Found 14 Articles for Heat

Constant-volume gas thermometers

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 17:07:51

4K+ Views

Introduction Constant-volume gas thermometer works on the principles of thermodynamics. It us understand this. The best illustration of the zeroth law of thermodynamics is provided by thermometers. Constant-volume gas thermometers are crucial because other thermometers are calibrated using them. A mercury manometer is typically attached to a bulb that is filled with a fixed volume of a diluted gas to create a constant-volume gas thermometer. The manometer is used to gauge pressure variation. According to the Gay-Lussac’s law, an ideal gas's pressure rises in direct proportion to its temperature. Additionally, as temperature drops, so does the pressure similarly drops. ... Read More

Differences Between Enthalpy and Entropy

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 12:00:36

2K+ Views

Introduction Thermodynamics is a study that establishes a relationship between heat and work. To understand it well, the concept of two terms- entropy and enthalpy has to be deeply dug in. In this article, the basic definitions of entropy and enthalpy, as well as the differences will be discussed in an ordered way. In very simple words, the entropy is the measure of randomness; on the other hand, the enthalpy represents the total heat of the system. What is Entropy? Entropy is a measurable physical property that represents the degree of disorder of a system. Any kind of matter or ... Read More

Difference Between Heat and Temperature

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 13:07:10


Introduction You must have used the terms temperature and heat synonymously at some point in your life. That is okay because, in the context of day-to-day usage, the two terms are quite similar. A greater amount of heat is characterized by a higher temperature. However, in the realm of Physics, heat, and temperature are closely related, but they aren’t congruent with each other. Indeed, while heat is a form of energy, the temperature is a measure of energy. Two items at the same temperature might not necessarily have the same amount of heat. Conversely, two items given the same amount ... Read More

Latent Heat of Water

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 11:22:45


Introduction A body of matter which is confined in a particular space by the boundaries is called a thermodynamic system. They have definite permeability. According to their boundaries they may be classified as closed systems, open systems, and isolated systems. In an isolated system, there is no transformation of energy or matter across the boundaries of the system. There is no work done on the system. In a closed system, there is a transformation of energy but the matter cannot be transferred across the boundaries. In an open system, there is a free exchange of energy and matter across boundaries. ... Read More

Temperature Measurement Thermometer

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 15:27:05


Introduction Measuring temperature is required in every aspect, as it is defined as a process that helps in identifying the current temperature of the respective body. In various fields, from industries of metallurgy to cooking, the temperature is being measured. However, over the years, several devices, as well as sensors, are used to conduct the measurement of the temperatures. This further means, Gauging temperatures and as it is a physical property it can be referred to as the substance of thermometric. Definition of Thermometer The sense of touch assists us with the knowledge of whether the respective object is cold ... Read More

Adiabatic Process

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Every matter in the universe is made up of small particles called molecules. According to the distance between the molecules and the attractive force, they are classified. Different matters have different properties. The properties of matter include mass temperature, density, volume pressure, etc. The transformation of heat is done in matters by conduction, convection, and radiation. Thermodynamics deals with the thermal energy which comes from heat. Thermodynamics comes under the branch of physics which explain the relation of heat, work, and temperature with energy, entropy. Now, we are going to discuss the thermodynamic system, process, adiabatic process and their ... Read More

Relation Between Celsius and Kelvin

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

1K+ Views

Introduction Celsius and Kelvin denote the two different important scales that are used to measure body temperature. Both units are used to measure the same properties but the lowest and the highest temperature are different. These two scales guide to gain the body temperature which is applicable in different calculations as well as calibrations. The standard value of the Kelvin scale starts at -273 with denotes the reciprocal of 0.0366, which is a negative value. On the Celsius scale, the point of absolute zero is 2730C while on the Kelvin scale the absolute zero is 0 k. What is the ... Read More


Updated on 21-Aug-2023 10:23:21


Introduction Radiation demonstrates alpha radiation ($\mathrm{\alpha}$), neutron radiation and beta radiation ($\mathrm{\beta}$). Radiation has a nucleus which carries the positive electrical charge while the electrons transmit the negative charge. The forces within the atom work towards stable and powerful balance by getting excessively rid of atomic energy or radioactivity. In this procedure, the unbalanced nuclei may release the energy quantity and this spontaneous and constant emission is termed radiation. Electromagnetic radiation and particle radiation are the physical kinds of radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is the kind of radiation which is pure energy with no heavyweight. The particle radiation is demonstrated ... Read More

Two Stroke Engine

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction A two-stroke engine is associated with the kind of engine that utilizes internal combustion to generate a complete power cycle. The two-stroke engine completes a power cycle utilizing two strokes of the piston. Furthermore, this power cycle is completed in a single revolution of the crankshaft. These engines have a distinct property of retaining a high power-to-weight ratio and the power is available within a very shallow range of rotational speeds which are referred to as the power band. What is a two-stroke engine? Aa (2020), the two-stroke engines work on a very specific principle that the starting ... Read More

Cyclic Process

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Let us take a container containing air and start heating that container. Let the initial temperature and pressure of the air 25°C and 1 atmospheric pressure, respectively. After heating for some time, the temperature of the air will become 100°C and the pressure of the air 2 atmospheric pressure. So the temperature and pressure of the air tells us the state of the air at that particular time. And this temperature and pressure is the thermodynamic variable which is defining or fixing the state of the air. So we can say that the state of any thermodynamic system can be specified ... Read More
