Found 56 Articles for Human Behavior

Is New Technology a boon or bane?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Technology Symbolizes the Advancement of Human Knowledge. It is truly a boon. The advantages are many and the list can go on and on and on.They are:Chemotherapy can help cure cancer.It has made the world a global village. Emails, Whatsapp, and other social media have connected people sitting miles away.We can easily communicate sitting anywhere, anytime.One can use the camera to save memories of important events.Food can be cooked faster in Microwave ovens and electric cookers.The mixer grinders help in the easy grinding of food, and juicers help in extracting juice out of fruits and vegetables.Cell phones are certainly the ... Read More

How long does our past affect our habits and beliefs?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The habits and beliefs developed in our childhood form our personality. They are hard to change but not impossible to modify and alter. Because of the experiences, one has in life, one develops certain beliefs. The things and deeds we did in past will give us fruit in present and future. Some events in our past can make us act and behave a certain way towards others.Not Letting Past have Adverse EffectsIdentifying problem-causing habits and beliefs is important in the first place.Then, one can make short-term promises to oneself. The habit of smoking, which one has had from the past, ... Read More

How to limit excessive use of mobile?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Today’s age is a technology-driven age. Mobile phones are the most used gadget at the moment. Be it rich or poor, young or old, mobiles have become a part and parcel for each one of us. However, the cell phone has a lot of adverse effects like back pain, stress, irritation, and depression, radiations harming us leading to different nervous disorders and the others.Limiting Mobile Phone UsagePlace the phone down on a hard surface if one is texting. One can even hold the phone in one hand and text with the other. This will increase the time of texting and ... Read More

What are some common funeral etiquette?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


When we go to a funeral, one often does not know in the burst of emotions how to carry oneself. But, it is imperative to know certain funeral etiquettes which might help one in not landing in any sort of trouble.Common Funeral EtiquetteSilence: One should be sitting quietly while attending someone’s funeral.No Mobile Wen In Funeral: Cell phones should be off or completely silent during any service if it is really necessary to carry a smartphone. One should keep in mind not even to put the phone on vibration mode, else it disturbs everyone.Respect Time: One should not be late ... Read More

What is the one secret you want to share with Qries community?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It is said that “Secrets tend to get revealed when one is feeling most loved or one is feeling most betrayed.” Well, in my case neither love nor betrayal has overpowered me. Still, there are certain feelings and certain emotions too, which come up somewhere somehow through the facial expressions or the body language.Revealing A SecretSo, the one secret that I wish to reveal is my realization of, “Secrets should be kept secret.” Because if they are revealed to the right person, only then they hold their worth like a currency note in the hands of a spendthrift is merely ... Read More

What are the changes we can make in our society without much effort?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It does not matter whether you are alone or in a group, as long as you are willing to make a change you can.How It Can Be Done?Reach Out People: Get out there and help others. You see a beggar shivering in chilled, provide him a blanket. You see your maid unable to impart her child a basic school education, adopt that child by just paying his/her school fees partially or completely.Change Your Own Mindset: Not everyone is Narendra Modi or Mukesh Ambani. And there is no need to have that name either. Be one or be with many ones, ... Read More

Do you see any change in the society after the Nirbhaya case?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The answer to this question is quite ambiguous. While, the number of rape cases in India may not have reduced, but the publication through media, has certainly brought these cases into the limelight. It is disheartening that Rs 322 crore was allotted under the Nirbhaya fund. A cell phone borne alarm system for women safety was promised, but it has already been more than 5 years and the bid is still taking place.What Has Not Changed?Even till now, women must not travel alone and they must not be out late night. They must not wear short or over-showy clothes and ... Read More

What are the basic responsibilities you have for your country?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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'India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters.' This is the oath we used to take every day when we were in school. This pledge and many more books and texts remind us of our moral and legal responsibilities. Our nation is our motherland. It never asks anything in return from us as it is our motherland and a mother is selfless in giving.Even if the nation does not expect anything from us, we hold an obligation ourselves.The first and foremost responsibility we have towards our country is to respect not only the land where we ... Read More

What respect you have for your parents?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


My parents are my world. I owe myself to them completely. With each passing year, their bodies are becoming weaker and they are losing their physical strength. They have the privilege of having a caretaker 24/7 while I am not at home. So, I try to do my maximum work from home as I know that family members can provide both personal care and professional assistance.Personalized care not only helps in the process of healing from illness but also helps in healing the emotional as well as mental scars. Getting a little bit chit-chat could relax their body, mind, and ... Read More

What is a typical worst habit of Indians?

Rani RPS
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The typical worst habit found among Indians is not doing their own business. They are more curious about what others are doing and want to get unnecessary information from others. This is not only the intrusion into other's privacy but also very embarrassing for the opposite more typical habit that is found most often across Indian men is ‘ogling ‘!What is ogling? And why is it so oppressive and repulsive to others be it their own fellow men or to other countrymen?OglingOgling refers to staring unashamedly or unabashedly at women in a desirous way. This problem has been faced ... Read More
