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How to write data into EEPROM with Arduino?

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 09:40:24

1K+ Views

Arduino Uno has 1 kB of EEPROM storage. EEPROM is a type of non-volatile memory, i.e., its contents are preserved even after power-down. Therefore, it can be used to store data that you want to be unchanged across power cycles. Configurations or settings are examples of such data.ExampleWe will see how to write data to the EEPROM in this example. We will be walking through an inbuilt example in Arduino. The EEPROM examples can be accessed from − File → Examples → EEPROM.We will look at the eeprom_write example. It is quite straightforward, thanks to the EEPROM library. A word ... Read More

How to read data from EEPROM in Arduino?

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 09:37:07

2K+ Views

Arduino Uno has 1 kB of EEPROM storage. EEPROM is a type of non-volatile memory, i.e., its contents are preserved even after power-down. Therefore, it can be used to store data that you want to be unchanged across power cycles. Configurations or settings are examples of such data.ExampleWe will see how to read data from EEPROM in this example. We will be walking through an inbuilt example in Arduino. The EEPROM examples can be accessed from − File → Examples → EEPROM.We will look at the eeprom_read example. It is quite straightforward, thanks to the EEPROM library.We begin with the ... Read More

What is Arduino Ticker Library?

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 09:33:31

2K+ Views

The ticker library in Arduino helps you to perform fixed interval operations. It is a great alternative to using delay() as the interval, since this will provide non-blocking usage. This library doesn't use any hardware timer interrupts. Rather, it works with micros() and millis() to organize your tasks. All you need to provide this library is the name of the function to be called, at what interval, and how many times this should be repeated. The library does the rest.ExampleIn order to install this library, open the Library Manager, and search for 'Ticker'. Install the library by Stefan Staub.Once the ... Read More

Arduino IDE 2.0 – Using the Boards Manager

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 09:28:26


In Arduino IDE 2.0, the boards manager is present in the navigation panel on the left.It can also be accessed using Tools → Board → Boards Manager.If you open the boards manager, you can see that it allows you to download packages or cores, each containing one or more boards. For instance, instead of downloading only Uno, you download the 'Arduino AVR Boards' package, and this includes several other boards (like Mega, Leonardo, etc.) apart from Uno.Search for your board of interest, and click 'Install'The progress can be seen in the 'Output' tab at the bottom.

Installing a new library in Arduino IDE 2.0

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 09:23:12


The process of installing a new library in Arduino 2.0 is quite similar to the older versions of the IDE. While the library manager can be accessed using Tools → Manage Libraries, it is also available in the navigation panel on the left.The process ahead is quite straightforward. Search for the library of your interest, by typing in the search box, locate that library, and click Install!The IDE 2.0 prompts you if the selected library has any dependencies which aren't present, and asks you if you want to install these as well.You can choose the appropriate option, and see the ... Read More

How to use the Autocomplete feature in Arduino IDE 2.0?

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 09:18:56


The autocomplete feature is a welcome addition in Arduino IDE 2.0. This addresses a major drawback of Arduino IDE when compared to other IDEs, like Eclipse of VS Code.In order to use the auto-complete feature, you first need to select your board (this feature doesn't work till the board is selected). Once that is done, the suggestions should start popping up as soon as your start typing characters, as per the documentation.However, in some cases, like on my machine, this doesn't always happen. In such cases, you can click Ctrl + Space for the suggestions to appear. Perhaps that is ... Read More

How to Use a Serial Monitor with Arduino IDE 2.0?

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 09:15:43


In Arduino IDE 2.0, the Serial Monitor does not open in a popup window. Rather, it opens in a new tab at the bottom, besides the Output tab.The Serial Monitor can be accessed by Tools → Serial Monitor, or using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + M)The following figure highlights the various parts of the Serial Monitor.Note that because the IDE 2.0 is in the beta mode right now, the Serial Port may not be detected immediately. In some cases, you may need to restart the IDE for it to be detected.Similarly, the Upload button may not work sometimes. ... Read More

What are the major new features in Arduino IDE 2.0?

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 24-Jul-2021 14:56:49


The major new features in Arduino IDE 2.0 as compared to the previous versions are −Addition of Autocomplete featureThis was one of the main features putting Arduino at a disadvantage. Several other IDEs came with the autocomplete feature, which made writing code much faster. With the introduction of this feature, Arduino IDE will hopefully cover some lost groundAddition of Debugging ToolThough not yet supported by every board and platform, the introduction of this tool is a step in the right direction. It helps you introduce breakpoints and watch variables at runtime, helping the process of debugging.Serial Monitor is no longer ... Read More

How to download and install Arduino IDE 2.0?

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 24-Jul-2021 14:39:46


Arduino IDE 2.0 is currently available in the beta version. It can be downloaded from the following link: the .exe file is downloaded, follow the installation steps. Accept the License Agreement, select access, and then select the installation location and click Install.Once the installation is done, open the IDE.Open the dropdown at the top and click 'Select Other Board and Port'Next, select your board and port in the popup that opens up. If you select Arduino boards for the first time, you may see this message −Click Yes, and your IDE 2.0 is ready to work with your Arduino ... Read More

Difference between #define and const in Arduino

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 24-Jul-2021 14:34:44

4K+ Views

If you've done sufficient Arduino programming, you'd have seen that there are two ways of defining constants.#defineOne way is to use #define, like#define const_name 3constThe other way is to use the const keyword, likeconst int var_name = 3; Difference between #define and const#define is like a placeholder. The Arduino compiler replaces all mentions of this constant with its value at the compile time. This means that the values defined using #define don't take up any program space.Variables defined using const, on the other hand, are just normal variables, whose values can't be changed. They take up program memory space, and ... Read More
