Found 2418 Articles for HTML

I need a client side browser database in HTML5. What are my options?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 13:21:16


The task we are going to perform in this article is about I need a client side browser database in HTML5 what are my options. Before diving into the article let’s have a look. HTML5 introduces two mechanisms, similar to HTTP session cookies, for storing structured data on the client side. The two storages are session storage and local storage and they would be used to handle different situations. You can use local storage in HTML5 for this purpose. The Local Storage is designed for storage that spans multiple windows and lasts beyond the current session. Local Storage The Web ... Read More

Which HTML5 tags are more appropriate to represent money amount

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 13:14:08

2K+ Views

A variable is represented by the var element. This could be a real variable in a programming or mathematical expression, an identifier for a constant, a function parameter, Depending on what you want to achieve, but it appears that your possibilities are − Use microdata, such as a product's pricing, as an example. If you want to emphasise the price without implying that it is more significant, use . If the price is crucial, such as the entire cost of an itemised receipt, use the style. If you require an element to design the pricing differently, use ... Read More

Can the HTML5 Canvas element be created from the Canvas constructor?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 12:47:16


In this article, we are going to perform can the HTML5 canvas element be created from the canvas constructor. We can achieve the task by using element in HTML. Before we dive into the examples, let’s look into the definition and usage of element in HTML. The Canvas Api useful for drawing graphics via javascript and htmlelement.It can be applied to animation, game graphics, data visualisation, photo editing, and real-time video processing, among other things. The majority of the Canvas API's attention is on 2D visuals. The WebGL API renders hardware-accelerated 2D and 3D visuals and also makes ... Read More

Are button HTML tags outside of a form valid?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 12:45:39

2K+ Views

This article will teach us that button HTML tags outside of a form are valid. Before we get started, let's talk a little about the HTML tag. HTML tag An HTML is made using the element. Between the opening and closing tags, any text will be shown as text on the button. Syntax Following is the syntax for HTML tag Anywhere in the document body where text-level markup is allowed, a button element is acceptable. such an element is not required to be related to a form element. Although a button element has a ... Read More

Which browser has the best support for HTML 5 currently?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 12:42:52


Every time a new version of HTML is released, additional features and support for various website elements are introduced. The most recent HTML version, HTML5, is utilised on all current web pages. While bringing new markups and APIs for complex web applications, HTML5 also supports the currently used markups. Why To Use HTML5 HTML5 was developed to handle multimedia elements in complicated online applications. More new tags and support elements, including form, semantic characteristics, and several more, are offered. HTML5 has a number of elements that make it user−friendly, including − Cleaner code structure − Only the div tag was ... Read More

HTML5 Canvas drawings like lines are looking blurry

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 10:08:59

2K+ Views

The task we are going to perform in this article is about HTML5 canvas drawings like lines are looking blurry. We observe blurry effects because different device’s pixel ratios are varied. The browser or device using to view the canvas frequently affects how blurry the image is. The gadget Pixel Ratio of Window interface returns the proportion of the display device's physical pixels to its CSS pixels for resolution. This number can also be understood as the proportion of physical to CSS pixels, or the size of one pixel to another pixel. Let’s dive into the following examples to ... Read More

Safari on iPad (iOS6) does not scale HTML5 video to fill 100% of page width

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 12:41:18


This article will teach you how safari on ipad IOS6 does not scale HTML5 video To fill 100% of page widthOn a responsive HTML5 page, a video can be shown at full width (100%) by applying the following CSS. The video's native resolution is 480x270. On all desktop browsers, the video is resized to span the entire width of the page while preserving the aspect ratio. On the iPad (iOS 6.0.1), Mobile Safari and Chrome, however, display a black rectangle same width as the page. The black rectangle's centre contains a little video that is shown at its original resolution ... Read More

Flexbox and vertical scroll in a full-height app using newer Flexbox API with HTML

Chandu yadav
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 14:16:04


The flex property is a shorthand for the flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis properties. The flex property sets the flexible length on flexible items.For example −#container article {    -webkit-flex: 1 1 auto;    overflow-y: auto;    height: 0px; /*here the height is set to 0px*/ }If you want a min-height, the use height: 100px; that it is exactly the same as − min-height: 100px;#container article {    -webkit-flex: 1 1 auto;    overflow-y: auto;    height: 100px; /*here the height is set to 100px*/ }

The correct way to work with HTML5 checkbox

Giri Raju
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 14:16:39


The following is the correct way −ExampleHere is an example −           Checkbox Control                         Maths           Physics            

HTML5 Cross Browser iframe post message - child to parent?

George John
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 11:25:46


The parent object provides a reference to the main window from the child.The following is the parent code. The directive below triggers the iFrame to send a message to the parent window every 3 seconds. No initial message from the main window needed!var a= window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";// here a is the event method var b= window[a];// here b is the eventer var c= a== "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message";// here c is the message event // Listen to message from child window b (c, function(e) {    var d= e.message ? "message" : "data";// here d is ... Read More
