Found 127 Articles for HTML5

How to add a Time picker in Form using HTML5?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 17:20:53


Incorporating time pickers into web forms is a common requirement for many web developers. While you might think that adding time pickers might be a complicated task and you might have to use JavaScript libraries. But to your surprise, this is a relatively easy task using tags provided by HTML. This can significantly reduce the amount of code and time required to implement date and time pickers in your web application. To create the time control using HTML, we have tag, where time value can be used in TYPE attribute of tag. Let’s dive into the article to ... Read More

The most important APIs in HTML5?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 16:57:53


API is also known as "Application Programming Interface." It is a collection of definitions, tools, and protocols that enables interaction and communication across various software programs. Developers can engage with a service, library, or platform without having to understand all the techniques of how it operates since APIs define the methods and data structures they can utilize. APIs are essential for the development of software because they let programmers use the features and services offered by other software components to create more complex applications. They advance modularity and collaboration amongst various software systems. Let’s dive into the article to learn ... Read More

Different types of storages in HTML5

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 16:48:16


Web applications can store data locally in the user's browser using web storage. Application data had to be kept in cookies and sent along with every server request prior to HTML5. Large volumes of data can be kept locally without degrading the functionality of a website using web storage, which is more secure. In contrast to cookies, there is no information transfer to the server and the storage capacity is much higher (at least 5MB). Storage on the web is per origin (per domain and protocol). The same data can be stored and accessed by all pages coming from one ... Read More

What are the new types introduced in HTML for input type?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 14:26:42


There are a number of new HTML5 form input types, 13 to be exact, that make it much easier for web designers to create engaging and user-friendly web forms. In web browsers that support them, the new HTML5 input types provide data validation, date picker controls, colour picker controls, inline help text, and other features. Input types provided by HTML5 In this article we will take a look at all of the new form input types and some examples to demonstrate their usage. The colour input type allows the user to choose a colour from a colour picker and ... Read More

What are the Significant Goals of the HTML5 Specification?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 12:30:37


The World Wide Web uses HTML5 as a markup language to organize and display content. It was the first HTML update in 14 years, and it was approved in 2014. In today's world, that's a lifetime between updates. It is the fifth and final major HTML version recommendation issued by the World Wide Web Consortium. The current specification is indeed the HTML living specification. It now includes support for multimedia, audio, video, tags and elements, improved document markup, and new APIs. HTML5's primary goal is to make it easier for web developers and browser designers to adhere to consensus-based standards ... Read More

How to Use the "required" Attribute on the <select> Element in HTML5

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 11:34:33


The HTML select element represents a control that displays a menu of options. It is used to make drop-down menus so users can choose the value they want. It is a useful feature for gathering data to be sent to a server. The tag is typically used within a form element, with the items to be chosen coded within another tag, . It can also be used as a stand-alone element that is associated with a form via one of its special attributes, . The tag in HTML is associated with numerous attributes. They are discussed below. ... Read More

How to add a telephone number into a form using HTML5?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 15:17:40


The task we are going to perform in this article is to add a telephone number into a form using HTML5. We are aware of the numerous benefits of using phone numbers. In case you need to collect a user's personal information, a telephone number is crucial. Additionally, a user may receive numerous messages or notifications on the form services. Let's dive into the article for getting better understanding on adding a telephone number into a form using HTML5. This can be done by using the . Using Tag A phone number can be entered and edited using ... Read More

Radial Gradient HTML5 Tag

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 11-Oct-2023 15:51:40


The progressive change from one hue to another is known as a gradient. It lets designers practically invent a new hue. By giving a design a new level and reality, gradients help objects stand out. We can find three types of gradients in HTML, but the given task we are going to perform is about radial gradient. Let’s discuss for getting a better understanding of radial gradient HTML5 tag. Radial Gradient A radial gradient differs from a linear gradient. It radiates outward from one central point. The gradient will by default have an elliptical shape, be the largest corner, start ... Read More

HTML5 Application Cache VS Browser Cache

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 11-Oct-2023 15:38:56


Despite being familiar with the phrase cache, you may not fully understand what it means in the context of the Web. Caching, as used in everyday speech, is the act of storing something in the event that it subsequently proves beneficial. Bulk or main storage can't keep up with client needs, thus cache is used. Cache minimizes latency, speeds up input/output (I/O) activities, and decreases data access times. Let’s look into further for getting better understanding of HTML5 application cache vs browser cache. HTML5 Application Cache A web application is cached and available without an internet connection with the help ... Read More

How background attribute is deprecated in HTML5?

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 14:50:47


In this article, we will discuss about the background attribute and how it is deprecated in HTML5. What is Background Attribute? In HTML, the “background” can be used as an attribute with an HTML element (such as div, table, body etc.). We can specify an image to set background of the webpage etc. The most frequently used image formats are PNG, JPEG, and GIF. Syntax Following is the syntax of background attribute with an HTML element − This attribute is DEPRECATED in HTML5 and we are recommended not to use this. Instead, in HTML5, the preferred way ... Read More

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