Found 2416 Articles for HTML

HTML DOM Style captionSide Property

Updated on 23-Oct-2019 07:40:44


The HTML DOM captionSide property is used for getting or setting the table caption position.The table caption is only set on vertical position i.e top and bottom.Following is the syntax for −Setting the captionSide property − = "top|bottom|initial|inherit"The above properties are explained as follows:ValueDescriptiontopFor positioning the table caption above the table. This is the default value.bottomFor positioning the table caption below the table.initialFor setting this property to initial value.inheritTo inherit the parent property valueLet us look at an example for the captionSide property −Example Live Demo    #t1{       caption-side: bottom;       border: 2px ... Read More

HTML DOM Style boxSizing Property

Updated on 23-Oct-2019 07:32:49


The HTML DOM boxSizing property is used to specify the way an element’s total width and height is calculated. It can have "border-box" or "content-box" as values.Following is the syntax for −Setting the boxSizing property − = "content-box|border-box|initial|inherit"The property values are explained as follows −ValueDescriptioncontent-boxThis is the default value and any padding or border width will be added to the content box final width.border-boxIn border-box the width specified stays intact and the content box shrinks if any padding or border is applied to it.initialFor setting this property to initial value.inheritTo inherit the parent property valueLet us look at an example ... Read More

HTML DOM Style boxShadow Property

Updated on 23-Oct-2019 07:28:39


The HTML DOM box-shadow property is used for getting or setting the shadow in or around the frame of an element.Following is the syntax for −Setting the boxShadow property −box-shadow: none|h-offset v-offset blur spread color |inset|initial|inherit;The property values are explained as follows −ValueDescriptionnoneThis is the default value and displays no shadow.h-offsetThis specifies how far the shadow will be from horizontal offset. It is a required value and positive value states that the shadow will be from right side of the box while the negative value means it will from left side of the box.v-offsetThis specifies how far the shadow will ... Read More

HTML DOM Style borderWidth Property

Updated on 23-Oct-2019 07:21:58


The HTML DOM borderWidth property is used as a shorthand for getting or setting the border width properties for an element. It takes from one to 4 values in the following ways −It assigns border-width in the clockwise direction if all 4 values are given.If only one value is given then the same width is applied to all 4 borders.If two values are given then top and bottom are set to first value and left and right are set to second value.Following is the syntax for −Setting the borderWidth = "thin|medium|thick|length|initial|inherit"The property values are explained as follows −ValueDescriptionthinFor specifying ... Read More

HTML DOM Style borderTopWidth Property

Updated on 23-Oct-2019 07:16:39


The HTML DOM borderTopWidth property is used for setting or getting the Top border width for an element.Following is the syntax for −Setting the borderTopWidth property − = "thin|medium|thick|length|initial|inherit"The property values are explained as follows −ValueDescriptionThinThis specifies a thin border.MediumThis specifies the medium border and is the default value.ThickThis specifies a thin border.LengthThis is used for specifying the border width in length units.InitialFor setting this property to initial value.InheritTo inherit the parent property valueLet us look at an example for the borderTopWidth Property −Example Live Demo    #DIV1{       height: 100px;       width: 200px; ... Read More

HTML DOM Style borderTopStyle Property

Updated on 23-Oct-2019 07:12:11


The HTML DOM borderTopStyle property is used for setting or returning the Top border style for an element.Following is the syntax for −Setting the borderTopStyle property − = valueThe above properties are explained as follows −ValueDescriptionNoneThis is the default value specifying no border.HiddenThis is same as "none" but will still take border space. It is basically transparent but still there.DottedThis defines a dotted border.DashedThis defines a dashed border.SolidThis defines a solid border.DoubleThis defines a double borderGrooveThis defines a 3d groove border and is the opposite of ridge.RidgeThis defines a 3D ridged border and is the opposite of grooveInsetThis defines a ... Read More

HTML DOM Style borderTopColor Property

Updated on 23-Oct-2019 07:02:55


The HTML DOM borderTopColor property is used to get or set the color for top border of an element.Following is the syntax for −Setting the borderTopColor property − = "color|transparent|initial|inherit"The above properties are explained as follows −ValueDescriptioncolorFor specifying the Top border color. Its default color is set to black.transparentThe makes the Top border color transparent and the underlying content can be seen.initialFor setting this property to default value.inheritTo inherit the parent property value.Let us look at an example for the borderTopColor property −Example Live Demo    #IMG1 {       border-top:solid 8px;       border-top-color: orange; ... Read More

HTML DOM Style borderTop Property

Updated on 23-Oct-2019 06:55:50


The HTML DOM borderTop property is used as a shorthand for getting or setting the Top border properties for an element. The borderTop property contains border-Top-width, border-Top-style, border-Top-color.Following is the syntax for −Setting the borderTop = "width style color|initial|inherit"The above properties are explained as follows −ParameterDescriptionwidthFor setting the Top border width.styleFor setting the Top border style.colorFor setting the Top border color.initialFor setting this property to default value.inheritTo inherit the parent property value.Let us look at an example for the borderTop property −Example Live Demo    #P1 {       border-Top: 4px solid magenta;       ... Read More

HTML DOM Style borderStyle Property

Updated on 23-Oct-2019 06:49:49


The HTML DOM borderStyle property is used as a shorthand for getting or setting the border style properties for an element. It takes from one to 4 values in the following ways −It assigns border-styles in the clockwise direction if all 4 values are given.If only one value is given then the same style is applied to all 4 borders.If two values are given then top and bottom are set to first value and left and right are set to second value.Following is the syntax for −Setting the borderStyle = valueThe above properties are explained as follows −ValueDescriptionNoneThis is ... Read More

HTML DOM Style borderSpacing Property

Updated on 23-Oct-2019 06:41:57


The HTML DOM borderSpacing property is used for setting or returning the space between table cells.Following is the syntax for −Setting the borderSpacing property − = "length length|initial|inherit"The above properties are explained as follows −ValueDescriptionlength lengthIt is used for specifying the space between cells. If only one value is given then it is set to both horizontal and vertical spacing otherwise the first value is for horizontal spacing and the second for vertical. Its default value is set to 0.InitialFor setting this property to initial value.InheritTo inherit the parent property valueLet us look at an example for the borderSpacing property ... Read More
