Found 2416 Articles for HTML

How to create a Gradient Shadow using CSS ?

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 17:53:41


As the web is evolving, fabricating beautiful UI is one of the most important jobs to increase customer engagement on websites. One of such ways to improve the look and feel of the frontend is by applying gradient shadow in CSS. Two of the most important ways to apply gradient shadows are linear gradient and radial gradient. Gradient Shadows can be used to get user attention for a specific piece of information, apply hover or focus effects, or provide Web3 look and feel to the website. In this tutorial we are going to analyze both kinds of gradient shadows with ... Read More

How to Execute a Script Asynchronously in HTML5 ?

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 17:50:24


Script tag is used to make the webpage dynamic, however heavy scripts can result in slow rendering of the webpage which ultimately results in poor user experience. To solve this issue, we asynchronously execute the scripts in the webpage i.e. the javascript is downloaded in parallel with other website elements and starts to execute as soon as it is completed. To load scripts asynchronously two popular approaches used are: Async attribute: The scripts are downloaded in parallel and start to execute as soon as downloading is complete. Defer attribute: The scripts are downloaded in parallel and only starts to ... Read More

How to Convert Characters to ASCII Code using JavaScript?

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:53:01

2K+ Views

ASCII, stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange which is a method used for encoding characters by assigning them to a specific numerical value. The numerical values thus assigned are known as ASCII codes and are extensively utilized in computer systems to represent various characters including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and special control characters. Example 1: Using charCodeAt() The following code illustrates a program to receive input character from the user using the ‘charCodeAt()’ function and then display the corresponding ASCII code for that character. Syntax string.charCodeAt(index) Algorithm Step 1 :Start with declaring the HTML tag. Step ... Read More

How to Convert Canvas Graphics to Image?

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:49:44

3K+ Views

HTML canvas graphics provide lots of options to create versatile objects. While working with Canvas you might want to convert the graphics into real images which you can download or print. This article will help you create the graphics and save them on your device. Example Here, we create graphics in javascript Canvas and then converting the graphics to images. In this example, we will create a solid red square and then download it to the device using a button. Algorithm Step 1 :Create the graphics on the canvas. Step 2 :After creating the graphics get the id of ... Read More

How to convert a DOM Nodelist to an Array using JavaScript?

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:45:07


To write javascript advanced code you can run across instances where you need to convert a DOM (Document Object Model) NodeList to a more adaptable data structure like an array. Although nodelist is just like an array in any programming language. However, it does not contain fever characteristics than an array. You can use Javascript to convert a nodelist into an array to work more appropriately. Example 1 This example provides code to convert a nodelist into an array using javascript. The code uses the nodeListToArray function to perform the conversion. Algorithm Step 1 :Create an array ... Read More

How to connect Skype, Mail and Phone using HTML?

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:43:55


To provide users with various options to reach out to you, consider integrating Skype, email, and phone features into your website. This article discusses the utilization of HTML to connect these channels. Thereby augmenting the overall communication experience on your site. Skype Integration To enhance efficient communication, incorporating a Skype link into your website through HTML would be beneficial. Adding this uncomplicated feature enables visitors to start voice or video conveniently calls with ease when interacting on your platform. By simply including your Skype username or ID in the HTML code users can effortlessly connect with you using their ... Read More

How to Create a Button to open SMS Compose to a Phone Number using HTML?

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 12:11:23

2K+ Views

The button to open SMS provides users with the convenience of sending SMS to a phone number directly from our website instead of writing it down and then messaging to that number. With the help of href attribute, we replace the URL with a cellphone number and add sms, before it to make an SMS hyperlink. There are several use cases for creating a button to open SMS compose to a phone number such as Contacting customer support, Requesting information, Sales and marketing etc. This can be especially useful for users who prefer text messaging over phone calls ... Read More

How to Hide Password in HTML?

Mrudgandha Kulkarni
Updated on 07-Aug-2023 19:53:54

2K+ Views

In today's digital world, where the protection of sensitive information is crucial, ensuring the security of user passwords is of utmost importance. When users enter their passwords in HTML forms, it is essential to implement measures to protect their privacy and prevent unauthorized access. One way to enhance password security is by hiding the password as it is being entered. This blog post will explore various techniques to hide passwords in HTML forms, providing users with a sense of privacy and safeguarding their sensitive information. We will begin by discussing the default behavior of password input fields in HTML, where ... Read More

How to hide credential information form URL while submitting the HTML Form?

Mrudgandha Kulkarni
Updated on 07-Aug-2023 19:50:42


In today's digital landscape, web applications often require users to provide sensitive information, such as usernames and passwords, through HTML forms. When submitting a form, the default behavior of many web browsers is to include this information as part of the URL. However, exposing credentials in the URL can pose significant security risks, as the information becomes visible in browser history, server logs, and can be easily intercepted. To mitigate this risk and enhance the security of web applications, it is essential to understand how to hide credential information from the URL while submitting HTML forms. In this article, we ... Read More

How to group related elements in a form using HTML?

Mrudgandha Kulkarni
Updated on 07-Aug-2023 16:55:20


When designing a form for a website, it's important to consider the user experience and make it as easy as possible for users to fill out the form. One way to do this is by grouping related elements together so that users can quickly scan and fill out the form. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to group related elements in a form using HTML. What is Grouping in HTML Forms? Grouping in HTML forms involves grouping related form elements together, such as radio buttons, checkboxes, and text input fields. By grouping related elements together, you can make it ... Read More
