Found 105 Articles for Information Technology

Computer illiteracy is it a shame

Samual Sam
Updated on 09-May-2022 07:24:54


Digital divide is a very obvious truth today between developed and developing countries. In turn a large number of population in developing countries is illiterate in terms of computer literacy. The main reasons for this are following −Less adaptation of new technologies by the residents of these countriesPoor infrastructure and distribution issues regarding the availability of relevant information.Indifferent outlook of authorities.No feeling of empathy for providing the relevant knowledge in this regard.Failure to simply procedures. Due to this less and less population is able to adopt the new technology.Issues associatedHowever with this brief introduction we find that various issues are ... Read More

Your online reputation is a key of success

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Oct-2019 09:08:11


Worldwide, 80 – 90% people have their online reputation which shows their characteristic, behaviour, field of interest and qualities (Good and bad both).Using Internet, on the web people creates their own reputation some time intentionally or some time unintentionally, intentionally through blogs, photos, videos, links, or social media sites. Among all these resources blogs posting is a number one resource to become famous while writing comments on some topic and getting opinion (good or bad) from others, which automatically maintain your online reputation (Some time it is good or some time bad). Everyone can catch this information and use it ... Read More

Computer consultants end of computer illiteracy

Samual Sam
Updated on 09-May-2022 07:33:06


Computer consultants are experts in the field of information technology. These expert work in every sphere of business and personal world. Their main task is to tell people and businesses that how best the computer technology may be utilized for their businesses and other segments.They are very important in the present day scenario as it is not possible for everyone to keep pace with the rapid developments happening in the technology world and they may miss out most of what information technology can offer to their enterprises.Help in computer literacyThey are even more important for people who are completely out ... Read More

4 computer skills to master for online education

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Oct-2019 08:45:10


Continuing your education online is more and more common these days because of the flexibility and numerous options online schools offer people. Learning the course material and scoring well on tests and assignments is only part of the equation to being successful in an online course. You also should have a working knowledge of several computer programs and Internet skills so that your online education goes as seamlessly as possible. That way, you can focus on learning and not on computer frustrations.Microsoft OfficeIt might seem obvious, but understanding how to use Microsoft Office is a key ingredient in a successful ... Read More

Save power of a laptop when runs on battery backup

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Oct-2019 08:22:50


At the time of doing some important task on a laptop without connecting laptop from the power plug (Running laptop on battery backup). In this situation, nobody likes to see their laptop screen suddenly goes dark or shut down. This happens because of less battery life, but some simple maintenance and power saving technique can keep your laptop to run for longer period of time. You can make your laptop to run for longer period of time by turning off or disabling all applications that consumes more power on your computer. This article is going to explain you some important ... Read More

Safety guidelines for using a public computer

Samual Sam
Updated on 09-May-2022 08:04:54


Because of some reason, sometime people cannot use their personal PC or laptop . In that situation, people go to libraries, Internet cafes, airports, and coffee shops, and many-more for browsing, these all are public computer place opens for everyone. Although, anybody can use public computer, it is not so safe. You never know, who and how other user can crack your opened or closed files and emails which you browsed using public computer. So that, it is necessary to follow some safety guidelines while using public computer. Due to public computer safety concern, this article is offering some guidelines, ... Read More

6 ways to hold a virtual group meeting

Samual Sam
Updated on 09-May-2022 11:05:34


Virtual meetings offer a powerful way for students to collaborate, both for online classes and live lectures. When you don’t have the time or facilities to get together in person, these services will help you host an efficient group study session or meeting.Create Unlimited Groups with RcampusThis free site allows users to create and participate in an unlimited number of study groups for free. Each Rcampus group receives a home page and message center for easy sharing. The group’s creator or moderator is responsible for maintaining the home page and deciding who has access to the group. All messages and ... Read More

How to prevent data corruption

Samual Sam
Updated on 09-May-2022 13:55:37

1K+ Views

Data corruption is basically a common system errors or bugs, occurs due to loss of data or improper written code. In other word you can say; data corruption is the loss of computer data caused by human, hardware and software. It is basically happens due to changes of the original code. These are some common symptoms of data corruption, Disk hangs or performs slowFile error comes – “invalid file format”File permissions and attributes are changedFiles are renamed with gibberish charactersFiles and folders are displaced or lostComputer regularly crashes and hangs without obvious reasonsDisk actions seem to be very busy even ... Read More

Things that make you less productive

Samual Sam
Updated on 09-May-2022 14:05:33


To enjoy your family life and to maintain your personality; give time to your family, go out with them for lunch and movie, play with them, do exercise, sleep well to refresh your mood, etc. These all things motivate you towards your family and help you setup the everyday goal.Similarly, to get self-motivation towards your work and to increase productivity, certain things are important, DisorderThere is a direct connection between messed room and messed min; both are co-related with each other. If, your room in messed-up (everything lies on the floor, desk, sofa and everywhere in the room) definitely your ... Read More

How to produce your content hard to copy

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Oct-2019 06:17:46


Now, online marketing is in top. How fast numbers of new websites are uploading on internet every day, that much fast numbers of pages and duplication increasing. Due to increasing numbers of websites and websites pages, how difficult for a website owner to know their pages contents are duplicating to other places or not or if same to same copy-paste is not there then to people take the same theme from other websites, do the necessary changes (words and grammar) to avoid duplication and paste to their own website with their name, but this process doesn’t give very good result ... Read More
