Found 2416 Articles for HTML

Create an italic text in HTML

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:32:35


In HTML the text can be represented in italic using tag. The text present in between tag open and closing is represented in italic format. tag is called as Idiomatic text element. Syntax Usage of tag in HTML is shown below − Hello Welcome to My World In the above syntax, the sentence between open and close tag represent in italic format. Hello Welcome to My World. If we want to represent phrases that are present in different languages than their surroundings, ... Read More

Include information about the document in HTML

Updated on 27-May-2020 21:00:49


Use the tag to include information about the document. The HTML tag is used for indicating the head section of the HTML document. Tags included inside head tags are not displayed in the browser window.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to include information about the document in HTML −           HTML head Tag               This is demo text.    

How to display a fieldset in HTML?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 14:48:20


Fieldset is an element in HTML, used for grouping related elements. It is helpful to user if form fields are arranged in logical groupings. To differentiate the look from other parts of web page, it adds a border around the related elements. tag is used to define a caption for . It supports global as well as event attributes. It is compatible with all browsers. Syntax Following is the usage/syntax of fieldset in HTML .... The attributes used in fieldset are shown below Attributes are used in fieldset to perform the following functionaries − disabled − ... Read More

How to add a container for an external (non-HTML) application in HTML5

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 14:46:07


To add a container for an external application in HTML5 we use tag. It defines or embed a container for an external resource like, web pages, media player, pictures or a plug-in application. Following is the usage of embed tag in HTML − It doesn’t have closing tag. The browsers that support embed tag are google chrome, Internet explorer, Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera. It supports, global and event attributes in HTML. Most of the browsers display the element with default CSS settings like embed:focus { outline: none; } Attributes Now, ... Read More

How do we include an emphasized text in HTML?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 14:41:40


To Emphasize the text content in HTML we use tag. It is same as tag. It has closing and opening tags, . The tag is a phrase tag. It renders as emphasized text. Emphasized text The text that is present in between open and closing tags of appears in an italic form. The main difference between italic and emphasized tag is that, emphasized tag semantically emphasizes on section of words whereas tag shows text in italic which indicate alternative mood. The effects of tag can be achieved by using ... Read More

Create editable content in an HTML document

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 14:37:28


In Html, we can edit the content by using contenteditable attribute, it specifies whether the elements content is editable or not by the user. The property of contentEditable is set or returns if the content of an element is editable. Syntax The usage/syntax of editable content in HTML is − The above contenteditable attribute has two values true/false. True indicates that the element is editable. False indicates that the element cannot be edited. Example Following is the example, to create editable content in an HTML − This ... Read More

How do we include a section in an HTML document?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 14:30:29


Section is one of the tag used in HTML, which defines the section of document like header, footers, chapters etc., Section tag divided the content of document into two parts, section and subsections. It is useful when there is a requirement of two headers or footers or chapter or other sections of document needed. Section tag groups the related content in a generic block. It is a semantic element, that describes meaning to browser as well as developer. section has open and closing tags, It supports almost all browsers. Section tag also supports global attributes ... Read More

How do we add a definition term in HTML?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 14:25:24


The definition term is represented as tag in HTML, it describes the name or term in a description list. The define term is conjunction with and tags. tag is used to describe each name or term tag defines a description list. define tag supports both global and event attributes. The tag is supported by almost all browsers. Syntax Following is the syntax of define term − code Example Following example of adding a definition term in HTML. Here we are using all the three ... Read More

Check whether the content of an element is editable or not in HTML

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 05-Sep-2022 14:08:41


The contenteditable attribute indicates whether or not an element's content is editable. If the content is found to be editable, the browser will allow editing by modifying its widgets. This attribute must always take one of these two values below − true, or an empty string − indicating that the content is editable false − indicating that the content is not editable If the attribute does not take any of the values mentioned above, it is declared an empty string and will, by default, become an editable content. Note − If an element's contenteditable attribute is not ... Read More

How to create Definition Lists in HTML5?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 05-Sep-2022 14:10:37

2K+ Views

A description list—previously known as a definition list—offers an organised arrangement of a term and its definition. For defining a definition list, the following tags are used − − This is the list of definitions. It stores terms and their definitions as tables of rows and data. − This is the term used to define. It keeps the phrase under definition. − This serves as the description or definition. It contains the definition of a particular term. Using these tags, Following are the examples… Example In the following example we are using , , ... Read More
