouts> Open any conversation> Go to Setting> check for the option 'Conversation History'> Uncheck the box placed in front of this option>Checked: History is turned on.Unchecked: History is turned off.Now the answer to your another question on retrieving the messages is that 'You, as a user' cannot retrieve; however, your employer, in case you use a shared network, can not only see but retrieve even from 'off' mode. Although, I know that Gmail claims ... Read More

What is the most interesting thing you have come across today?

Shankar Bhatt
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 12:10:39


I am a huge movie-buff and digging out casual info about cinema and celebrities is something I love to do in my leisure. Today, as soon as I hit my phone in a casual mood, and googled how Kamal Hasan’s latest release is doing at the box office, I clapped eyes on a very interesting fact, which will be easy for you to understand after checking out this image.Now, you see right below the name Kamal Haasan, Indian Politician is mentioned. I don’t know but this fell on me as a sheer surprise. Many folks including me consider him (and ... Read More

How to choose a programming language to build a website?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 19-May-2022 11:02:06


It all begins with what purpose your website is going to serve. For the sake of better understanding, let's look at the logic theory of computing. Just as conventional languages fit a certain environment, computer languages are also created for specific programming environments that go on to run the websites that are built for those environments. For instance, if you're learning Japanese it would be for interaction with Japanese people and not for interaction with German people. Next, it's about another aspect of the environment that you would like to go to - a democracy with freedoms or a closed ... Read More

What are Google Algorithms and what importance do they have in digital marketing?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 19-May-2022 10:42:14


Google keeps making changes to its algorithms at regular intervals to improve different aspects of user experience on its search engine. These algorithm changes are referred to as 'Updates' by Google and users all over the world are always anxious about these updates. Of course, they come like a bolt from the blue because Google doesn't want to allow unethical users to find a way out too easily.The ImpactIn most cases, it is the digital marketing companies that feel the impact of these periodic updates from Google but it's also true that if these updates hadn't come, the search industry ... Read More

What is social bookmarking? Step by step explanation?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 19-May-2022 08:49:19


The term social bookmarking can be misleading for someone who is not particularly familiar with web content development and marketing. It's got nothing to do with the regular bookmarking of websites or web pages that we do by clicking the star icon at the extreme right-hand corner of the URL bar.Actually, social bookmarking is the term used for content aggregation sites where a cross-section of bloggers, SEO professionals, and journalists among others post their content for better distribution and ranking on search engines. Some of the popular social bookmarking websites are,, and among others.A Two Way MechanismNow ... Read More

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 18-May-2022 08:37:55

68K+ Views

Online stores do not have space constraints and a wide variety of products can be displayed on websites. It helps the analytical buyers to purchase a product after a good search.The convenience of online shoppingCustomers can purchase items from the comfort of their own homes or workplace. Shopping is made easier and convenient for the customer through the internet. It is also easy to cancel the transactions.Why shop OnlineSaves time and efforts.The convenience of shopping at home.Wide variety/range of products are available.Good discounts / lower prices.Get detailed information about the product.We can compare various models/brands.No pressure shoppingGenerally, in physical stores, ... Read More

What should I do if someone copies my website/blog content?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:27:52


Whenever you find that your content has been copied, don't wait to take action but at the same time, don't jump the gun by shooting off a legal notice right away. That would be your last resort and before that, you need to try a few easier methods to sort out the problem.Intimate with A Polite NoteYou could begin by sending a mail-in polite but firm language so that the copier gets the message that he's dealing with someone who knows how things work online. Get a screenshot of the copied content on his webpage and highlight it in red ... Read More

How effectively is the Indian government dealing with cyber crime?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 28-Apr-2022 08:28:37


The term 'cybercrime' is actually non-existent in any law or legislation in India although the phenomena itself is widely recognized for what it is - any crime that is committed using a computer system. To deal with such crimes, the Indian Penal Code 1860 is good enough and other legislations are considered adequate as to date.Measures Have Been TakenConsidering India's reputation as the leading hub of offshore IT services, not much was done to improve the situation with respect to cyber crimes. However, the government of the day has taken e-governance quite seriously in order to reach out to the ... Read More
