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shiftIn() and shiftOut() in Arduino

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 30-Jul-2021 12:52:28

2K+ Views

shiftIn() and shiftOut() commands in Arduino are, very loosely speaking, software implementations of SPI. Of course, SPI is much faster, but SPI can work only on some specific pins of Arduino. shiftIn() and shiftOut() can use any two GPIOs of Arduino (not some specific pins like SPI).Both shiftIn() and shiftOut() require two digital pins, one dataPin and one clockPin.The dataPin will shift in or shift out a byte (8 bits) of data, 1 bit at a time. The clockPin synchronizes the data transfer. It is generally kept low, and for each bit transfer, it goes HIGH and then back to ... Read More

pulseIn() and pulseInLong() in Arduino

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 30-Jul-2021 12:50:29

2K+ Views

If there is an incoming pulse on a pin, and you need to measure the duration of the pulse then the pulseIn() function comes in handy.SyntaxThe syntax is −pulseIn(pin, value)Where pin is the number of the pin on which you wish to measure the pulse. The value is the level of the pulse. It can be HIGH or LOW.For example, if you set the value to HIGH, it means that as soon as the voltage on the pin goes from LOW to HIGH, the measurement of the time will start. It will stop when the voltage on the pin goes ... Read More

How to Perform Basic Linear Algebra on Arduino?

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 11:51:54

1K+ Views

The BasicLinearAlgebra library helps represent matrices and perform matrix math on Arduino. To install it, search for 'BasicLinearAlgebra' in the Library Manager.Once installed, go to: File → Examples → BasicLinearAlgebra → HowToUseAs the name suggests, this example shows how to use this library. While the comments in this example do much of the explanation, here are a few pointers that help illustrate the use of this library −You need to include the library and define the BLA namespace before getting started, as all the functions are wrapped up inside the BLA namespace.#include using namespace BLA;A matrix is defined using ... Read More

Complex numbers operations in Arduino

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 11:50:26


The Complex library by RobTillart helps perform complex number math in Arduino. In order to install this library, you can search for 'Complex' in library manager. The library can be found on GitHub. (Pay attention to the Readme. The library doesn't compile for Due and Teensy 3.5. A solution is provided there).Once installed, go to: File → Examples → Complex and open the complex.ino example.This example covers all the operations that you can perform with complex numbers. While the example is too large to reproduce here, here are a few points to note −Complex numbers are defined as Complex var(real, ... Read More

Serial Filtering Library in Arduino

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 11:44:30

1K+ Views

The Serial filtering library in Arduino helps you to apply some low pass filters and the median filter on any incoming data, to give you the filtered output. The GitHub repo of this library can be found here, and it is pretty detailed.In order to install the library, download the source code from GitHub, and place the 'Filter' folder in the libraries folder of Arduino (on Windows, the path is typically: C:/Users//Documents/Arduino/libraries)Once that is done, in the Arduino IDE, open File→Examples→Filter and pick an example of your choice (firFilter for example)As you can see, the code is quite straightforward.#include ... Read More

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on Arduino

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 11:41:01

10K+ Views

There are several libraries available which help you calculate the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) onboard the Arduino. We will look at the arduinoFFT library. This library can be installed via the Library Manager (search for arduinoFFT).Once installed, go to: File→Examples→arduinoFFT and open the FFT_01 example.ExampleThis example first creates a sinusoidal wave with the frequency of 1000Hz (sampled at 5000Hz). It then windows this using a Hamming function. Later it computes the FFT, determines the frequency with the highest magnitude, and returns it as the fundamental frequency. If that value is close to 1000 Hz, this code works.Let's begin the code ... Read More

Gaussian Library Arduino

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 11:33:08


The Gaussian Library by Ivan Seidel helps you implement Gaussian math, Kalman filters and moving averages in Arduino.To download this library, go to the Library Manager and search for 'Gaussian'. Install the library by Ivan Seidel.Once installed, go to: File → Examples → Gaussian, and open the GaussianRandomPlot example.ExampleNow, this example will seem overwhelming at first. Therefore, what I'll suggest is first running this example on your Arduino, and seeing the Serial Monitor output. I'll show it here.In summary, this code generates 20, 000 random Gaussian numbers, i.e., the numbers follow the Gaussian bell-curve distribution, and segregates them in different ... Read More

LinkedList in Arduino

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 11:26:29

2K+ Views

The LinkedList library by Ivan Seidel helps implement this data structure in Arduino. A linked list contains a set of nodes wherein each node contains some data, and a link (reference) to the next node in the list.To install this library, go to Library Manager, and search for LinkedList.Once installed, go to: File→ Examples→LinkedList and open the SimpleIntegerList example.Much of the code is self-explanatory. We include the library and create the object, specifying integer as the data type.#include LinkedList myList = LinkedList();Within setup, we populate the list with some integers, using the .add() function.void setup() {    Serial.begin(9600);   ... Read More

Getting help on Arduino Forum

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 11:22:37


Often, you are stuck on somewhere and don't find any relevant help from a Google search. In such cases, you can post your question on the Arduino Forum and ask for help from the vast Arduino community out there. Please make sure that you are not posting any duplicate topics. It is good practice to first check that no topic similar to yours is already present.In order to get help on the Arduino Forum, first sign up for an account on you log in, you will see this screen −Click "New Topic". The following window will open up.You need ... Read More

How to obtain the free RAM in Arduino?

Yash Sanghvi
Updated on 26-Jul-2021 11:20:46

2K+ Views

The Arduino-MemoryFree library can be used to obtain the free RAM within your Arduino. In order to use this library, install it first. The instructions to install a third-party library in Arduino are given here: installed, go to: Files → Examples → Arduino-MemoryFree.ExampleAs you can see the BareMinimum example lives up to its name. It is very short indeed.#include ; #include ; // not needed for new way. but good to have for reference. void setup() {    // put your setup code here, to run once:    Serial.begin(115200);    // forced to be compiled into and ... Read More
