Found 2418 Articles for HTML

Getting values from HTML5 Canvas to JavaScript

George John
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 14:03:43


When we draw anything on Canvas, it keeps no memory of anything that was drawn. While drawing we need to keep track of all the necessary information yourself as we draw. Therefore, it is not feasible to get value from HTML5 canvas to JavaScript as it keeps no memory. It just draws like this −On adding a function for button and clicking on it, you won’t be able to get what you want −     You will not be able to get those values from the canvas since the canvas is just a bitmap.

What are start angle and end angle of arc in HTML5 canvas?

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 14:04:27


The arc() function has the following definition that shows the usage of start and ends angle −arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise)This method has the following parameters −x and y are coordinates of the circle’s center.Radius is the circle radiusStartAngle and EndAngle define the start and endpoints of the arc in radians. Starting and closing angles are measured from the horizontal i.e. x-axisAnticlockwise is the Boolean value which when true draws arc anticlockwise otherwise in a clockwise direction.

Applying a CSS style to an ID element when the beginning of its name stays identical and the end varies in HTML

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 14:05:19


Posts can be selected using div with ‘id=post’. This will select all div elements with an id which contains a value in quotes.We can use either −div[id*='post-'] { ... } or div[id^='post-'] { ... }.div[id*='post-'] { ... } will select all div elements with id which is having all values in quotes.Or we can use,div[id^='post-'] { ... }This will select all div elements with an id which started with quotes.

HTML5 Canvas and select / drag-and-drop features in a JS library?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 04-Mar-2020 06:14:29


If you want to use HTML5 canvas to draw shapes, texts and curves and also want to attach traditional DOM events like onClick or drag and drop functions, a crossbar framework Raphael is used for doing drag and drop or touch events.This technology uses SVG and XML for older versions of IE.  Drag and drag using HTML is shown below.  Example                    Raphaël · Drag-n-drop                                                   ... Read More

How to use multiple click event on HTML5 canvas?

Updated on 04-Mar-2020 06:13:50


When there is a circle drawn on canvas and we put red color on half and grey color on a portion of a circle, then on clicking a red color, we call function1.On clicking grey part, function 2 is called and we need to use reusable path objects to store different parts, which we want to test. Click handler can be used to share the canvas and do our desired work. Path2D objects can be used to store path information.var path1 = new Path2D(); var path2 = new Path2D(); var newpaths = [path1, path 2];   // Array is ... Read More

Choose which option is selected on pageload of razor Html.DropDownListFor() in HTML?

Samual Sam
Updated on 04-Mar-2020 06:13:12


Shorthand is used to decide which option is selected on pageload of razor Html.DropDownListFor(). You can try to run the following code snippet −// return Boolean value @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Valeur, new List< SelectListItem > { //new list item list item1 is generated new SelectListItem { Value = "0" , Text = "Show", Selected = Model.Valeur == 0 }, new SelectListItem { Value = "1" , Text = "Hide", Selected = Model.Valeur != 0 }, }, new { @class = “selectnew" })

Solve unknown gap between elements in Flexbox with HTML5.

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 14:06:10


Unknown gaps between elements in flexbox are due to margin collapsing of the header to the bar division. To resolve this −Either Margin is reset to 0 for header or Border is added to the bar.Padding can be done to bar by adding property padding: 10px to bar. Try the following code snippet to resolve the unknown gap problem −.bar {    background: yellow;    color: gray;    height: 250px;    padding: 10px;    text-align: center; }

HTML5 Geolocation without SSL connection

Updated on 02-Jun-2020 07:41:28


HTML 5 Geolocation is used to find out the location of the user. This can be without SSL connection. This can be generated as follows −// Variable apigeo shows successful location: var apigeo = function(position) {    alert("API geolocation success!lat = " + position.coords.latitude + "lng = " + position.coords.longitude); }; var tryapigeo = function() { "check the location on google map", function(success) {       apiGeolocationSuccess({coords: {latitude:, longitude: success.location.lng}});    }) //Gives success on given geolocation    .failure(function(err) { //On failure, alert with failure is shown       alert("error while showing geolocation! "+err);   ... Read More

How to get materialize CSS checkbox to work with @Html.CheckBoxFor?

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 04-Mar-2020 06:08:57


The only way to materialize CSS checkbox to work with Html.checkbox without disappearance of the checkbox to the left is by moving the hidden element to the bottom of the parent element.$("input[type='hidden']").each(checkbox1 (0,IsActive ) {    $(this).appendTo($(IsActive).parent()); });In this hidden element, IsActive is placed in the bottom of parent element thus removing the disappearance of the checkbox to left and thus materializing CSS checkbox to work with HTML.checkbox.

Create JS Radial gradient with matrix in HTML

Updated on 02-Jun-2020 07:40:33


JSRadial gradient with matrix is created in the following way. You can try to run the following way to create JS Radial gradient with matrix −var canvas1 = document.getElementById("canvas"); //canvas1 variable to identify given canvas var ctx1 = canvas.getContext("2d"); //This is used to tell context is 2D   var gradient1 = ctx1.createRadialGradient(100/horizontalScale, 100/verticalScale, 100, 100/horizontalScale, 100/verticalScale, 0); //This will create gradient with given canvas context   gradient1.addColorStop(1, "green"); //New color green is added to gradient gradient1.addColorStop(0, "red"); //New color red is added to gradient ctx1.scale(horizontalScale, verticalScale); //Context matrix ctx1 is shrinked according to horizaontal and vertical scale ... Read More
