Found 18 Articles for Hydrocarbons


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Feb-2024 10:24:38


Introduction If a structure is chiral, conformational isomers have various spatial arrangements of atoms but identical bond connections & configurations. Fast rotations about single bonds produce variations in dihedral angles in between vicinal groups, resulting in these various configurations. Because the energy barriers for switching from one conformational isomer to another are often minimal, interconversion of conformational isomers is conceivable at room temperature. At the 2 chiral centres, all conformational isomers have identical bond connections along with configurations. What are Conformers? A conformer is a molecular isomer that varies from another isomer by a single bond in the molecule rotating. ... Read More

Electrophilic Substitution of Benzene

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:34:51


Introduction An electrophilic substitution reaction is a kind of organic reaction wherein an electron- rich molecule, often a halogen, exchanges positions with the electron-poor atom of some other molecule. This reaction produces a new, highly stable molecule when emitting heat energy. The resonance of such a benzene ring allows the delocalized electron to traverse effectively throughout the benzene ring š¶ atoms. This also aids in the stabilization of the arenium ion. Although arenium ions are only partially stable, benzene is susceptible to electrophilic substitution reactions. This is important to emphasize that now the aromaticity of the volatile component gets preserved ... Read More

Physical Properties of Alkynes

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 11:20:32

2K+ Views

Introduction Alkynes are the most basic organic molecules that are made of carbon and hydrogen. Hydrocarbon is a thing that can be found in nature and that is too in anything that people usually use on daily basis. That is the reason they are considered the parent organic compounds. Any compound can be made by the replacement of hydrogen atom. What are alkynes? Alkynes can be defined as non-polar, unsaturated hydrocarbons that have the triple connection between the carbon and carbon particles, which can be represented as -C=C-. The general chemical formula of it is $\mathrm{C_nH_{2nā€“2}}$, where the value of ... Read More

Physical Properties of Alkanes and Their Variations

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:53:13


Introduction Alkanes are considered important as these are crucial raw materials predominantly necessary in the chemical industry. More to this, alkanes are used as a primary ingredient in the gasoline as well as in lubricating oils. One of the most crucial properties of alkanes is combustion that states a condition when in the presence of oxygen, alkaneā€™s burn forming the resultant products carbon dioxide as well as water. What are Alkanes? Alkanes are known as paraffin and these are organic compounds that consist of both the atoms of carbon and hydrogen. Covalent bond is noted among alkanes that display ... Read More

Physical Properties of Alkenes

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:13:04


Introduction Alkenes are determined as clear or colourless, double-bonded substances. Ethane that is denoted as alkenes is the colourless gas having a sweet odour that can intoxicate or make a person faint. The first 3 elements that are present in groups of alkenes are gases, the next 14 elements are in a liquefied state and the rest of the compounds of alkenes are in a solidified state. What are Alkenes? Alkenes are determined as the vital hydrocarbons having the formula $\mathrm{C_nH_{2n}}$. Alkenes are made up of the C=C functional group. Alkenes compounds are determined as unsaturated that generally undergo various ... Read More

Unsaturated Hydrocarbons

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:46:30


Introduction Unsaturated hydrocarbons are made up of multiple covalent bonds between one or more than one C-C bonds in a single compound. The field of organic chemistry is usually common to have multiple covalent bonds reside between carbon atoms. In IUPAC nomenclature, the numbering is counted from the side where double bond comes first in counting among the total number of carbon atoms in the chain or ring structure. Preparation of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons There proper methods which are able to aid in the production of unsaturated hydrocarbon. The process of preparation is always in need of specific chemical ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 12:44:20


Introduction In the past, gum benzene, also known as "Benjamin, " was the source of the word benzene. An aromatic resin was thought to be gum benzoin. English scientist Michael Faraday made the initial discovery of benzene in lighting gas. German chemist Mitscherich gave benzene its name in 1833. German professor August Kekule solved the puzzle of the cyclic structure of benzene in 1865. Professor Linus Pauling from the United States claims that benzene has a hybrid structure made up of delocalized electrons. Kekule's findings were enhanced in this way. What is Benzene? Benzene, a colourless compound with the molecular ... Read More

Physical and Chemical Properties of Benzene

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 17:46:32

3K+ Views

Introduction Benzene is a kind of aromatic compound with the molecular formula $\mathrm{C_{6}H_{6}}$. Michael Faraday, an English chemist, invented benzene, the basic organic chemical. This is a natural but also necessary element of crude oil. Visually, it seems to be a white liquid with a gasoline-like odour. Chemists have discovered that benzene is indeed a very poisonous as well as cancerous chemical. It is found abundantly in several animals as well as plants, but it has also been formed as a consequence of volcanoes as well as forest fires. This is often used in the manufacture of insecticides, detergents, plastics, ... Read More
