Found 56 Articles for Human Behavior

What leads to poverty in society and how to overcome that?

Rani RPS
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Poverty is described as a condition where people live in penury, lead hand to mouth existence and are underfed. Peoples’ basic needs of clothing, food, and shelter are not met and their standard of living is poor. They have no means of support and find it extremely difficult to lead a normal comfortable life.What leads to poverty in society?Lack of good education as they cannot afford the fees.Lack of good food to eat leading to malnourishment, ill-health, and stamina.Lack of proper clothing to keep themselves warm and healthy or presentable to attend schools in uniform.Lack of support system either in ... Read More

What are the situations that give you goosebumps?

Rani RPS
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Goosebumps are created in the body when the hair on the skin raises or stands straight up causing bumps on the skin as a reaction to certain situations like cold, fear, shock and sometimes due to a sense of nostalgia or something awe-inspiring.Goosebumps are a mechanical muscle contraction that occurs as a result of the release of a stress hormone in the body. Adrenalin rushes through veins, there is an increased heartbeat, trembling in the hands, tingling in the stomach and sweat forms in palms all as a part of one feeling. Goosebumps occur at the nape of the neck ... Read More

What was the time when you felt a person was actually a shrewd one?

Rani RPS
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Once I went to buy a gift article from a Novelty shop. I was looking through the articles and I really wanted to buy a nice one for my friend's housewarming ceremony. My eyes fell on a beautiful painting. There were beautiful white horses running and colors were very bright and attractive. I remembered reading somewhere (in Feng Shui perhaps) that horses bring luck to the house.As I was approaching the painting another woman was telling the shopkeeper to pack the painting for her. I told the shopkeeper that I also liked the painting and asked him if he had ... Read More

Will you Show me some funny photos which will make me look twice?

Joshi Malvika
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


One on hand, the #MeToo storm is crashing many biggies of varied walks, the creative folks cannot really miss this opportunity bring out humor out of the brawl on the other. As far as my social media activeness is concerned, I use this tool to stamp out my stress level. I usually stay on a receiving end when it comes to my social media activities, unlike this moment when I decided to repay the debt with this small effort. Hope you like it.Proximity Between Couples Before #MeTooWhat Dwells Between Them Is Only Distance After #MeToo

What is the most moving picture you have ever seen?

Diler Singh
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


I love to tweet because Twitter, in my opinion, is the most happening place at present. I come across many microblogs, pictures, memes, etc on this platform. I stumbled upon this amazing and the most moving picture the other day on Tweeter.This picture is not only a fine depiction of a brother-sister bond but also imparts the agony of soldiers who are miles away from their sisters so that they can ensure the security of their motherland.What Is so amazing about this picture?Well, many of you find it an ordinary click, but the picture carries a lot of meaning. Just ... Read More

What are the basic responsibilities you have for your neighbours?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

3K+ Views

Maintaining good social relationship with the families in your vicinity, helps you live peacefully and safely. It ensures a better social life. You always have some responsibilities towards your neighbors.Maintain NeatnessKeep the surroundings of your house neat and clean. Dump your waste in the garbage can and train your pet not to make the surroundings messy. Cut the extra branches of your trees in the backyard and present yourself in a tidy way.ConversationsWhenever you get a new neighbor, have a pleasant conversation introducing yourself and your family members. Offer them any help needed and be welcoming. Try to compare the ... Read More

Whom do you call a vaisakh nandan?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

7K+ Views

Vaisakh Nandan is a Donkey!!! Amused??Well... Let me explain.Vaisakh Nandan is a Sanskrit derived word which means a dreamer or dancer in the month of Vaisakha, which means April.Then what does it have to do with a donkey?A donkey usually eats away all the grass, which it can see around itself, during April and thinks that there is nothing left over and it has finished everything. It gets happy, rolling over its incredible work. But when it rains and the grass grows extensively, it thinks that it has to start eating again to finish its duty quickly.Actually, as the seasons ... Read More

What are some of the unwritten social rules that everybody should follow?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

8K+ Views

Being in a society, you have the responsibility of following some etiquette. These, when followed, makes you a better person as viewed by the society and also help you develop some self-discipline as well.When you are in a group or being associated with a group, you will carry some responsibilities such asBeing polite and using words such as Please, Sorry and Thank you will please the people around you and makes a good impression.Behaving gently and speaking in a normal voice but not loudly.Using your own things and sticking to your boundaries.Asking for permission, if you have to use other's ... Read More

As an HR of a company, what kind of attitude should I carry at work?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Human Resource manager or HR of a company holds quite a significant role in the overall functionality of the proceedings carried out in an organization. However, an HR sometimes may appear quite different in the other employees' depiction. So, why does it happen? Plainly because the responsibilities the HR person has to carry. But can it be done without being characterized? Here's the answer:Attitude You Must CarryNot To Be Too Close to Anyone In the Office: Human Resource Manager should be someone who alienates himself/herself in the office. This is because, HR is involved in dealing with leave applications, appraisal ... Read More

What is the advantage of believing in God?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

2K+ Views

God is an intriguing concept with many interesting interpretations from various corners of the world. Well, how can we relate the concept of god to our life? Let’s have a look at the way of our life. We go through many experiences, work, stress, friends and family, time management etc.We Can't Handle EverythingIn our daily activities, there are many times when we feel responsible for what’s happening around us, though we are not. We try to correct things and try to limit some consequences, in spite of being aware that we cannot handle everything at once! At least, we can’t ... Read More
