Found 310 Articles for GUI-Programming

How do I close a tkinter window?

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 04-Mar-2021 13:46:19

12K+ Views

Creating an application using tkinter is easy but sometimes, it becomes difficult to close the window or the frame without closing it through the button on the title bar. In such cases, we can use the .destroy() method to close the window.As tkinter attributes are independent of each other, we can create a separate method to close the window using a button.Example#Import the library from tkinter import * #Create an instance of window win = Tk() #Set the geometry of the window win.geometry("700x400") #Define a function to close the window def close_win():    win.destroy() #Create a ... Read More

Good example of functional testing a Python Tkinter application

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 04-Mar-2021 13:43:10

2K+ Views

Let us suppose that we have a GUI-based Python tkinter application that takes the text input from the user and validates by saving it in a new text file. The file contains the same text input that the user has typed. We can check and validate the user input from the file.In Functional Testing, we are primarily concerned about backend API, database, user-server communication, Input and output, etc.To check the application using the functional testing strategy, we have to first understand the user requirement and the input/output. After testing the pre-phase, we test our application for different test cases.For example, ... Read More

Dynamically Resize Buttons When Resizing a Window using Tkinter

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 04-Mar-2021 13:40:59

1K+ Views

Python has many rich libraries for creating and developing GUI-based applications. Tkinter is one of the most commonly used Python libraries for creating GUI-based applications. It has many features like adding widgets and other necessary attributes necessary for creating an application.A button is a widget which can be assigned for some particular task or event. However, to dynamically resize or position the button widget, we can configure its position and layout using the Grid module in tkinter. To resize the button dynamically, we can use rowconfiguration() and coloumnconfiguration() methods.In a tkinter Grid system, there are four attributes which can be ... Read More

Creating a Transparent window in Python Tkinter

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 04-Mar-2021 13:39:00


Python is the most popular language for developing and creating functional and desktop applications. It has a rich library of different modules and functions which provides extensibility and accessibility to create and develop applications.Tkinter is the most commonly used library for creating GUI-based applications. It has features like adding widgets and other necessary attributes.Let us suppose that we want to create a transparent window using tkinter. To create the transparent window, we can use the attributes property and define the opacity value.Example#Importing the tkinter library from tkinter import * #Create an instance of tkinter frame win= Tk() #Define ... Read More

Creating a Frameless window in Python Tkinter

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 04-Mar-2021 13:37:48

3K+ Views

Tkinter is the most commonly used Python library for creating GUI-based applications. It has features like adding widgets and other necessary attributes.Let us suppose that we want to create a borderless window using tkinter. To create a borderless window, we can use the overrideredirect method which basically disables the window and removes the window element such as the closing button, title, minimization element and buttons, etc.overrideredirect is a Boolean function which can be either True or False. Once the window is opened, it can be closed by pressing Alt+F4.Example#Importing the tkinter library from tkinter import * #Create an instance ... Read More

Creating a Dropdown Menu using Tkinter

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 04-Mar-2021 13:36:31

2K+ Views

Navigation is the most important part of any application, as it improves the user experience in an aesthetic way. Using Tkinter, we can create menus and submenus very efficiently.Tkinter has an inbuilt function to create menus and these can be invoked with another tkinter widget or window. Tkinter.Menu module provides some properties in Menu-items. Some of these properties are used to label the buttons, toggling the button, adding submenus using cascade properties, etc.In this article, we will see how to create a dropdown menu using tkinter.Menu and its Menu-item properties. We will use OptionMenu widget to create a list of ... Read More

Create a Date Picker Calendar in Tkinter

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 04-Mar-2021 13:34:21

2K+ Views

Tkinter is a popular Python library for creating and developing applications. It has various methods and functions that can be used for adding multiple features in an application.Tkcalendar is one of the tkinter packages that can be used to create GUI-based calendars in the window and thus, we can perform multiple operations like selecting the data, picking and scheduling the event through the calendar application and many more.However, in this article, we will see how we can create a Date Picker calendar using the Tkcalendar package. Before that, we have to install the package in our local environment using pip ... Read More

Changing the Mouse Cursor in Tkinter

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 04-Mar-2021 13:33:03


Tkinter is a GUI-based Python library which is used to develop various types of functional and GUI-based applications. It provides lots of functions and methods that can be used to provide extensibility and various features while developing an application.In this article, we will see how we can change the mouse cursor while hovering on a button in the tkinter frame using the cursor property. There are plenty of cursor maps available in tkinter’s button library that provide different visuals for the end-user. Some of the cursor in the library are, "arrow""circle""clock""cross""dotbox""exchange""fleur""heart""heart""man""mouse""pirate""plus""shuttle""sizing""spider""spraycan""star""target""tcross""trek""watch"Let us first create some buttons and then we will ... Read More

Average Speed Calculator using Tkinter

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 04-Mar-2021 13:30:27


In this article, we will see how to create a GUI-based application that will calculate the average speed. The average speed of a moving object can be calculated using the following formula, Average Speed = Distance / [Hours + (Minutes/60)]To select the input value, we will use the SpinBox method that is used to create a spinner for a range of values. These values are Distance (Kilometers), Hours, and Minutes.Examplefrom tkinter import * #Create an instance of tkinter frame win = Tk() #Set the geometry and resize the frame win.geometry("700x400") win.resizable(0, 0) win.title("Average Speed Calculator") # Create Label ... Read More

Difference between DOS and Windows

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 14:55:22

19K+ Views

Both DOS and Windows are types of operating systems. DOS is a single-tasking, single-user and CLI-based OS; whereas Windows is a multitasking, multiuser and GUI-based OS. Read this tutorial to find out more about DOS and Windows and how these two operating systems are different from each other. What is DOS? DOS (Disk Operating System) is a character-based operating system that was developed in the 1980s for IBM-compatible computers. DOS is one of the oldest and widely used computer operating systems. It is a set of computer programs. DOS can perform major functions like file management, allocation of system resources, ... Read More
