Found 273 Articles for Health

Can Stress Cause Hives?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 16:47:45


Do you have a nasty case of hives? Has the rash on your skin been sticking around for days, despite your efforts to get rid of it? Stress could be causing your hives - and if this is the cause, then understanding what might be stressing you out can help make the condition more bearable. Let's understand how stress levels can lead to hives, why some people may be more prone to developing them than others, and tips for managing both your stress level and chronic hive outbreaks. Let's dive deeper. What are Hives? Hives, or urticaria, refers to ... Read More

How Ticks Can Make You Sick

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 16:46:14


Ticks are small arachnids, related to spiders. They feed on the blood of mammals, birds, and occasionally reptiles and amphibians. Ticks are responsible for a number of diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, babesiosis, and ehrlichiosis. Since they are so small, it’s nearly impossible for you to see them. There have been incidences where people have misdiagnosed a tick infection with other diseases. Once they latch to your body, they feed on your blood and become larger. You only get to notice them once they grow larger. Different Types of Ticks Some common ticks you ... Read More

9 Most Common Triggers for Bipolar Mood Episodes

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 16:37:45


Bipolar Mood Episodes, also known as bipolar disorder (sometimes also referred to as hypomania or manic mania), is an illness of mental health that is characterized by frequent ups and downs of mental state (depression). Sadness, despair, and the general feeling of not having fun in life are all common signs of depression. Euphoria, joy, energy levels, or a sudden increase in irritation are all signs of hypomanic or manic states. Mood swings have been associated with energy, sleep, behavior, judgment, activity, and cognitive function disruptions. Mood swings can occur each year or more than times throughout the year. ... Read More

How to use a Menstrual Cup?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 10:36:10


Everyone who gets their period wants to handle it in a way that is both comfortable and clean. When it comes to sanitary products, people typically use tampons and pads. However, a growing number of women believe menstrual cups are a superior period solution, and the results of a recent thorough study support this opinion. One kind of washable feminine hygiene item is the menstruation cup. You place a tiny, flexible cup—shaped like a funnel—made of silicone or rubber—into your vagina to trap and collect menstrual fluid. Since cups can store more blood than other devices, many women choose ... Read More

Fiber: How Much Is Too Much?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 10:33:32


Fruits, vegetables, and cereals made with whole grains are good sources of dietary fiber. The indigestible bits or compounds of plants are what makeup fiber. These components of plants go through our digestive tract mostly unaltered and are eliminated as stool. Carbohydrates make up the bulk of fiber. The primary function of fiber is to maintain the health of the digestive tract. How much Dietary Fiber do you need, Exactly? Men should consume 30–38g of fiber per day, while women aged 18–50 should consume 25g, and women aged 51 and over should consume 21g, according to national guidelines. ... Read More

5 Weird Things Running Does to Your Body

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 18:51:29


“Running may significantly impact one's body's health, regardless of speed.” A common kind of exercise is jogging or running. At least once in their lives, one in five persons tries running (or jogging). Running is a desirable exercise since it doesn't cost much to participate in, and you can run whenever it's convenient for you.  Some walkers decide to take part in marathons, sports competitions, or recreational races. Numerous health advantages come from regular jogging or running. Running could − As it involves muscle strength, it aids in developing strong bones. It also strengthens muscles and improves cardiovascular health. ... Read More

10 Foods I Eat Every Day to Beat Depression

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 18:09:55


A common and serious medical condition that harms one's feelings, thoughts, and actions, is Depression (major depressive disorder). Fortunately, it can also be treated. Pain and a decline in interest in past interests are symptoms of Depression. Your capacity to perform at work and home will decline, and many psychological and physical issues will trigger. Avocados Because they contain healthy fat, which is essential for the normal functioning of your brain, avocados are considered to be superfoods. In one avocado, fat accounts for 34 of the fruit's total calories, the vast majority of which are monounsaturated fats derived from ... Read More

Turmeric (Curcumin): A Complete Scientific Guide

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 20:40:09


If you're like most people, your nutrition knowledge is limited to what various food labels have been telling you for years. You probably know that fruits and vegetables are essential, but beyond that, you may need to be more knowledgeable. That's because most of the information on how different foods can help or harm your health is based on studies using animals or small groups of humans. Human studies are the best available science to determine how one food may affect another. So what can we learn from these studies? How do they relate to us? And even ... Read More

Unilever Voluntarily Recalls Dry Shampoos Due to Potentially High Levels of Benzene

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 20:38:43


According to a statement issued by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States, the company Unilever United States has voluntarily recalled 19 dry shampoo products because there was a possibility that the products contained elevated concentrations of benzene, which is known to cause cancer. The statement also stated that the company recalled the products because there was a possibility that the products contained elevated concentrations of some other chemicals also. This was done because there was a chance that the products contained benzene in higher proportions than it should have for effective results. Dry shampoos created before ... Read More

10 Healthy Foods That Boost Energy

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 20:36:48


If you plan it right, what you eat can keep you sound and invigorated the entire day. The key is keeping up with adjusted glucose levels and gobble feasts comprised of low glycemic record sugars, protein, and modest quantities of good fats. Even dinner can keep you filled for up to four hours, so another expert tip is to eat like clockwork or thereabouts to maintain a consistent progression of energy. The most terrible food varieties to eat for supported energy are high-sugar food sources since they cause your glucose rise rapidly, setting off the arrival of a lot of ... Read More
