Found 127 Articles for HTML5

How to call web services in HTML5?

Asif Rahaman
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 16:58:17

1K+ Views

Introduction Calling web services is one of the most commonly used services over the web. It refers to the way of communicating with the software systems. This communication can be between the clients with the server, peer-to-peer, etc. HTML5, the latest version of HTML, provides A LOT OF WAYS LIKE XMLHttpRequest object, APIs like Axios and fetch, WebSockets, etc. This API allows the users to get dynamic static, real-time, or dynamic content depending upon the requirement. In this article, we shall learn how to call web services by using different methods like calling APIs, web sockets, etc. XMLHttpRequest is a ... Read More

How to create a rainbow using HTML5

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 16:06:09

2K+ Views

Overview The task is to create a beautiful rainbow using the HTML5 version. The rainbow consists of the seven colors, these seven colors are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. These colors are arranged in the bottom-up approach. So to achieve this task we will use the Scalable Vector Graphics tag which helps us to create the graphics shape inside a HTML page. Inside the svg element we have several elements by which we can draw the shape. These tags are: rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon and path. Syntax The syntax used to create the ... Read More

How to create nofollow link using HTML5

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:48:39


Overview In simple language, a “nofollow” link is a link which tells the google search engine to not to follow the particular link. As when it comes to the search engine optimization of the page, time the links play a vital role in the ranking of the page. In the HTML5 we can make any link a nofollow link by assigning the nofollow attribute to the anchor tag. Syntax The basic syntax used to create any link a nofollow link is −

How to create a multiline input control text area in HTML5

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:45:30


Overview The text area is an HTML tag which is used to write a multiline text in it. So to control the multiline text inside the text area can be achieved with the help of some predefined HTML attribute. These HTML attributes are maxlength, minlength, rows, column and readonly. By using these attributes we can control the text inside the text area. Syntax The syntax to create a text area in the HTML is − Algorithm Step 1 − Create a HTML boilerplate in your text editor. Step 2 − Add the text area tag to the body ... Read More

How to Create Navigation Links using HTML5?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 16:11:28


Generating navigation links is a pivotal element of developing websites as it enables users to easily peruse and locate the information they require. In this exposition, we will expound on the procedure of creating navigation links utilizing HTML5, the most recent iteration of the Hypertext Markup Language. HTML5 provides semantic attributes and elements that facilitate the arrangement and exhibition of content on the internet. With the guidance of this piece of writing, you will acquire the knowledge of utilizing HTML5 to establish a navigation menu that is coherent, structured, and easy to use. Syntax ... Read More

How to create a link with media attribute in HTML5

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 14:50:05


Overview There are many types of attributes in HTML5, these attributes provide additional functionality to the page. The media attribute is used with the link tag which has different values which are used in different states. These values are: print, all, screen, speech. The ‘print’ value is used with the link tag to provide the print preview of the page. If we want to change style on printing the page then we can use this print value with the media attribute. Sometimes there are some styling for which we had to come up with the same styles for all types ... Read More

How to create a header cell in a table using HTML5

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 14:08:07


Overview A cell in a table is a convergence of two things, a row and a column. The header is the top row of the table whose columns contain a category name of what category the data will be in below cells. So as in this problem we are going to create a cell for header of a table, so for header cell the convergence of the table row that is “” and convergence of table header column that is “” will create a header cell for a table in HTML5. Syntax The syntax to create header cell in ... Read More

How to add caption for the parent content in HTML5?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 14:49:01


It might not come to your surprise that web designers of today are continually exploring innovative ways to enhance the user engagement and interaction on their sites, thereby creating a lasting impact on the users. An effective way to achieve this is by incorporating captions for the multimedia present on their webpages. By including captions for the images, videos, and other visual aids, the web developer can offer additional context and essential details to the users, facilitating better accessibility to the website content, particularly for users who might have difficulties comprehending the visual information. Syntax ... Read More

How to add controls to an audio in HTML5?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 10:40:06


HTML5 is a combination of technologies that the user can use for creating more robust and diverse websites and web apps that support multimedia, and communicate with software interfaces, among other things. In this article, we are going to see how we can add controls to audio in HTML5. Syntax The controls attribute of the tag can be used to specify the controls of the embedded audio. It allows the user to technically embed a music player directly in the webpage. The controls attribute adds functionalities such as play, pause, and volume. ... Read More

How to define a thematic change in the content in HTML5?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 27-Mar-2023 13:02:27


In HTML5, semantic markup elements like headings, sections, articles, and divs with particular class or ID attributes can be used to describe a thematic shift in the content. Both human readers and search engine crawlers can benefit from the structure and context that these components contribute to the material. Web designers can build a more user-friendly, understandable website that is simpler to navigate and navigate for all users by utilizing these semantic components. In this answer, we will examine a few of the various HTML5 thematic change definitions. Approaches In HTML5, there are various methods for defining a thematic ... Read More

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