Found 56 Articles for Human Behavior

Effective Strategies for Mentoring Individuals with Manipulative Traits

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 19:22:48


Mentoring individuals with manipulative traits can be challenging. The motivations and intentions behind the behaviors, beliefs, and actions of these individuals can often be difficult to uncover. Despite these complexities, there are several strategies that can help facilitate positive mentorship experiences for both mentor and mentee. One of the most effective ways to engage in successful mentoring is by asserting clear boundaries at the outset of any relationship or interaction. Setting expectations and limits allows both parties to work together towards a common goal in an environment where their behavior will not cross certain thresholds they have agreed upon beforehand ... Read More

Difference Between a Service Dog and a Therapy Dog

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 13:44:15


Dogs have long been known for their loyalty and affection towards humans. They have an innate ability to understand and provide comfort to those in need. In recent years, the use of dogs in various therapeutic settings has gained significant popularity. Two types of dogs commonly used for therapeutic purposes are service dogs and therapy dogs. While both are trained to assist humans, there are significant differences in their roles and training. What is a Service Dog? A service dog is an assistance dog specially trained to support people suffering from health challenges such as diabetes, visually impairments or blind ... Read More

9 Signs You're in a Healthy Relationship

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 21:34:54


Respect and boundaries are also important in a healthy relationship. Both parties should respect each other's opinions, beliefs, and limitations. This means that they should not try to control or manipulate each other. Equality and mutual decision-making are also important, as both parties should have an equal say in important decisions that affect the relationship. What are the critical components of a healthy relationship? A healthy relationship is one in which both parties feel safe, respected, and valued. It is built on trust and honesty, where both parties feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Communication and ... Read More

10 Signs That You Are Being Stalked

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:24:43


The most feared crimes against women are those involving stalking. Are you aware of the several guises that stalking may assume and the steps you can take to prevent each one? The Department of Justice performed research that found that one in 12 women may experience stalking at some point in their lives. As per the Bureau of Justice Statistics, almost 75% of women are acquainted with their stalkers in some manner. Because of this, women frequently fail to see the danger in the scenario. Laws also differ in state definitions of the level of anxiety and anguish that ... Read More

Everyday Sadists Walk Among Us, Study Says

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 16:14:08


Sadism was considered a mental illness, but now it's more often seen as a personal preference or a quirky trait. Sexual sadism illness is in the new DSM-5 psychiatric manual. Psychotherapist Wilfried Busse, Ph.D., of Bethesda, Maryland, says, "This is characterized by repeated and strong sexual arousal from the pain of others, as shown in thoughts, cravings, and acts." To meet all the criteria for the illness, a person must have such uncontrollable desires and act on him by hurting someone. Dr. Busse said, "The main thing that makes someone a sadist is the pleasure from seeing or causing ... Read More

How to Succeed in Exams?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 09:43:37


Exams! Are they around the corner? They rob many of their very youthful glows. All those who face exams know that the struggle is real. Many fear the fret of getting weeded out. And many more find themselves trapped in the ‘end-of-the-semester jam’.Are you anxious? Do you feel like being at your breaking point? What would be my life if I get B grade? Is that what you are thinking and getting depressed?Oh please, just move one step back, take a deep breath and blow it out slowly. Exams anxiety is a real but silly thing. Relax and relieve your ... Read More

Who is the most accidentally famous person ever?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Most of the people in this world want to become famous and it is the biggest dream for many. Some people work extremely hard to get it, while some lucky people get it effortlessly.Here are the two examples who have accidentally become famous:Dhinchak PoojaPooja Jain, who got famous overnight by posting her own video "selfie Maine le li Aaj". She accidentally got famous as the song became popular over the Internet. She got attention because of the unique concept but also many negative and funny responses, as the song is terrible. She also participated in the biggest reality show "Big ... Read More

Why are women considered bad drivers?

Manasa K
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25

1K+ Views

We hear this biased statements all the time -- Woman can't park properly, they do not know how to change the lane, they drive too slow, they cannot react fast, they talk on the phone while driving and to the extent that they put on makeup while driving!!!Many feel that woman have poor navigation skills and cannot judge the distances as well as men. Are all these allegations about woman drivers are true?Studies conducted by scientists in Germany show that Testosterone, a male hormone is responsible for spatial ability in a person. This spatial ability gives you the skills to ... Read More

What is lateral thinking? Who popularised it?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Thinking differently than others in the given situation is called “Lateral thinking”. A UK Psychologist named Dr. Edward de Bono coined the term “Lateral thinking”.An approach straight through a method trained, lets you to a single destination, just like working out step-by-step with the given data, which is called “Vertical thinking”. Sideways thinking which provokes fresh ideas that were never tried before changes the frame of reference you choose to see the solution. Such a different approach to a problem is termed as “Lateral thinking”.Let me tell you that you may not have a clear vision regarding the whole procedure ... Read More

Can you name some common behavioral problems, symptoms, and acts in children?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Behavioral Problem: Thumb suckingCommon Presentation Age: 6 months to 3 yearsSymptoms: Body identification, feeling of loneliness, insecurity, hunger, boredom, fear.Acts: Motivation, assurance, reinforcement, counseling, give alternatives continuously, behavior modification, make more eye contact.Behavioral Problem: Breath holding spasmsCommon Presentation Age: 6 months to 6 yearsSymptoms: Due to anger, fear, pain or frustration the child cries and then holds the breath.Acts: Reassured long term prognosis, behavior modification, most of the episodes resolve by the time the child is 4 to 5 years old.Behavioral Problem: StubbornCommon Presentation Age: Below 5 yearsSymptoms: Faulty parenting habits.Acts: Uniform parenting, give or act immediately if you can, ... Read More
