Found 273 Articles for Health

The Fruit Flush Diet

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 20:52:10


The Fruit Flush Diet is a three-day diet that helps eliminate waste from your body. Toxins formed in your body from consuming alcoholic beverages or processed junk can be removed with the help of this diet. The main aim of this diet is to make people eat foods like fruits and healthy vegetables in healthy quantities. The people who followed the diet have claimed that it helped them flush out the toxins from their bodies. The diet advises the follower to feed their system with fruits or vegetables every two hours. This diet claims that one can lose nine pounds ... Read More

9 Signs You're in a Healthy Relationship

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 21:34:54


Respect and boundaries are also important in a healthy relationship. Both parties should respect each other's opinions, beliefs, and limitations. This means that they should not try to control or manipulate each other. Equality and mutual decision-making are also important, as both parties should have an equal say in important decisions that affect the relationship. What are the critical components of a healthy relationship? A healthy relationship is one in which both parties feel safe, respected, and valued. It is built on trust and honesty, where both parties feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Communication and ... Read More

5 Types of Tea That May Support Your Immune System

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 21:35:35


It's no surprise that consuming tea is beneficial to your health. Tea has long been used in the medieval treatment and is seen as a panacea in several Asian nations. The advantages of consuming tea extend well above merely experiencing better while sick. Tea can help safeguard brain function, boost cardiac health, and help avoid some cancers. Here, we'll go over all the medical advantages of consuming tea so you can curl up with your favorite cup and slurp to your happiness. One of the most consumed beverages worldwide is tea. The two main categories of tea are ... Read More

When Should You Worry About a Birthmark?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 20:56:01


A birthmark is a skin mark or spot present at birth or appearing soon after. Various sizes, shapes, colors, and texture factors can cause it. Most birthmarks are harmless, but in some cases, they may indicate a more serious underlying medical condition. What are Birthmarks? A birthmark is a spot or mark on the skin that is present at birth or appears shortly after that. It is a common and harmless condition, affecting nearly everyone to some degree. Birthmarks can vary in size, shape, color, and texture and can appear anywhere on the body. Vascular birthmarks and pigmented birthmarks ... Read More

14 Drinking Quotes to Remember if You Love Alcohol a Little Too Much

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 20:57:45

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Alcohol − temporary fun with permanent consequences. When you say no to your friend about the fifth glass, listen to it and stick to it. You are worthy enough to do so. Alcohol might solve many life problems, but none is permanent, and it’s likely the cause of most situations. “First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you” these famous words by author F. Scott Fitzgerald in his world-renowned book The Great Gatsby perfectly hold the definition of how much alcohol can affect our livelihood. During this time, most people celebrate ... Read More

Tickle Me Pink: 12 Fun Facts About Tickling

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:29:23


Have you heard about CosquilleArte in Madrid, the world's first tickle spa? The best medicine, according to some, is laughing. Unless, of course, you feel like you're being tickled to death, or at the very least, to the extent that you're going to poop your pants. Though not always unpleasant, being tickled may be enjoyable. For instance, parents may tickle their infants to elicit cute baby laughs, or couples who tickle as a kind of flirtation and seduction. There are tickling clinics where professionals use their fingers and soft feathers to relax their customers. We invite you to go ... Read More

Florida Sees Flesh-Eating Bacteria Cases Rise in the wake of Hurricane Ian

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:27:57


Hurricane Ian During the latter part of September and the beginning of October 2022, Hurricane Ian, a sizable tropical storm, significantly damaged western Cuba, Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina with storm and flooding. Around 160 people were killed due to flash flooding brought on by the storm's ferocious winds, heavy rain, and coastal storm waves, which also caused significant property damage in the places it passed. As a category-4 hurricane that made landfall in Florida, Ian was the fifth-strongest storm to ever hit the United States, with maximum sustained winds of around 240 kilometers (150 miles) per hour. ... Read More

How to Keep Fit and Motivated

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:25:23


Ever begun a workout regimen only to give up halfway through? You are one if you indicated yes. Numerous people start workout regimens but may give up when they become weary, don't like it, or see too little progress. This advice will help you maintain your motivation. “Be inspired by everyone you come into contact with, especially those unable to engage in physical activity.” Make Objectives Simple goals should be set first, followed by more ambitious ones. Be sure to set reasonable and reachable goals. If your ambitions are too lofty, it's simple to become discouraged and give up. ... Read More

10 Signs That You Are Being Stalked

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:24:43


The most feared crimes against women are those involving stalking. Are you aware of the several guises that stalking may assume and the steps you can take to prevent each one? The Department of Justice performed research that found that one in 12 women may experience stalking at some point in their lives. As per the Bureau of Justice Statistics, almost 75% of women are acquainted with their stalkers in some manner. Because of this, women frequently fail to see the danger in the scenario. Laws also differ in state definitions of the level of anxiety and anguish that ... Read More

How Many Exercises Do I Need?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:20:49


Workout is among the most valuable traits you can do to improve your well-being. It has several advantages. It can enhance your general health and endurance while lowering your chance of developing several chronic conditions. The amount of exercise a person can do is divided into two categories for adults and Children or teens − Each week, adults engage in at minimum 2.5 hrs of moderate or 1.5 hrs of vigorous-intensity cardio physical exercises. You may also perform a mix of both. Spread up your athletic activities across different hours of the week. That's preferable to attempting to ... Read More
