Found 359 Articles for Information Security

Notezilla Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 14-Nov-2023 14:39:21


What is Notezilla? Notezilla is a note-taking application which you can use to write and save notes. Cards from multiple computers are accessed through the cloud You can also use the cloud feature to share notes with any of your connections. No free version of the app is available but a trial version for 30 days is available. Notezilla consists of a lot of features which can be used to format notes and do a lot of other things. This is the reason it is popular in spite of the fact that there are many free note-taking apps. Price Plans ... Read More

Active and Passive attacks in Information Security

Satish Kumar
Updated on 27-Sep-2023 14:39:29


Introduction Information security is an essential aspect of modern-day technology, and it's vital to understand various threats that can compromise sensitive data. Two of most common types of attacks that can occur are active and passive attacks. In this article, we'll explore differences between active and passive attacks, methods used by hackers, and ways to protect against these types of threats. What is an Active Attack? An active attack occurs when a hacker attempts to alter or manipulate data in a system. This type of attack can be easily identified as it typically involves an attacker trying to perform some ... Read More

A Cryptographic Introduction to Hashing and Hash Collisions

Satish Kumar
Updated on 27-Sep-2023 12:01:05


Introduction Hashing is an essential aspect of modern cryptography. It is used to encrypt data in a secure and efficient way. Cryptographic hash functions are a type of mathematical function that takes data of any size and converts it into a fixed-size output, which is referred to as a hash. This article will provide a cryptographic introduction to hashing and hash collisions, explaining how hash functions work and why hash collisions can be a problem. What is Hashing? Hashing is a process that takes input data of any size and maps it to a fixed-size output, which is called a ... Read More

3D passwords-Advanced Authentication Systems

Satish Kumar
Updated on 27-Sep-2023 11:42:29


Introduction As world continues to grow more digital, need for secure and robust authentication systems becomes increasingly important. Passwords have been traditional method of authentication, but with rise of hacking and other cyber crimes, new authentication methods are needed. One such method is 3D passwords, an advanced authentication system that combines multiple factors for enhanced security. This article will explore concept of 3D passwords, its advantages and disadvantages, and some examples of their usage. What are 3D Passwords? 3D passwords are a new type of authentication system that adds an extra layer of security to traditional password-based systems. They are ... Read More

Personalizing experiences using chatbots and AI

Garima Purohit
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 14:02:27


Introduction In today's fast-paced digital era, businesses strive to provide exceptional customer experiences to gain a competitive edge. Personalization has become a key focus, as customers increasingly expect tailored interactions that cater to their specific needs and preferences. Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have emerged as powerful tools in this endeavor, enabling organizations to create personalized experiences at scale. This article explores how chatbots and AI are revolutionizing customer engagement by personalizing interactions, enhancing customer satisfaction, and driving business growth. Understanding Personalization in the Digital Age The Rise of Personalization − As customers are bombarded with vast amounts ... Read More

Approaches to Information Security Implementation

Updated on 05-May-2023 10:52:12

3K+ Views

Introduction Information security protects information from disruption, misuse, destruction, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized access. The goal of information security is to protect critical data and privacy both digitally and physically. Information security is abbreviated as InfoSec. The information security adheres to Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Confidentiality − Protect information from unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information. Integrity − The data is to be protected from modification or tampering data by intruders which ensures information is accurate. Availability − The information must be accessible in need of any entity, organization, etc. Other characteristics of Information security are authenticity, accountability, and ... Read More

21 Server Security Tips to Secure Your Server

Satish Kumar
Updated on 28-Mar-2023 10:17:47


Introduction Server security is essential for any business or organization that relies on a server to store, process, and share data. A secure server ensures that sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access, theft, and cyberattacks. In this article, we will share 21 server security tips to help you secure your server and safeguard your data. Keep Your Server Software Updated One of most important server security tips is to keep your server software updated. Software updates often include security patches that address known vulnerabilities. Failure to update your software can leave your server open to attacks. Use Strong Passwords ... Read More

How to Reduce Risk of Exposure to CSRF, XSRF, or XSS Attacks?

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 12:45:52


We all rely extensively on the internet for our daily activities in today's digital world. We all utilise numerous websites and programmes to do these duties, whether it's online shopping, social networking, or internet banking. While the internet has made our lives easier, it has also introduced new vulnerabilities like as cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and cross-site resource forgery (XSRF). These flaws may cause severe harm, ranging from data theft to website defacement, and can even endanger people's lives. In this post, we'll look at how you may limit your vulnerability to these assaults. What are XSS, ... Read More

How To Prevent Ransomware Attack?

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 12:42:11


Ransomware is a type of malware that has been a growing threat to individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide. Ransomware encrypts the victim's files and demands a ransom in exchange for the decryption key. The ransom can be a significant amount of money, and paying it does not guarantee the recovery of the encrypted data. In this article, we will explore how to prevent ransomware attacks and protect your data from this malicious threat. Keep Your Software Up to Date Keeping your software up to date is an essential step in preventing ransomware attacks. Software developers regularly release updates to fix ... Read More

How to Prevent Broken Access Control?

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 12:41:16


As more and more services move online, the importance of access control becomes increasingly clear. Access control refers to the processes that limit the ability of unauthorized individuals or entities to access resources, whether those resources are software, data, or physical spaces. Broken access control is one of the most common vulnerabilities in software, and it's also one of the most damaging. In this article, we'll explore what broken access control is, what its consequences can be, and most importantly, how to prevent it. What is Broken Access Control? Broken access control refers to a situation in which an attacker ... Read More

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