Found 1748 Articles for Growth & Empowerment

What is Process Management?

Sakshi Goel
Updated on 13-Jul-2022 12:26:33


What is Process Management?Process Management or Business Process Management (BPM) is the organizational field that gives gear and assets for analyzing, defining, optimizing, monitoring, and controlling commercial enterprise approaches and for measuring and riding advanced overall performance of interdependent commercial enterprise approaches.Process Management refers to aligning procedures with an organization's strategic goals, designing and imposing method architectures, organizing method dimension structures that align with organizational goals, and instructing and organizing managers in order that they may control procedures effectively.Process control is a scientific method to make certain that powerful and green commercial enterprise techniques are in place. It is a ... Read More

What is Organizational Politics?

Sakshi Goel
Updated on 13-Jul-2022 12:19:31

2K+ Views

What is Organizational Politics?Organizational politics refers to the self-absorption and schedule of an individual in an organization without any concern about its effect on the objective of the company to attain its goals. It is a process that is linked to the self-absorbed human behavior and his interactions requiring authority and capability.Organizational politics is a confidential process to obtain and display the recognized power. It refers to the determining strategy and the enterprise that are initiated to hold on to personal control in the workplace. Organizational politics is in most cases displayed as a bad thing, but it is not ... Read More

What is Negotiation Process?

Sakshi Goel
Updated on 13-Jul-2022 12:15:34


What is Negotiation Process?Negotiation is a process by which two or more people solve an issue or arrive at a better result through agreement. In simple words, negotiation is a method to stay away from argument and come to an agreement with which both parties feel proud.Negotiation can be used by a variety of groups in a variety of situations. For example, between a particular market focus to get the best price on an item, between association focus to consolidate organizations through business negotiations, or between governments who want to come to a calm unity.Main Steps in the Negotiation ProcessFollowing are ... Read More

What is Investment Management?

Sakshi Goel
Updated on 13-Jul-2022 12:11:17


What is Investment Management?Investment management is an activity, not a product. It includes the formation of an investment policy and strategy subsequently by ongoing monitoring to make sure that the goals arranged in it are being met. Many variables have to be examined when planning an investment policy for a pension fund.Investment management is the executive asset management of various securities, including stockholders, bonds, and other assets, such as real estate, to meet identified investment targets for the sake of investors.Investment management refers to the handling of capitals and other investments-not only buying and selling them. Management includes conceiving a ... Read More

What is the Role of Workplace Information Management?

Sakshi Goel
Updated on 13-Jul-2022 12:07:08


What is Information Management?Information control (IM) is the organization and management of statistics from one or greater assets and the dispersal of that statistics to at least one or greater listeners. This formally calls for the ones who've an aid in or a property to that statistics.Information control affords the capability to collect lately advanced and greater green technology for handling statistics. It may be mechanization, operation solutions, professional structures or any high-tech services or products a good way to assist the enterprise achieve greater blessings from its statistics.Role of Information Management in the WorkplaceInformation control permits an organization to ... Read More

What is Impression Management?

Sakshi Goel
Updated on 13-Jul-2022 12:02:45

1K+ Views

What is Impression Management?Impression Management is the procedure in which people try to impact the discernment or impressions others have about them by managing and administrating information. People are liable to present a helpful image of each other. This also plays a part in the business world.Impression management is a deliberate and unconscious process in which people try to affect the discernment of other people about a person, entity by managing and administrating in social interaction. Normally, people accept impression management to achieve targets that require they have a desired public image. Impression management is an ordinary way for people ... Read More

What is Entrepreneurial Management?

Sakshi Goel
Updated on 13-Jul-2022 11:59:03

8K+ Views

What is Entrepreneurial Management?Entrepreneurial management comprises setting particular goals for the new venture. Setting particular goals may help the entrepreneur control their revolution and to accomplish a certain result. Entrepreneurial management is the theory of utilizing the imaginative and creative abilities, skills and proficiencies to adeptly open and manage a start-up company. It is a means of resolving a group problem through a distinctive and money-making business solution.An entrepreneur is every time seen as an investigator. He/she thinks about a big problem and discovers a creative solution to it. Efficiently, as it is known that people pay back equally if ... Read More

Differences between Accelerated Depreciation and Straight-Line Depreciation

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 13-Jul-2022 09:57:25


In the context of a company, "depreciation" refers to any form of value loss that occurs during the course of ownership of an asset. The value of the asset decreases as a result of normal wear and tear as well as regular use. It is unavoidable, and the cost will be borne by the owner of the firm.In this article, we will look at two types of depreciation namely, Accelerated Depreciation and Straight-Line Depreciation. Let's investigate the distinctions between the two, and then talk about how you might use each one in your company.What is Accelerated Depreciation?Accelerated depreciation is a ... Read More

Difference between Golden Handshake and Golden Parachute

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 11-Jul-2022 08:59:20


Every company has the same goal: to find the most brilliant people possible and hold on to them. The same is valid, in particular, when it comes to high-risk executive employment, in which managers are charged with the task of making dangerous decisions in the best interest of the firm. In order to accomplish this result in the incredibly competitive employment markets, businesses provide significant incentives to their employees.Golden handshake and the golden parachute are two of the most important offers that are available right now. Both of these benefits are quite valuable, so what sets one apart from the ... Read More

Difference between an Entrepreneur and a Businessman

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 11-Jul-2022 08:50:58


When speaking about someone involved in business, the phrases "entrepreneur" and "businessman" are sometimes used synonymously. The two terms are frequently used interchangeably. However, you should realize that running a business and becoming an entrepreneur are very different things. In this article, the similarities and distinctions between the two will be discussed.Who is an Entrepreneur?A person who comes up with an original business plan with the goal of affecting a positive impact on the world is an entrepreneur. He recognizes an issue in the market, and then he develops a way to resolve that problem. They have a high level ... Read More
