Found 2416 Articles for HTML

How to Add Date and Time Picker using only one tag in HTML?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 28-Mar-2023 15:50:27


Incorporating date and time pickers into web forms is a common requirement for many web developers. While you might think that adding date and time pickers might be a complicated task and you might have to use JavaScript libraries. But to your surprise, this is a relatively easy task using tags provided by HTML. This can significantly reduce the amount of code and time required to implement date and time pickers in your web application. Syntax The tag is an interactive element in HTML whose main purpose is to take different forms of inputs from the user. ... Read More

How to declare a custom attribute in HTML?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 14:53:11

5K+ Views

In this article, we will discuss how to declare a custom attribute in HTML. Custom attributes can be useful in HTML when you want to store some additional information that is not part of the standard HTML attributes. It allows for more flexibility and customization in HTML and can help make your code more maintainable and understandable. Approaches We have two different approaches to declaring a custom attribute in HTML including the following − Using the “ data- prefix” Using the “custom prefix” Let us look at each step in detail. Approach: Using the "data- prefix method" ... Read More

How to decide the order of precedence of the style attributes in HTML?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 14:51:55


In this article, we will be discussing how to decide the order of precedence of the style attributes in HTML. The use of the order of precedence in style attributes in HTML is important because it helps determine which style rules should be applied to an element when there are multiple styles defined. By following a specific order, you can make sure that the correct styles are applied and the desired visual design is achieved. Approaches We have two different approaches to deciding the order of precedence of the style attributes in HTML including the following − Using ... Read More

How to create a Vertical Navigation Bar using HTML and CSS ?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 14:28:36

5K+ Views

A navigation bar is a graphical feature that allows users to navigate through a website or application. It is typically presented as a list of links at the top or side of the screen and assists users in navigating to various areas or pages within the website. HTML and CSS can be used to build horizontal or vertical navigation bars. HTML is used to specify the structure and content of the navigation bar, whilst CSS is used to design and make the navigation bar look appealing. You may improve the overall user experience and make it easier for users to ... Read More

How to count the number of notifications on an icon?

Aman Gupta
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:01:33

1K+ Views

Overview A notification icon is a common feature that exists in each and every application. In order to count the number of notifications and display it on an icon can be achieved with basic knowledge of JavaScript. So to build this feature we should have some prior knowledge about HTML Document Object Model (DOM), CSS, and Bootstrap. Approach To start building this feature first we had to link some of the Content Delivery Network (CDN) links to our HTML page. Font Awesome CDN Link − Bootstrap CDN Link − ... Read More

How to Convert a HTML Table into Excel Spreadsheet using jQuery?

Aman Gupta
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 12:14:21

2K+ Views

Overview To convert the HTML Table into the Excel Spreadsheet can be done with the help of jQuery plugins. The “table2excel” is a lightweight plug-in of jQuery, which helps to achieve the solution to the problem. In this we will create a table using HTML tag in that we will create the number of rows using tag. The data is inserted inside the rows using the tag. Syntax The syntax used in this is − $(selector).table2excel({ filename: “”, fileext: “” }); selector − It can be any HTML ... Read More

Explain all Console Object in HTML

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:24:52


A console is an object in the JavaScript programming language that is used for the purpose of debugging or logging results. It is a tool or web tool which may be used by developers to debug their code. With the help of the console, information can be displayed about the code that could be values of the variables, any result of a particular expression, or the return value of a function call. Moreover, it can be used to display errors and warnings. The console is available in every scope since it is a global variable. In the browser window, it ... Read More

How to create gooey balls animation using HTML & CSS?

Shabaz Alam
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 15:08:43


Gooey balls animation is a type of animation that is created using HTML and CSS. This animation style is created by specifying values of CSS properties at different points in the animation using keyframes, and then applying the animation to the HTML element. Gooey balls are a popular and visually appealing animation style created using HTML and CSS. In this animation we create a smooth, flowing and squishy effect to a circular object, making it look like a ball made of goo. This type of animation is a great way to add a fun and engaging touch to the website. ... Read More

PDF generation from XHTML in a LAMP environment

Satish Kumar
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 16:18:27


The LAMP environment is widely used for web development, and it is an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. This environment is an open-source platform that is easy to use and deploy. PDF format is commonly used for sharing and exchanging documents over internet. However, generating PDF documents can be a challenging task in a LAMP environment, especially when converting XHTML documents. In this article, we will explore different methods used for PDF generation from XHTML in a LAMP environment. What is XHTML? XHTML stands for Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, which is a markup language that is used to ... Read More

How to center the contents of an HTML table?

Asif Rahaman
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 11:25:39

2K+ Views

In HTML the tag displays the contents as a table. By default, the alignment of the contents within the HTML tables is toward the left side. In this tutorial, we will understand how to center the contents of the HTML table. Use Of The tag As the name suggests, the tag helps align the texts within any container. To center align the texts, we need to use the texts within the and the tags. However, this is not a recommended process. We should use this process only when we only have to design using HTML ... Read More
