Found 2418 Articles for HTML

Is it possible to use JSF+Facelets with HTML 4/5?

George John
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 10:47:16


Facelets is an open-source Web template system for JavaServer Faces (JSF). The language requires valid input XML documents to work. Facelets supports all of the JSF UI components and focuses completely on building the JSF component tree, reflecting the view for a JSF application.Facelets is a XML based view technology. It cannot be used with HTML4 doctype. You can use with JSF/Facelets, even without a declaration in top of the page.           Title               Header       Nav       Main       Footer    

AngularJS and HTML5 date input value - how to get Firefox to show a readable date value in a date input?

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 10:46:12


The elements of type date allows user to enter date, using a text box or using date picker. With the ng-model directive, bins the values of AngularJS application data to HTML input controls. Firefox does not currently support type="date". It will convert all the values to string. Sinceyou want date to be a real Date object and not a string, so we create another variable, and then link the two variables as done in the below given code function MainCtrl($scope, dateFilter) {    $ = new Date();    $scope.$watch('date', function (date){       $scope.dateString = dateFilter(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd');   ... Read More

Play infinitely looping video on-load in HTML5

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22

4K+ Views

The tag specifies video. Currently, there are 3 supported video formats for the element that are MP4, WebM, and Ogg. Autoplay is used to start the video when the video and page loads.The loop attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that the video will start over again, every time it is finished.The loop attribute should do it. Your browser does not support the video element. If you have a problem with the loop attribute, listen to the videoEnd event. After that call the play() method when it fires.

How to stream large .mp4 files in HTML5?

Chandu yadav
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 13:33:51


Video files on the web sometimes need to be encoded in a special way in order for them to be played while downloading. In order for flash-based videos to work, data should be moved from the end to the start of the stream. A program called mp4 FastStart can do this for you.Programs like HandBrake have a "web" option that also does this when encoding. You need to ensure that your web server is not applying to gzip or deflate compression on top of the compression in the mp4 file.Compression allows your webserver to provide smaller file sizes, which load ... Read More

Play local (hard-drive) video file with HTML5 video tag?

George John
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 13:36:36


The tag is used to add video, with the following video formats − MP4, WebM and OggOn selecting a file via the input element.The change event is firedThe event is fired for , , and elements when a change to the element's value is performed by the user.Getting File objectThe File interface provides information about files and allows JavaScript in a web page to access the content. Object of this type is returned by the files property of the HTML element, which eventually lets you access the list of files selected with the element.Object URL pointing ... Read More

How to apply antialiasing in HTML5 canvas drawImage()?

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 13:37:21

2K+ Views

For antialiasing, you need to set resampling quality.ctx.imageSmoothingQuality = "low|medium|high"Use an off-screen canvas to reduce the image to half −var c = document.createElement('canvas'), ocx = c.getContext('2d'); c.width = img.width * 0.5; c.height = img.height * 0.5; ocxx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, c.width, c.height);// drawing images reducing to half again and repeating itocx.drawImage(c, 0, 0, c.width * 0.5, cc.height * 0.5);

How to draw an oval in HTML5 canvas?

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 16-Dec-2021 12:13:41


You can try to run the following code to draw an oval in HTML5 canvas −Example                                  // canvas          var c = document.getElementById('newCanvas');          var context = c.getContext('2d');          var cX = 0;          var cY = 0;          var radius = 40;          ;          context.translate(c.width / 2, c.height / 2);          context.scale(2, 1);          context.beginPath();          context.arc(cX, cY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);          context.restore();          context.fillStyle = '#000000';          context.fill();          context.lineWidth = 2;          context.strokeStyle = 'yellow';          context.stroke();           Output

How to find the size of localStorage in HTML?

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 13:38:28


localStorage is used to persist information across multiple sessions. It has a maximum size of 5MB.ExampleYou can try to run the following code snippet to check the size allocated −var sum = 0; // loop for size for(var i in localStorage) {    var amount = (localStorage[i].length * 2) / 1024 / 1024;    sum += amount;    document.write( i + " = " + amount.toFixed(2) + " MB"); } document.write( "Total = " + sum.toFixed(2) + " MB");

Can you take a screenshot of the page using HTML5 Canvas?

George John
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 10:39:44


Html2Canvas is a JavaScript library that can take screenshot of the whole web page or specific part. It doesn’t take the screenshot but creates the view based on the page information.ExampleBelow given is an example code. Here, html2canvas.js script is included at the . The html2canvas() method is called. Returns the base64 value, which eventually creates image source or an image file.                         Take screenshot                                                      function screenshot(){             html2canvas(document.body).then(function(canvas) {                document.body.appendChild(canvas);             });          }          

Does HTML5 Canvas support Double Buffering?

Chandu yadav
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 10:38:56


For double buffering on the canvas, create a 2nd canvas element and draw to it. After that draw the image to the first canvas using the drawImage() method,// canvas element var canvas1 = document.getElementById('canvas'); var context1 = canvas1.getContext('2d'); // buffer canvas var canvas2 = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas2.width = 250; canvas2.height =250; var context2 = canvas2.getContext('2d'); // create on the canvas context2.beginPath(); context2.moveTo(10,10); context2.lineTo(10,30); context2.stroke(); //render the buffered canvas context1.drawImage(canvas2, 0, 0);
