Found 273 Articles for Health

10 Questions to Consider When You Perm Your Hair for a good look

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 17:52:23


A perm, also known as permanent wave or curly perm, is one of the hairstyle options consisting of curls or waves setting into the hair. It is also a procedure of using chemicals to change the texture of hair and turn it into a permanent wave or curl. Perm the hair can be done by modifying the structure of hair with the use of chemicals and heat for breaking the bonds, which determine natural hair texture such as wavy or straight. The procedure of perming style hair takes around 2 to 3 hours to get great looking. In this method, ... Read More

5 People Died of Rabies in the U.S. in 2021, the Most in a Decade

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 15:42:11


Rabies is an infectious disease caused by a virus that affects the brain and spinal cord. Bites from infected animals, such as dogs, bats, foxes, raccoons, and skunks, can cause Rabies. More animals, such as monkeys and mongooses, can also bite, leading to this health condition. Rabies is almost always fatal once symptoms appear unless caught in time and treated with intense antiviral medicine. In the United States, around 1, 000 people suffer from Rabies each year. Of those, about one hundred die from the disease. In 2011, only a few human deaths were due to Rabies in the ... Read More

Physical Attraction – What to do When Your Spouse is Overweight?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 15:41:05


Some long-married couples say their attraction has grown stronger over time, while others say their attraction has faded, even if they look the same. Some people are more accepting of the changes in their appearance that come with age, pregnancy, and other health problems because they can't do anything about it. The picture looks different if one of them is overweight because he does not eat right or exercise enough. Gray hair and wrinkles happen to everyone in the end. But if a person puts on weight to a significant level, can his partner expect anything to change? It ... Read More

8 Energy Boosters to Beat Menopausal Fatigue

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 15:38:37


Women have menopausal symptoms when they haven't been able to have a menstrual cycle for a year without getting pregnant or sick. It's a normal thing to do as the years go by. It's because as women age, their levels of sexual hormones drop. In the end, your ovaries will stop making eggs, and you won't have periods or be able to get pregnant. Symptoms of menopause usually show up when a woman is in her 40s or 50s. But there could be several. For example, a recent study found that half of the American women experience menopausal symptoms by ... Read More

How to Move On 10 Steps for Closure After You Break Up?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 15:31:47


One of the hardest things anyone has to overcome is a breakup. It pains you in a way that’s hard to describe but can also be incredibly confusing and challenging. It’s easy to feel like you don’t know what happened or where you went wrong, especially if the relationship was long-term and relatively significant. This article will provide 10 steps for moving on after a breakup that will help anyone who has lost a significant other in his life. So, whether or not it was recent, read this article because closure is essential! Thus, here are 10 Steps for ... Read More

The Consequence of Sleeping the Wrong Way

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 15:27:42


Good posture is much more required than sitting and standing. While you sleep, your back muscles and ligaments unwind and repair themselves. Hence, a good posture is crucial while sleeping to protect your back. Snoring, signs of respiratory problems, back problems, and other physical ailments may all be affected by whether you sleep on your abdomen, back, or side. The ideal sleeping position can be determined, keeping these factors in mind. Most adults fall asleep without giving their position in bed a second thought. Many people do not think about the health consequences of sleeping in one way or ... Read More

Calm Your Racing Mind to Get Better Sleep

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 14:32:45


If you're having trouble getting quality sleep, it can be easy to feel frustrated and exhausted. But before you reach for the sleeping pills, consider that a racing mind may be keeping you awake at night. Life can be overwhelming, and it's normal to have worries and anxieties weighing on your mind – but sometimes, our minds simply won't turn off. Thankfully, there are ways to quiet your racing thoughts so that you can drift off into a peaceful slumber and get the restful sleep you need. In this post, we'll explore why an overactive mind keeps us up at ... Read More

What’s the Best Facial For Your Age?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 14:31:09


Your skin is receiving a beating from the elements, including the sun, filth, grime, pollution, and stress. It's possible that you won't notice it right away, but the effects will become more obvious with time. Dehydration due to the sun creates fine wrinkles and discoloration. There is also the possibility that you may get the break necessary to adhere to a face regimen that is tailored to your specific needs. Facial Treatment There is a facial treatment out there that can make anybody, regardless of the year they were born, feel revitalized, fresh, and shining after receiving it. It's ... Read More

How Keto Diet Affects Your Cholesterol

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 14:28:45


In recent years, the ketogenic diet, characterized by a high-fat and low-carbohydrate intake, has become more popular as a weight loss and health improvement method. The idea is that switching to a high-fat diet while drastically decreasing carbs would force the body into a metabolic state called ketosis. In this state, your body fat is used for energy rather than carbohydrates. Even while the ketogenic diet helps help people lose weight and improve various health markers, such as their blood sugar and insulin levels, there are still some worries regarding its effect on cholesterol levels. The waxy molecule known as ... Read More

Ten Foods that Keep your Blood Sugar Under Control

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 14:27:02


Managing your blood sugar can feel like a full-time job for people with diabetes. What you eat is one of the biggest ways to keep it in check, but it doesn't have to be boring! Today we're going to look at ten tasty foods that won't spike your blood sugar and may even help you get better control. So if you're ready to break away from ramen noodles and lettuce leaves, let's dive into some delicious diabetes-friendly meals packed with flavour – without the stress! Ten Highly Beneficial Food for People with Diabetes Avocados Avocado is known as a ... Read More
